APPX 5.5.0 Features - SCCS

This page describes the changes made to the Sourc Code Control System (SCCS)


  • Cosmetic changes: All scrolling screens now use floating frames, so they should expand to whatever your row size is (no more 21 x 80).
  • You can move a Task from Job to Job. This is under 'Manage Projects/Jobs/Tasks’. A system note is generated for the move.
  • You can move a Job from Project to Project. This is also under 'Manage Projects/Jobs/Tasks’. A system note is generated for the move.
  • Status changes at Project, Job or Task level will trigger a system note showing the change.
  • Notes are now viewable from 'Manage Projects/Jobs/Tasks’
  • Notes list/display now shows the origin of the note
  • Design Transfer changes
    • Allows you to select a target Job No.
    • Optionally retains the original Job/Task description
    • A Cancel button has been added to the inputs
    • A system note is generated when the the transfer is run.
  • Task Dependance. You can add dependant tasks to a parent task.
    • To add a dependant task, go to 'Projects/Jobs/Tasks’ and navigate to the parent task. Press Enter on the scrolling screen to get the detail screen for the Task. There is an option/button ‘Dependants’. You can only add or delete records here. To add a dependant task, press F9. You’ll get a list of eligible tasks (like a SCAN). Hit enter on the one you want & it will be added to the list. Delete in the usual way.
    • When doing a Design Transfer, the dependant child must be selected for transfer first. If not, or if the child Task is not eligible for transfer, you’ll get an error message and will not be able to transfer the parent. It is also acceptable if the child task is already CLOSED.
  • When you go into Application Design, it will check the Audit history for the last project you worked on in the last 30 days. If one is found, it will automatically select that Task for you.
  • If you switch applications to an application that is not tracked or where the currently selected task is not valid, it will clear the current Task.
  • The Task selection input is now table based to make it easier to use.
  • Auto advance has been suppressed for all process types and files. This means when returning from the frame level of a process or field level of a file, APPX will not automatically read the next record in the scrolling list. It will remain on the same parent record. This should eliminate the extra pop up dialogs you would get when advancing to the next process/record and that process/record is not on your current task. It is conditional on SCCS being active. If SCCS is turned off, then Application Design will run as before.
  • An inconsistency between the ’Switch to Task’ and ‘Add object to Task’ screens has been corrected. An Enter in both cases will switch to the task/add the object.
  • When trying to change an object not on your worksheet, different Task selection screens would be displayed depending on whether you drilled down to the object or accessed it directly. Now the screen that offers to switch to the specific task will be displayed in both cases, not the one that shows a list of tasks.
  • When returning back to the list of optional children without changing the assigned task and pressing change mode on any optional child, the screen identifies the optional child that you had just drilled down to and not the one you are currently on. This has been fixed.
  • Some buttons were labeled ‘Close’ and some were labeled ‘Cancel’. All buttons are now labeled ‘Cancel’.
-- Jean Neron - 2020-02-13


This topic: Main > Appx550Features > Appx550FeaturesSCCS
Topic revision: r2 - 2020-02-13 - JeanNeron
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