Chapter 4-7: Predefined Fields and Processes Cover Page INCLUDE CHILDRENINTERACTIVE PHASE


This field is used only in query processes and determines whether or not any given record, on a file being sorted, will be included in the sort. Before each record is presented to query selection, this field is reset to null (blank).

If it is left blank, then the normal query selection — whether end user-entered or designer-entered — will determine whether or not the record is included in the sort.

If this field is set to N, the record will not be included in the sort even if it would have passed the normal query selection.

If this field is set to Y, the record will be included in the sort, even if it would not have passed the normal query selection.

          IF       TAP VENDOR NO                  GT     55555
    T     SET      --- INCLUDE RECORD             =      N


APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03) Cover Page INCLUDE CHILDRENINTERACTIVE PHASE

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