Client Side Printing

With the advent of the APPX Desktop Client, a broad range of features were introduced that opened up integration between APPX and the desktop. One of the most useful features is client-side printing. In this issue’s Tech Tip we will explore some of the options and the workings of using client side printing.

How to Create a PDF Form Overlay

There have been a lot of inquiries on how to create a form overlay in APPX.

A PDF form overlay is a predefined image, or electronic form, that is printed underneath the data associated with the process. The use of form overlays eliminates the need for preprinted forms or creating the forms from scratch in Application Design. This article explains the basic concepts of creating an output process using a form overlay.

Debugging Print Problems

How many times have you gotten this call: “I need APPX to print me a list . . .”. You throw together an output and route it to the user’s printer, and . . . Argg, the report didn’t print! In this issue, we will talk about where to start troubleshooting a printing problem. We will cover printing text outputs only. We will cover PDF printing at a later time.

Scrolling Inputs that Adjust to the Client Screen Size

This issue we will talk about how to take advantage of that extra room by designing scrolling inputs that adjust to the client screen size. This will allow you to have processes that will work for users using the standard 21-row window as well as those set up to use 28 rows.

Varying the APPX display area

As you migrate your users to the Appx Desktop Client, you will find that one advantage you gain is the ability to run APPX with a larger display area to take advantage of larger screens. We have found that using a display with 28 columns and 110 rows creates a nice screen size for 17” monitors running at a resolution of 1024x768. The screen is clear and readable and fits nicely in the display area of the monitor, plus it adds a good bit of extra room for your design needs.

So, how do you change the client’s default size? What other considerations need to be taken into account, and how can you avoid pitfalls, problems, confusion, and complaints?


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