Chapter 4-7: Predefined Fields and Processes
This field is used only for input and query processes. For input processes, it initially contains the value of the Default Mode parameter entered by the designer when the input process was defined. For query processes, the initial value is null. The only appropriate places to change this parameter are in the Pre-Invocation or Start of Process event points.
In query processes, a value of ADD or blank will reset any previous setup for the query; a value of CHANGE or INQUIRE will allow the user to modify any previous setup for the query. A value of DELETE will delete the sort work files.
Initial Value:
The Initial Value is initialized to blank when a child is invoked detached. For an input process, it is set to the value of MODE before invoking a child whose Default Mode is blank.
Valid Values: ADD, DELETE, INQUIRE, CHANGE, or blank.
Related PDFs: MODE
APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03)
© 2003 by APPX Software, Inc. All rights reserved