Chapter 2-5: Work Fields Cover Page 2-05:Text Work Fields Additional Attributes2-05:Token Work Fields Token Table

Token Work Fields

A token work field is like an alpha work field but it has specific values that are stored as corresponding numbers.

The token work field overlay, shown in Figure 2-5-18, allows you to add token specific attributes to those already defined for work fields. The token work fields specification overlay displays after you complete the entries on the work fields screen if the Field Type you select is TOKEN.


Figure 2-5-18. Token Work Field Overlay

The Token Work field Specifications overlay contains the following fields:

·     Length designates the number of character positions, or length, of this field.

·     Lowercase OK? indicates whether or not a modifiable item on an interactive screen can be entered in upper- and lowercase letters. If “no” iconcheckno.png, the entry is stored and displayed exclusively as uppercase, regardless of how a user enters the information. This entry does not affect statements. A lowercase value established with a statement overrides an “no” in this field and displays as lowercase.

·     Descriptive provides a longer, more easily understood alternative to Field Name, one that is not required to be unique within an application. If blank at all default levels, Field Name is used.

·     Column Hdgs designates up to two lines of column heading text. The APPX output process facility uses this text to generate standard column heading images for Start of Page and Start of Range class frames. For cosmetic reasons, the length of headings should not exceed the length of a field itself. Refer to Standard Column Heading Image for additional information.

For Token work field type, the following options are available as described in the corresponding sections:

·     Token Table

·     Additional Attributes


APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03) Cover Page 2-05:Text Work Fields Additional Attributes2-05:Token Work Fields Token Table

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