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Recent Changes in Main Web retrieved at 05:26 (GMT)

TWiki Contributor Not an actual user of this site, but a person devoting some of his/her time to contribute to the Open Source TWiki project. TWikiContributor lists...
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/Main The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
The TWikiRegistrationAgent User This is a TWiki User used by TWiki when it registers new users. This user has special access to write to , and does not need an...
TWiki Groups These groups can be used to define fine grained .TWikiAccessControl in TWiki: New Group: Note: A group topic name must be a .WikiWord...
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TWiki Administrator User The TWikiAdminUser has been added to TWiki 4.2.0 to make it possible to login without needing to create a TWiki User, or to temporarily login...
TWiki Administrator Group Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP JoeOrtagus Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE...
Nobody Group Member list: Set GROUP Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE TWikiAdminGroup Used to prevent dangerous...
User Form Note: This is a maintenance topic, used by the TWiki administrator. This form defines the form of the home pages of registered TWiki users listed in...
The UnknownUser User UnknownUser is a reserved name in TWiki. If the UnknownUser appears, it is probably because author information for a topic could not be recovered...

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Related topics: RSS feed, rounded corners RSS feed, ATOM feed, WebNotify, site changes, site map

Topic revision: r1 - 2006-11-15 - TWikiContributor
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