---+ Chart Director API for APPX _These APIs can be used by an APPX designer to create business charts within an APPX application._ ---++ [[CDChartDirectorInstallation][Installation Tips]] ---++ [[CDChartDirectorOverview][Overview]] ---++ [[CDChartDirectorDataRoutines][Data Routines]] ---++ [[CDChartDirectorTextRoutines][Text Object Routines]] ---++ [[CDChartDirectorColorRoutines][Color Routines]] ---++ [[CDChartDirectorBaseChartRoutines][Base Chart Routines]] ---++ [[CDChartDirectorPieChartRoutines][Pie Chart Routines]] ---++ [[CDChartDirectorXYChartRoutines][XY Chart Routines]] ---++ [[CDChartDirectorKnownIssues][Known Issues]] ---++ Comments: _Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments._ In the application CD1 00 I find some subroutines (for example: ROUND METER). In there I find some 0CD API's, like for example .METER SET AMETER. I do not find them in this chapter of the Wiki. Is it true that a lot of API's are not yet documented in this wiki? -- %BUBBLESIG{WimJongejan - 2015-01-27}% They haven't been fully tested yet. If they work for you, feel free to use them. Also check out the input processes that begin with .TEST in 1CD -- %BUBBLESIG{JeanNeron - 2015-01-28}% %COMMENT% -- Main.SteveFrizzell - 2010-02-14
This topic: Main
Topic revision: r114 - 2016-10-10 - AlKalter
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