Chapter 4-3: Specifying Statements Cover Page The Statement KeywordThe File Name

The Application ID

The application ID component identifies the application that a specified file or field is associated with. This allows you, for example, to compare the value of a field in one application to that of a field in a second application. All the statement types that allow you to specify files or fields require you to provide the corresponding application ID. Note that, when you refer to any of the predefined fields (PDFs) in a statement, you enter “---” (three hyphens) as the application ID. When you specify a constant (such as when adding the value 3 to a designated numeric field), you leave the application ID as spaces. The following is an example of an application ID reference:

    TFT   READ     TAR RECEIPT1               HOLD 0 FT 0 BY RECEIPT1 KEY

The component TAR refers to the application ID in which the RECEIPT1 file is included.


APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03) Cover Page The Statement KeywordThe File Name

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