---+ Special Topics Here you will find a wide range of support documents, frequently asked questions, "How-To" guides, and general instructions concerning installation, configuration, and operation of APPX. %TOC% ---++ [[Configuring APPX for Unix]] This category includes topics relating to the installation and configuration of APPX for Unix (and, by extension, Linux as well). ---++ [[Configuring APPX for Windows]] This category includes topics relating to the installation and configuration of APPX for Windows (XP, 2000, NT, 98). ---++ [[APPX & External Databases]] A series of documents with information on interfacing APPX with Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, etc. ---++ [[APPX & the Internet]] These documents will take the designer through the steps required to interface APPX applications with the Internet. ---++ [[The APPX Client]] A group of documents covering installation, configuration, command options, and other topics relating to the APPX client. ---++ [[APPXNet][APPX/Net]] APPX/Net is a data access facility allowing an APPX engine running on one APPX machine to read and write !AppxIO data stored on another APPX machine ---++ [[APPXODBCServer][APPX/ODBC Server]] APPX/ODBC Server allows Windows application clients (such as DI-Diver, Excel, Access, and Crystal Reports) to view and operate upon !AppxIO datafiles ---++ [[Foreign Language Translation]] This document contains known issues and work-arounds for the Foreign Language Translation utility. ---++ [[Speed II Upgrades & Migrations]] Customers who are migrating their Speed II systems to APPX, or those considering doing so, will find relevant documents here, as well as instructions for installing upgrades to Speed II itself. ---++ Comments: _Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments._ --- <br />%COMMENT% -- Main.ChrisBrower - 2011-06-06
This topic: Main
Topic revision: r6 - 2016-07-22 - JeanNeron
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