APPX Software Y2K Information

APPX Software, Inc. has prepared several documents to assist our customers with their preparations for the Year 2000. Below are links to these documents for you to review. If you have any questions concerning these or any other Y2K issues, please contact us at or 1-800-TRY-APPX.


Release 3.4.1 is considered to be the earliest version of APPX to address the Y2K issues. Our most current release is 4.0.9. APPX Software recommends that any customers concerned with these issues upgrade to the our most current release.

Speed II

Speed II customers must upgrade both their Speed II and the Wang operating system for Y2K compliance. Release 7.2 of Speed II is the earliest release supported by APPX Software for Y2K issues. Our most current release is 7.3.2. Your Wang operating system must also be upgraded to release 7.53. NOTE: Releases of Speed II prior to 7.0 are not compatible with release 7.53 of the Wang operating system. Speed II must be upgraded prior to the operating system to prevent an interruption due to this difference.

Y2K Policy Statement

This document is APPX Software's official statement regarding APPX and Speed II Y2K policy.

Year 2000 White Paper

From their inception, the SPEED II and APPX design environments have accommodated applications using century as a native data type. Our Year 2000 White Paper describes tools available today to bring applications into Year 2000 compliance, as well as additional utilities we will provide to assist in converting existing applications to accommodate end-of-century requirements.

Y2K Implementation Guide

This implementation guide will help you with the steps required to ready your APPX and Speed II applications for the year 2000. Please review this document for information on special utilities APPX supplies to help identify your changes and considerations you must address in both APPX and Speed II.

APPX Date Related Fixes

This document contains the date related bugs that have been fixed in the various Y2K-compliant releases. It also contains other modifications made to better handle date calculations and usage.

This topic: Main > WebHome > SystemAdministration > Y2KInformation
Topic revision: r1 - 2012-02-29 - ChrisBrower
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