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Recent Changes in Main Web retrieved at 09:22 (GMT)

HTML Editor Improvements The HTML Editor has been changed to make it easier to use with small text fields. Overview: The HTML Editor has been changed to make it...
.CLIENT PLAY SOUND This subroutine plays a .wav file on the user`s PC. Usage: PASS wave file FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.CLIENT LOAD URL This subroutine loads a URL, document, runs a command on the user`s PC or changes a client setting. Usage: PASS url...
.CLIENT DOWNLOAD FILE This subroutine will download a file to the user`s PC. Usage: PASS status code FIELD SHARE? Y...
.CLIENT CHECK FOR GUI This subroutine returns a flag to indicate if the user is running the Desktop Client. Usage: PASS gui...
.ENV GET PATH SEP This subroutine returns the directory separator character of the host operating system. Usage: PASS path separator FIELD...
.ENV GET PARENT PROC This subroutine returns the name and type of the parent process. Usage: PASS parent type FIELD SHARE...
.ENV GET OS TYPE This subroutine returns the type of operating system Appx is running on. Usage: PASS os type FIELD SHARE...
.ENV GET CONFIG INFO This subroutine populates PDF fields with configuration information. Usage: GOSUB .ENV GET CONFIG INFO Check for...
.CONVERT TEXT TO HTML This subroutine converts a text field to HTML encoding. Usage: PASS html FIELD SHARE? Y...

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