REFRESH can be used to immediately redisplay the image in an input process without waiting for it to be redisplayed normally in accordance with the process cycle.

    ••••• REFRESH

(1) T/F execution conditions

Using the Statement

The REFRESH statement instantly redisplays the current image without waiting for the processing cycle to complete.

This statement is useful when changes to the display must be shown immediately. Normally, an image is redisplayed only when the user initiates the processing cycle by pressing enter. By using the REFRESH statement, however, the image can be redisplayed prior to the execution of the processing cycle. This is especially useful, as shown in the following example, when a user’s idle scrolling display must be updated to reflect any new records added by other users.

Related Statements



          IF       TAR WORK 30 SECONDS ELAPSED    EQ     Y
    T     REFRESH