Chapter 4-7: Predefined Fields and Processes
This field is used to pass information from one process to another among related and subprocess families.
Query processes have special rules with respect to "sharing" of work fields and temporary work files among APPX processes. (See Chapter 1-5: Interprocess Communications for more information on data sharing.) PROCESS CODE represents an exception to these special rules, as follows:
The "Setup" (Operator Interactive) phase of Query processing inherits inbound work fields and temporary files according to normal Interprocess Communication rules. But it passes outbound work fields/temp files only to the "Execution" phase of Query processing. Query (Execution) inherits inbound files/fields only from its associated Query (Setup). It can pass nothing to any subsequent job step, with the following exception:
The predefined field PROCESS CODE can be used to pass limited information into and out of Query processes. Up through Release 3.0, the application designer could not count on a Query running to completion (and making PROCESS CODE modifications available) before a subsequent Output or Update starts executing.
An exception to this is that the Query (Runtime) does not make PROCESS CODE available until after the subsequent Output/Update's Start of Process ILF series has executed, but before the first frame starts executing for the Output/Update
To access a PROCESS CODE (modified in a Query) in an Output's or Update's Start of Process, you can put a "dummy" update in after the Query, and before the subsequent Output/Update. This dummy update should be based in Query's PCF, and contain a single END PROC statement in its Start of Frame ILF series. This will make PROCESS CODE available in a subsequent Output/Update's Start of Process ILF series.
APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03)
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