---+ XY Chart Routines These subroutines are used to create an XY chart. <br />%TOC% ---++ General ---+++ [[CDXYSetPlotArea][.XY SET PLOT AREA]] Set the position and size of the plot area. ---+++ [[CDXYSetPlotAreaX][.XY SET PLOT AREA:X]] Set the x coordinate of the plot area position. ---+++ [[CDXYSetPlotAreaY][.XY SET PLOT AREA:Y]] Set the y coordinate of the plot area position. ---+++ [[CDXYSetPlotAreaWidth][.XY SET PLOT AREA:W]] Set the width of the plot area. ---+++ [[CDXYSetPlotAreaHeight][.XY SET PLOT AREA:H]] Set the height of the plot area. ---+++ [[CDXYPackPlotArea][.XY PACK PLOT AREA]] Adjusts the size and position of the plot area. ---+++ [[CDXYSetPlotAreaBGColor][.XY SET PA BG CLR]] Set the Plot Area background colors. ---+++ [[CDXYSetPlotAreaEdgeColor][.XY SET PA EDGE CLR]] Set the Plot Area edge color. ---+++ [[CDXYSetPlotAreaHGridColor][.XY SET PA HGRID CLR]] Set the Plot Area horizontal grid color. ---+++ [[CDXYSetPlotAreaVGridColor][.XY SET PA VGRID CLR]] Set the Plot Area vertical grid color. ---+++ [[CDXYAddBarLayer][.XY ADD BAR LAYER]] Adds a Bar layer to the current chart spec. ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarColor][.XY SET BAR CLR]] Set the color of the bars in the current Data Point, Data Set Template, Data Group, or XY Bar Layer ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarColorDP][.XY SET BAR CLR:DP]] Set the color of the bars for the current Data Point ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarColorDS][.XY SET BAR CLR:DS]] Set the color of the bars for the current Data Set Template ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarColorDG][.XY SET BAR CLR:DG]] Set the color of the bars for the current Data Group ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarColorLR][.XY SET BAR CLR:LR]] Set the color of the bars for the current XY Bar Layer ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarGradient][.XY SET BAR GRADIENT]] A special shading effect for rectangular and polygonal bars. ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarEdgeColor][.XY SET BAR EDGE CLR]] Set the color of the bar borders for the current XY Bar Layer ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarEdgeEffect][.XY SET BAR EDGE EFF]] Set the edge effect of the bars on the "current" layer ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarEdgeWidth][.XY SET BAR EDGE WIDTH]] Sets the width of the edge effect of the bars on the "current" layer ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarGap][.XY SET BAR GAP]] Set the horizontal gap between the bars or bar groups. ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarGapBtw][.XY SET BAR GAP:BTW]] Set the horizontal gap between the bars. ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarGapWithin][.XY SET BAR GAP:WITHIN]] Set the horizontal gap between the bar groups. ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarLabelMinSz][.XY SET BAR LBL MIN SZ]] Sets the minimum height (or width for horizontal bars) of the bar segments below which data labels will be hidden. ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarLegendISz][.XY SET BAR LEGEND ISZ]] Sets the height and width of the icons used in a legend. ---+++ [[CDXYSetLegendTxt][.XY SET LEGEND TXT]] Set the name to be included in the legend box. ---+++ [[CDXTSetBarOlap][.XY SET BAR OLAP]] Sets the overlap ratio and order among overlapping bars within a bar group in a multi-bar chart ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarOlapOrder][.XY SET BAR OLAP:ORDER]] Sets the order among overlapping bars within a bar group in a multi-bar chart ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarOlapRATIO][.XY SET BAR OLAP:RATIO]] Sets the overlap ratio among overlapping bars within a bar group in a multi-bar chart ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarShape][.XY SET BAR SHAPE]] Set the shape of the bars in the current Data Point, Data Set Template, Data Group, or XY Bar Layer ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarShapeDP][.XY SET BAR SHAPE:DP]] Set the shape of the bars for the current Data Point ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarShapeDS][.XY SET BAR SHAPE:DS]] Set the shape of the bars for the current Data Set Template ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarShapeDG][.XY SET BAR SHAPE:DG]] Set the shape of the bars for the current Data Group ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarShapeLR][.XY SET BAR SHAPE:LR]] Set the shape of the bars for the current XY Bar Layer ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarW][.XY SET BAR W]] Set the bar and subbar width for the current XY Layer ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarWGroup][.XY SET BAR W:GROUP]] Set the bar width for the current XY Layer ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarWWithin][.XY SET BAR W:WITHIN]] Set the subbar width for the current XY Layer ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarLayer3DDepth][.XY SET BAR 3D DEPTH]] Set the 3D depth of the current bar layer ---+++ [[CDXYSetBarLineGapClr][.XY SET LINE GAP CLR]] Sets the color of the line connecting 2 data points when there is a 'NoValue' data point in between. ---+++ [[CDXYSetAgLabel][.XY SET AG LABEL]] Enables aggregate labels for the current chart layer. ---+++ [[CDXYSetDataLabel][.XY SET DATA LABEL]] Enables data labels for the current chart layer. ---+++ [[CDXYSetDataLabel:DS][.XY SET DATA LABEL:DS]] Enables data labels for the current dataset template. ---++ Axis Routines - General ---+++ [[CDAxisSetCurrent][.AXIS SET CURRENT]] Set the specified axis ("x", "y") of the "current" chart to be the "current" axis. (a second optional parameter can specify "Primary" or "Secondary") ---+++ [[CDAxisSetAxisColor][.AXIS SET AXIS CLR]] Set the color of the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetAxisLength][.AXIS SET AXIS L]] Set the length of the "current" axis line. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetAxisWidth][.AXIS SET AXIS W]] Set the width of the "current" axis line. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetAxisMargins][.AXIS SET AXIS MARGIN]] Set the margins (top and bottom/left and right) of the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetAxisMode][.AXIS SET AXIS MODE]] Set the axis mode of the "current" axis to be INDENTED or DEFAULT. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetAxisOffset][.AXIS SET AXIS OFFSET]] Set the offset (x and y) of the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetAxisAutoScale][.AXIS SET AXIS SCALE]] Set the top extension, bottom extension, and zero affinity values that are to be used when auto-scaling the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetAxisRoundMin][.AXIS SET AXIS RND MIN]] Controls whether or not the minimum value of the "current" axis should be rounded to correspond with a tick value. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetAxisRoundMax][.AXIS SET AXIS RND MAX]] Controls whether or not the maximum value of the "current" axis should be rounded to correspond with a tick value. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetAxisDirection][.AXIS SET AXIS VAL DIR]] Set the direction for the values of the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSwapXY][.AXIS SWAP XY]] Swaps the X and Y axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSyncYAxis][.AXIS SYNC Y AXIS]] Sets a linear formula to synchronize the secondary y-axis scale to the primary y-axis scale. ---+++ [[CDAxisYonRight][.AXIS Y ON RIGHT]] Interchange the position of the primary and secondary Y axis. ---++ Axis Tick Routines ---+++ [[CDAxisSetTickColor][.AXIS SET TICK CLR]] Set the color of the (major and minor) ticks on the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetTickLength][.AXIS SET TICK L]] Set the length of the (major and minor) ticks on the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetTickWidth][.AXIS SET TICK W]] Set the width of the (major and minor) ticks on the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetTickOffset][.AXIS SET TICK OFFSET]] Set the offset of the ticks on the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetMinTickIncr][.AXIS SET TICK MIN INC]] Set the minimum tick increment of the ticks on the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetTickDensity][.AXIS SET TICK DENSITY]] Set the distance in pixels between major ticks and minor ticks on the "current" axis. ---++ Axis Title Routines ---+++ [[CDAxisSetTitle][.AXIS SET TITLE]] Set a title for the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetTitleFontName][.AXIS SET TTL FONT NAM]] Set the font name and font index for the title of the "current" Axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetTitleFontIndex][.AXIS SET TTL FONT IDX]] Set the font index for the title of the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetTitleFontStyle][.AXIS SET TTL FONT STL]] Set the font style (normal, bold, italic) for the title of the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetTitleFontSize][.AXIS SET TTL FONT SZ]] Set the font size for the title of the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetTitleFontColor][.AXIS SET TTL FONT CLR]] Set the font color for the title of the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetTitleAlignment][.AXIS SET TTL ALIGN]] Set the alignment of the axis title relative to the axis for the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetTitleGap][.AXIS SET TTL GAP]] Set the gap between the axis title and the axis for the "current" axis. ---++ Axis Label Routines ---+++ [[CDAddAxisLabel][.AXIS LABEL ADD NEXT]] Add the specified label to the "current" Axis of the "current" chart. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetLabelFontName][.AXIS SET LBL FONT NAM]] Set the font name and font index for the "current" label of the "current" Axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetLabelFontIndex][.AXIS SET LBL FONT IDX]] Set the font index for the "current" label of the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetLabelFontStyle][.AXIS SET LBL FONT STL]] Set the font style (normal, bold, italic) for the "current" label of the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetLabelFontSize][.AXIS SET LBL FONT SZ]] Set the font size for the "current" label of the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetLabelFontColor][.AXIS SET LBL FONT CLR]] Set the font color for the "current" label of the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetLabelRotation][.AXIS SET LBL ROTATION]] Set the rotation angle for the "current" label of the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetLabelFormat][.AXIS SET LBL FORMAT]] Set the Format for the axis labels for the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetLabelGap][.AXIS SET LBL GAP]] Set the distance between the axis label and the tick in pixels for the "current" axis. ---+++ [[CDAxisSetLabelOffset][.AXIS SET LBL OFFSET]] Set the offset of the labels and the offset units for the the "current" axis. ---++ Shape Routines ---+++ [[CDShapeInitialize][.SHAPE INITIALIZE]] Initialize a Shape Object ---+++ [[CDShapeSetCurrent][.SHAPE SET CURRENT]] Set the "current" Shape Object to be a previously initialized Shape Object. ---+++ [[CDShapeGetName][.SHAPE GET NAME]] Get the name of the "current" Shape Object. ---+++ [[CDShapeSetDefault][.SHAPE SET DEFAULT]] Clear the "current" Shape Object. ---+++ [[CDShapeSetShape][.SHAPE SET SHAPE ID]] Changes the Shape ID of the "current" Shape Object. ---+++ [[CDShapeSetSides][.SHAPE SET SIDES CNT]] Set the number of sides, points or width for the current shape. ---+++ [[CDShapeSetPoints][.SHAPE SET POINTS CNT]] Sets the number of sides, points or width for the current shape. ---+++ [[CDShapeSetWidth][.SHAPE SET WIDTH PCT]] Sets the number of sides, points or width for the current shape. ---+++ [[CDShapeSetNextPoint][.SHAPE SET NEXT POINT]] Creates a custom shape. ---++ Comments: _Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments._ <br />%COMMENT% -- Main.JeanNeron - 2011-11-25
This topic: Main
Topic revision: r14 - 2016-10-18 - JeanNeron
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