Populating Query Files
QPARM, QSLCT, and QSORT are temporary files that are established during query setup. They store the sort and record selection criteria that are established for this query execution. As a result, the records that generate into the pointer file during execution are directly determined by the content of these files.
The temporary files are initially populated with the sort and record selection criteria that are established in application design (in the query process’ source files). When an application user modifies the defaults on sort and record selection displays, the modifications are made directly to these files.
If the query is active, the temporary files are already populated. If, within the confines of a subprocess or related process family, you execute another sort setup for this query, the contents of these existing files can be reused. Whether or not they are used, and how they are used, depends upon the mode the query process was invoked in and the Query Update Type. In Chapter 3-13: Automatic and Optional Children, refer to Child Additional Attributes Option for information about Override Default Mode. Also, see Child Use Query Option for a discussion of Query Update Type.
APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03)
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