Chapter 4-6: ILF Keyword Reference Cover Page DIMDISPLAY


DISABLE is used to conditionally make a button unavailable to users in input processes or on menus. This can be used to deactivate buttons when certain conditions or data entered dictate.

    ••••• DISABLE  ••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• (AT APPEARANCE # •••)
    (1)            (2) (3)                    (4)                  (5)

(1) T/F execution conditions

(2) Application ID

(3) Field name or button reference name

(4) Occurrence (constant/index)

(5) Appearance (constant/index)

Using the Statement

DISABLE is used in input or menu processes to make a button unavailable for user selection. This can be used for buttons that are conditionally unavailable depending on prior entries, user qualities, databases, interactive phase, and so forth.

The application ID must be left blank if a button reference name (assigned when the button is painted on the image) is used. Otherwise, use an application ID and field name that contains the name of an alpha field containing the button reference name.


DISABLE statements are only valid in image-related event points.

Related Statements



The following example disables the SUBMIT ORDER button if a valid approval code has not been entered.

          IF       TOE APPROVAL CODE VALID        NE     1
    T     DISABLE      SUBMIT ORDER               (AT APPEARANCE #    )


APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03) Cover Page DIMDISPLAY

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