Chapter 2-5: Work Fields Cover Page 2-05:Token Work Fields Token Table2-05:Numeric Work Fields

Token Work Fields Additional Attributes

From the Token field overlay, you have an additional attributes option. The Token work field Additional Attributes overlay is shown in Figure 2-5-20.


Figure 2-5-20. Token Work Field Additional Attributes Overlay

The Token Work field Additional Attributes Overlay contains the following fields:

·     Default Value establishes a modifiable starting value for all image items whenever they are first displayed in add mode in an input image, unless modified by a user. If blank, there is no starting value displayed on the image.

·     Range Checks defines a series of allowable values that APPX uses for online data validation. The first component represents the relation. The options are EQ (equal to), NE (not equal to), GT (greater than), LT (less than), GE (greater than or equal to), and LE (less than or equal to). The second component represents the value that is assigned to the relation. If you enter two relations, APPX infers an AND relationship.

·     Occurrence determines the number of times a field is present in a record. If blank, APPX assumes a value of 1. This field may contain up to five numeric characters and is restricted to a maximum of 32,767. See the Occurrence section for a more comprehensive discussion of this field.

·     Share Class defines at what level the values contained in this work field can be shared. The Share Class options are:

·     SUBPROCESS — The values can be shared between a process and its subprocesses.

·     RELATED — The values can be shared among related processes in a job.

·     DETACHED — The values are available until the user logs off.

·     NOT SHARED — The values are available only for the current process.

The default is SUBPROCESS.

·     Translate? indicates if the value of the work field should be translated into a designated language if APPX’s Language Translation feature is being used. Click the checkbox to toggle between “yes” iconcheckyes.png, “no” iconcheckno.png, and unknown iconcheckunkn.png values. If the translation feature is not in use, retain the default value of iconcheckunkn.png.


APPX Application Design Manual (01/13/03) Cover Page 2-05:Token Work Fields Token Table2-05:Numeric Work Fields

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