Welcome to the APPX Medicaid Reconciliation WIKI web
This web site is dedicated to Medicaid Reconciliation in the State of Florida.
This web site is intended to be for the benefit of all Florida County and Florida State folks that work to reconcile the monthly Medicaid bill. Users and administrators of the Appx Medicaid Reconciliation System are encouraged to contribute to the content of this site. If you see an error, please correct it. If you can't find what you need on this site, please take the time to return and contribute to the content of the site when you do find what you need. Hopefully, the community can collaborate to produce a comprehensive resource covering all aspects of the APPX Medicaid Reconciliation product.
Medicaid Payment Reconciliation Resources:
Other Resources Available:
This topic: MedicaidBilling
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Topic revision: r50 - 2025-01-01 - JeffPrentice