Chapter 3-17: Graphical (GUI) Attributes
Image Field Control Options
Note that available options differ depending on the control type selected.
· Prompt indicates the text to appear as the label appropriate for this design control type. For example, at the frame level this would be titlebar text. At the button level, it would be button label text. For an optional child, it is the text that appears on the menu but if left blank, the processes' descriptive name is used.
· Text Position indicates where the text should appear inside the button. Click the list button for a drop-down list of selections that include: CENTER, TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM, LEFT, UPPER RIGHT, UPPER LEFT, LOWER RIGHT and LOWER LEFT.
· Resource identifies the resource for the optional icon, button or other graphic. Select the scan icon for a list of available resources. The ENABLED state of the named resource identifies the actual name of the graphic file. See Chapter 1-8, Utilities for more information on defining Named Resources.
· Icon Position indicates where the defined icon (if any) should be placed in relation to the field contents. Click the list button for a drop-down list of selections that include BEHIND TEXT, ABOVE TEXT, TRAILING TEXT, BELOW TEXT, LEADING TEXT, ABOVE & TRAILING, ABOVE & LEADING, BELOW & TRAILING, BELOW & LEADING, EXPAND TO FILL, and EXPAND PROP'L.
· Picture Loc indicates the location of the graphic to be used. Click the list button for a list of available locations that include: CLIENT URL, CLIENT FILE, DIRECT, SERVER URL, SERVER FILE, and DESIGN FILE.
· Transparent Background? indicates whether or not this field should have a transparent background. Select "yes" or "no" .
· Option indicates the option number, if any, to be sent to the server by the client whenever the contents of this field are changed. This is useful in situations where you want other changes made to the screen based on the contents of this field. Click the list button for a list of available options.
· Tooltip is 60 characters of help text that you can enter. The tooltip is displayed to users as a "hover over" when the mouse pointer is passed over the respective icon.
APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03)
© 2003 by APPX Software, Inc. All rights reserved