Input Image Rules Option

When you select the rules option on either the Scrolling Input Images screen or the Non-Scrolling Input Images screen, the input image Event Points for Rules overlay is displayed as shown in Figure 3-6-14 below. This overlay provides options to access the ILF Editor for APPX event points. If statements are defined in an event point, the respective text on the screen is highlighted.

Figure 3-6-14. Input Image Event Points for Rules Overlay

The input image Event Points for Rules overlay contains the following options:

Start of Process

start of process accesses the ILF editor for the Start of Process event point. Upon completion, you are returned to the Event Points overlay.

Set Run-Time Defaults

set run-time defaults accesses the ILF editor for the Set Run-Time Defaults event point. Upon completion, you are returned to the Event Points overlay.

Post PCF Read

post pcf read accesses the ILF editor for the Post PCF Read event point. Upon completion, you are returned to the Event Points overlay.

Select Image

select image accesses the ILF editor for the Select Image event point. Upon completion, you are returned to the Event Points overlay.

Global EP's For Images

global ep's for images calls the Global Event Points overlay shown in Figure 3-6-15 below.

Figure 3-6-15. Global Event Points Overlay

This overlay provides options for four additional event points:


pre-display accesses the ILF editor for the Pre-Display event point. Upon completion, you are returned to the Event Points overlay.


pre-display/verify accesses the ILF editor for the Pre-Display/Verify event point. Upon completion, you are returned to the Event Points overlay.

Option Intercept

option intercept accesses the ILF editor for the Option Intercept event point. Upon completion, you are returned to the Event Points overlay.


verify accesses the ILF editor for the Verify event point. Upon completion, you are returned to the Event Points overlay.

Pre-PCF Update

pre-pcf update accesses the ILF editor for the Pre-PCF Update event point. Upon completion, you are returned to the Event Points overlay.

Post PCF Update

post pcf update accesses the ILF editor for the Post PCF Update event point. Upon completion, you are returned to the Event Points overlay.

End of Process

end of process accesses the ILF editor for the End of Process event point. Upon completion, you are returned to the Event Points overlay.

File Level EPs

file level eps provides access to the File Level Event Points for the PCF file. These event points are not directly associated with the process but with the PCF file. See the Files Rules Option in Chapter 2-4 for more information on using these event points.

Refer to Chapter 3-16: Using Event Points for more information about event points.