---+ Determining the Unix Serial Number When installed on a Unix server, the APPX license is tied to the serial number of the machine on which APPX is installed. The method of obtaining the serial number varies by platform: ---+++++ IBM RS/6000 AIX and HP 9000 HP-UX To determine the serial number, type the command "uname -a" (without the quotation marks, of course). This will display a line of information about the machine, including the serial number. APPX expects a 10-digit serial number. Note that the RS/6000 often displays 12 digits, with extra leading zeroes. In that case, it is the rightmost 10 digits that should be relied upon. Example: 0012345C00. ---+++++ SUN Solaris The serial number reported by most Sun machines is not the correct one for APPX licensing. To obtain the correct serial number, you must install and run the "hostinfo" utility, available [[http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/Main/DeterminingTheUnixSerialNumber/info-su.tar.Z][here]]. ---+++++ NCR and SCO Machine serial numbers are not available on these platforms, so APPX must be installed with a hasp. The hasp will be labeled with its serial number. It should be eight hex digits, and any letters will be capitalized. Example: 1ABC234D ---+++++ Linux Linux licenses are tied to the MAC address. Instructions for obtaining that information can be found [[http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/bin/view/Main/DeterminingTheLinuxMACAddress][here]]. ---+++++ Alternate Method The "hostinfo" utility, mentioned above for SUN Solaris, is also available for other Unix platforms. Download the version for your platform: <table align="center" style="width: 400px;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <li> [[http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/Main/DeterminingTheUnixSerialNumber/info-hp.tar.Z][HP9000 HP-UX]] </li> <li> [[http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/Main/DeterminingTheUnixSerialNumber/info-ib.tar.Z][IBM RS/6000 AIX]] </li> <li> [[http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/Main/DeterminingTheUnixSerialNumber/info-li.tar.Z][Linux]]</li> </td> <td> <li> [[http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/Main/DeterminingTheUnixSerialNumber/info-nc.tar.Z][NCR]] </li> <li> [[http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/Main/DeterminingTheUnixSerialNumber/info-sc.tar.Z][SCO]] </li> <li> [[http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/Main/DeterminingTheUnixSerialNumber/info-su.tar.Z][SUN Solaris]]</li> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> *Note:* A foolproof way of determining that you have the correct serial number on any platform is to start APPX. Without a valid license, the system will display the serial number it finds on the machine. If APPX is running, serial number and license information is found in System Administration. ---++ Comments: _Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments._ --- <br />%COMMENT% -- Main.ChrisBrower - 2011-06-08
This topic: Main
Topic revision: r2 - 2012-02-05 - ChrisBrower
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