Appx Medicaid Payment Reconciliation Upgrade Instructions

APPX Software has released the latest upgrade to the Medicaid Payment Reconciliation application, Version 4.0. This upgrade introduces several new features and improvements. It also requires an upgrade to both the APPX engine along with the application. There have been a number of changes made with this update that do affect the way the application processes. While we have thoroughly tested these changes to ensure the application works as designed, you may wish to conduct your own testing.

This upgrade will require the assistance of your IT department. The upgrade to the APPX engine requires administrator rights and it is recommended that part of the update be done under the Administrator or root login rather than a user that is part of the administrator group if at all possible.

Upgrading the APPX Engine

This step should be completed prior to upgrading the application. You must first be running version 4.2.a. If you are running an older release you will need to upgrade to 4.2.a. Please contact us if you are not sure what versoin of APPX you are currently running and we can tell you how to check the release information.

This is a more difficuly upgrade than usual due to the scope of the improvements and new features included in the product. There are several steps that must be perfomered and these steps need to be performed in order and exactly as documented. It is highly recommended that you review ALL the steps for the ungrade in the link below before attempting the upgrade. Please call with any questions before you start.

Click on the link below to review the upgrade instructions for the APPX engine.

APPX 5 - All about APPX 5, Installation Guide, Features, and Bug Fixes

If you review the instructions and would like the APPX support staff to assist with this upgrade please contact us at 800-870-2779 or email us at and we will be happy to discuss the available options we have.

Upgrade the Application

If you have not completed the steps to upgrade the APPX engine please return to the section above. There are features in this upgrade that may not work properly when run on an older release of APPX.

Prior to starting the upgrade to the Payment Reconciliation application make sure you have a good backup. You can accomplish this by simply copying the appx/data directory to a new name if you are not sure you have a current backup.

Download the two upgrade files from the link below and the desktop client installer from the second link below. Save these files to an accessible location on your server.

MPR 4.1 Application Update Files

APPX Destkop Client

Identify the database and version ids for your installation. The database id is a 3 character value and the version is a 2 character value. One way to find them is to navigate to the directory where appx is installed. Under that directory is a data directory. Both the database and version are directories under the data directory. Both will contain a directory named MPR.

Log into APPX as an APPX administrator. From the first menu select the System Administration pull-down, then File Maintenance, then Database Files. Enter your database id in the first box and MPR in the second and press Enter. The screen should now show 23 of 23 Files Currently Selected. From this menu select Verify Files Menu, then Verify Integrity of APPXIO Files. If any of the files have a status of FAILED the data is corrupt. The data will need to be recovered before you go on with the upgrade.

After you have verified the data files log off of APPX and open an OS dialog window.

For these instructions we will use c:\appx as the directory where appx has been installed. For you site replace that with the actual directory path on your server.

Navigate to the c:\appx\data\ directory. Move down to the version directory for your site. Rename the MPR directory. A common practice is to rename it with today's date, like MPR_030311.

Unzip the MPR41_apps.tgz file into this directory. It will create a new MPR directory.

Move into the database directory and copy the MPR directory there to a new name in the same manner as above.

Unzip the MPR41_data.tgz into this directory. This should add the files LINKS.dat and LINKS.key into the MPR\Data directory.

Make sure permissions are properly set on these directories and files. On Windows the Everyone group should have Full Control. On Unix and Linux the owner should be appx and the group should be appxgrp or a group that has all appx users as members. Permissions should be set to 775

Log into APPX as an APPX administrator.

From the first menu select the System Administration button in the center of the screen. If that is not a selection you are not an APPX Administrator. Next select Database/Applications, then Design File Management. Enter MPR as the application id and your 2 character version in the blocks at the top of the screen and select the check mark button at the top left of the box.

From the lower left area of the menu select Process Data Dictionary. If there are any errors you should revert to your back-up and start the upgrade from scratch. If problems persist contact APPX technical support.

When that step has completed return to the main startup menu and select System Administration from the pull-down menu on the top of the screen. From the pop-out menu select File Management, then Database Files. Enter your 3 character database id in the top box and MPR in the lower box and press Enter. If the screen does not show 23 of 23 files selected click on File Selection to select all files then End to return to the Database Management meni.

Click on Create Files. All files should either indicate Created, Restructure Required, or File Already Exists. If there any other error messages please contact APPX technical support.

When Create Files has completed return to the Database Management menu and select Restructure Files. All files should indicate Restructured or Restructure Not Required. If there are any other errors please contact APPX technical support.

The application part of the upgrade is now complete.

The desktop client will need to be upgraded on each desktop that is used to access the Medicaid Reconciliation Payment application.

From one of the desktops open the shortcut properties and make note of the target line. This will need to be entered on each desktop installation.

Run the installer and follow the steps. You can take all the defaults, or you can choose to install the desktop client into a different directory if you wish. The recommended locations are either in the Program Files directory or at the root of the C: drive.

Once the installation is done copy the command line parameters from the original target line to the new shortcut, making sure the path points to the directory you just installed into.

On the target line add the following text with a space between the existing text and this: -cols=110 -rows=28

Save the changes to the shortcut.

You should remove the old shortcut at this time.

The upgrade is complete. Reports and screens should be reviewed to make sure everything is functioning.

If there are any problems or if you have any questions please feel free to contact APPX Technical Support at 1-800-879-2779 or email us at

-- GaryRogers - 2011-02-28

This topic: MedicaidBilling > WebHome > MPR40Upgrade
Topic revision: r8 - 2011-08-31 - GaryRogers
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