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Recent Changes in Main Web retrieved at 22:15 (GMT)

.IMPORT CGI DATA This subroutine populates Appx variables from STDIN. Usage: GOSUB .IMPORT CGI DATA Test for Error IF .IMPORT...
.XML PURGE This subroutine purges the work files associated with an import session. Added in 5.3.0 Usage: SET 0DX .XML PURGE...
.XML IMPORT This subroutine processes an XML file and optionally imports it. Added in 5.3.0 Usage: SET 0DX .XML IMPORT PASS...
APPX 5.3.0 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.3.0. Follow the links below to learn more. Additional...
Data Exchange Application A new application (0DX) is included with 5.3. This application facilitates the exchange of data between Appx and external systems.This documentation...
APPX 5.2.0 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.2.0. Follow the links below to learn more....
.UTIL SUBR WRITE ILF This subroutine writes ILF code to a subroutine in the Application. Added in 5.2.0 Usage: PASS ilf verb FIELD...
.UTIL SUBR CREATE This utility adds a subroutine to the Application. Added in 5.2.0 Usage: PASS process name FIELD SHARE...
.UTIL CHECK SECURITY This subroutine is called to check the security code for the specified user. Usage: PASS result FIELD...
.RBS UPDATE SECACL Allows the designer to update the RBS Access Control file directly. Added in 5.4.7 and 6.0.1. Not present in 6.0.0 Usage: PASS...
.RBS REGEN Rebuilds the internal RBS cross reference file for the selected apps. Added in 5.4.7 and 6.0.1. Not present in 6.0.0 Usage: PASS Application...
.RBS PROCESS SECURITY Allows the designer to invoke `Access Control List Processes` for a particular parent / child pair (System Administration Role Based Security...
.RBS HIERARCHY MTCE This subroutine invokes the `Security Hierarchy Maintenance` program, bypassing the System Administrator requirement (System Administration...
APPX 5.5.0 Features System Administration This page describes the new features in Application Design New Environment Variables Some new environment variables have...
APPX 5.5.0 Features Runtime This page describes the new features for the runtime environment in APPX 5.5.0. Overview The runtime environment received a facelift...
.DATA BAD REQUEST This subroutine allows you return an error message to the caller. This is only useful when working with the Data API (Release 5.5.0 higher)...
.DATA GET PARAM VALUE This subroutine allows you to get the value of a field from the URL. This is only useful when working with the Data API (Release 5.5.0 higher...
.DATA DEBUG LOG This subroutine allows you to write a free format messages to the debug log. This is only useful when working with the Data API (Release 5.5.0 higher...
APPX Desktop Client Installation Mac OS/X Requirements IMPORTANT: The APPX Desktop Client only runs on Intel based Macs with OS/X 10.5 Update 1, or higher. Older...
APPX 5.5.0 Features SCCS This page describes the changes made to the Sourc Code Control System (SCCS) Changes Cosmetic changes: All scrolling screens now use...
APPX 5 Special Installation Instructions for upgrading within the APPX 5.x series This page provides special instructions when upgrading an existing APPX 5.0 installation...
My Links .ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners .WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki .TWikiUsersGuide...
APPX 5 New Installation Configure APPX Overview The first time that APPX is run after the installation wizard completes, you will need to complete the initial...
.CLIENT GET CONSTANT This subroutine returns the value of a client constant. Usage: PASS client value FIELD SHARE? Y...
.UTIL EMAIL This subroutine is called to send an email. Multiple addresses are allowed, as are attachments. This relies on the public domain program `mutt` to deliver...
My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on...
My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on...
My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on...
.FILE SET SPECS This subroutine will set the specifications of the specified file. This API is available in Release 5.5 higher Usage: PASS file...
.UTIL SECR REST This subroutine will restore the Security codes for the selected application(s) from the archive. Release 5.5 and higher only Usage: PASS...
.UTIL SECR SAVE This subroutine will archive the Security codes for the selected application(s). Release 5.5 and higher only Usage: PASS count...
.FILE CSV IMPORT This subroutine is called to import data in CSV format into an APPX file. Release 5.4.0 up. Usage: PASS error msg...
.FILE CSV EXPORT This subroutine is called to export an APPX file in CSV format. Release 5.4.0 up. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD...
Displaying Google Maps in the HTML client Google does not allow any of their website to be loaded in an iframe in a web browser. It works in the java client because...
Developer Tips Displaying Google Maps in the HTML client If you want to display a Google map using the HTML client, follow this tip. Environment / Widget File Wizards...
Reading SQL/Server Tables from APPX/Unix In order to access data stored under SQL Server under Windows while running APPX/Unix you have 2 choices, depending on which...
APPX 5.4.7 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 5.4.7. Notes IMPORTANT: This version includes new SSL certificates...
.UTIL ADD HOOK This subroutine adds a record to the Hook file. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD SHARE? Y PASS HOOK...
.XY ADD BAR LAYER This subroutine adds a Bar layer to the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS data combine method FIELD SHARE? N...
APPX 5.4.6 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 5.4.6. Notes IMPORTANT: This version includes new SSL certificates...
System Administration Environment / Widget File Wizards The environment variable wizard assists you in setting APPX environment variables. The Widget wizard explains...
New Table Widget This Release introduces a new type of Widget Table Widget. Overview: The Table Widget allows the designer to present information to the user...
Interactive Support Among the APPX Interactive Support offerings are a Message Board open to all members of the APPX community and e mail support addressing a variety...
APPX 6.0.0 Linux/Unix New Installation Overview Two different methods are provided to install APPX on Linux/Unix. There is a GUI installer and a Console Mode...
APPX Usage Log The APPX Usage log gives you the ability to track session log on/off, process execution and more. Overview The APPX Usage log can be used to track...
.TEXT GET LENGTH This subroutine determines the length of a text/alpha field. Usage: PASS text len FIELD SHARE? Y...
New Connection Manager A new connection manager allows a user to reconnect to dropped sessions. Overview: A new connection manager allows a user to reconnect to...
APPX 5.4.0/5.4.1/5.4.2/5.4.3/5.4.4c/5.4.5 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.4 and subsequent...
APPX 6.0.0 Windows New Installation Overview Two different methods are provided to install APPX on Windows. There is a GUI installer and a Console Mode (character...
APPX 6.0.0 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 6.0.0 Notes IMPORTANT: This version includes new SSL certificates...

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