---+ Pie Chart Routines These subroutines are used to create a Pie chart. %TOC% ---++ Pie Chart Routines - General ---+++ [[CDPieSetDataset][.PIE SET DATASET]] Associate a dataset with the pie chart. ---+++ [[CDPieSetOrigin][.PIE SET ORIGIN]] Set the x and y coordinates (horizonal and vertical) of the center of the pie. ---+++ [[CDPieSetOriginX][.PIE SET ORIGIN:X]] Set the x coordinate (horizontal) of the center of the pie. ---+++ [[CDPieSetOriginY][.PIE SET ORIGIN:Y]] Set the y coordinate (vertical) of the center of the pie. ---+++ [[CDPieSetRadius][.PIE SET RADIUS]] Set the radius of the pie. ---++ Pie Chart Routines - 3D View ---+++ [[CDPieSetView][.PIE SET VIEW]] Set the view of the pie to be 2D or 3D. ---+++ [[CDPieSet3DMode][.PIE SET 3D MODE]] Set the 3D mode to be Standard or Shadow. ---+++ [[CDPieSet3DDepth][.PIE SET 3D DEPTH]] Set the 3D depth of the pie. ---+++ [[CDPieSet3DSectDepth][.PIE SET SECT 3D DEPTH]] Set the 3D depth for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector or the current pie sector. ---+++ [[CDPieSet3DViewAngle][.PIE SET 3D VIEW ANGLE]] Set the 3D viewing angle of the pie. ---++ Pie Chart Routines - Donut Style ---+++ [[CDPieSetShape][.PIE SET SHAPE]] Set the shape of the pie to be Standard or Donut. ---+++ [[CDPieSetRadiusOuter][.PIE SET RADIUS:OUTER]] Set the outer radius of a Donut pie. ---+++ [[CDPieSetRadiusInner][.PIE SET RADIUS:INNER]] Set the inner radius of a Donut pie. ---++ Pie Chart Routines - Sector Layout ---+++ [[CDPieSetSectorLayout][.PIE SET LAYOUT]] Set the starting angle of the first sector in the pie and the layout direction for the pie sectors. ---+++ [[CDPieSetSectorStartAngle][.PIE SET LAYOUT:ANGLE]] Set the starting angle of the first sector in the pie. ---+++ [[CDPieSetSectorLayoutDir][.PIE SET LAYOUT:DIR]] Set the layout direction for the pie sectors. ---++ Pie Chart Routines - Label Options ---+++ [[CDPieSetLabelBounds][.PIE SET LBL BOUNDS]] Set the Top and Bottom bounds for the pie sector labels (Side Label Layout only). ---+++ [[CDPieSetLabelBoundsTop][.PIE SET LBL BOUNDS:T]] Set the Top bound for the pie sector labels (Side Label Layout only). ---+++ [[CDPieSetLabelBoundsBottom][.PIE SET LBL BOUNDS:B]] Set the Bottom bound for the pie sector labels (Side Label Layout only). ---++ Pie Chart Sector Routines The following routines can be used to create or initialize pie sector specs and set the various sector style attributes. ---+++ [[CDPieSectorInitialize][.PIE SECT INITIALIZE]] Initialize a specific pie sector spec. ---+++ [[CDPieSectorAddNext][.PIE SECT ADD NEXT]] Add a next pie chart sector spec for the "current" pie chart and optionally sets the corresponding data value and the corresponding Label. ---+++ [[CDPieSectorSetCurrent][.PIE SECT SET CURRENT]] Set the "current" pie chart sector to be a previously initialized pie sector of the "current" chart. ---++ Pie Chart Sector Routines - Background Options ---+++ [[CDPieSetSectorBackgroundColor][.PIE SET SECT BG CLR]] Set the background color for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the current pie sector. ---+++ [[CDPieSetSectorShading][.PIE SET SECT SHADING]] Set the Shading Method for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the current pie sector. ---++ Pie Chart Sector Routines - Edge Options ---+++ [[CDPieSetSectorEdgeColor][.PIE SET SECT EDGE CLR]] Set the Edge Color for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the current pie sector. ---+++ [[CDPieSetSectorEdgeWidth][.PIE SET SECT EDGE W]] Set the Edge Width for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the current pie sector. ---++ Pie Chart Sector Routines - Explode Options ---+++ [[CDPieSetSectorPosition][.PIE SET SECT POSITION]] Set the Position (Normal or Exploded) for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the current pie sector. ---+++ [[CDPieSetSectorExplosionDistance][.PIE SET SECT EXP DIST]] Set the Explosion Distance for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the current pie sector. ---++ Pie Chart Sector Routines - Labels The following routines can be used to set the various label attributes for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the "current" pie sector. ---+++ [[CDPieSetSectorLabel][.PIE SET SECT LABEL]] Set the Label text of an individual pie sector or the "current" pie sector. ---+++ [[CDPieSetLabelLayoutMethod][.PIE SET LBL LAYOUT]] Set the Label Layout Method (Inside, Circular, Side) for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the "current" pie sector. ---+++ [[CDPieSetLabelDistance][.PIE SET LBL DISTANCE]] Set the Distance between the pie perimeter and the pie sector labels for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the "current" pie sector. The Label Distance is usually specified in conjunction with a Label Layout Method. If a Label Distance is specified and a Label Layout Method is not specified, the Circular method is used. ---+++ [[CDPieSetLabelJoinLineColor][.PIE SET LBL JN LN CLR]] Set the Color of the lines that join the pie sector perimeter with the pie sector labels for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the "current" pie sector. ---+++ [[CDPieSetLabelJoinLineWidth][.PIE SET LBL JN LN W]] Set the Width of the lines that join the pie sector perimeter with the pie sector labels for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the "current" pie sector. ---+++ [[CDPieSetLabelFormat][.PIE SET LBL FORMAT]] Set the Format for the pie sector labels for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the "current" pie sector. ---++ Not Yet Implemented The following routines have not been implemented. However, until such time as they are implemented, the corresponding .TEXT routines can be used instead. ---+++ [[CDPieSetLabelFontName][.PIE SET LBL FONT NAM]] Set the font name and font index for all sectors of the current pie chart. ---+++ [[CDPieSetLabelFontIndex][.PIE SET LBL FONT IDX]] Set the font index for all sectors of the current pie chart. ---+++ [[CDPieSetLabelFontStyle][.PIE SET LBL FONT STL]] Set the font style (normal, bold, italic) for all sectors of the current pie chart. ---+++ [[CDPieSetLabelFontSize][.PIE SET LBL FONT SZ]] Set the font size for all sectors of the current pie chart. ---+++ [[CDPieSetLabelFontColor][.PIE SET LBL FONT CLR]] Set the font color for all sectors of the current pie chart. ---+++ [[CDPieSetLabelRotation][.PIE SET LBL ROTATION]] Set the rotation angle for all sectors of the current pie chart. ---++ Comments: _Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments._ <br />%COMMENT% -- Main.JeanNeron - 2011-11-24
This topic: Main
Topic revision: r2 - 2011-11-25 - JeanNeron
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