Alignment Specification

This chart explains the positioning when using the various 'align' routines in the Chart Director API.

Constant DescriptionSorted ascending
BottomLeft2 An alternative bottom-left position used in for axis title positioning only. For a vertical axis, BottomLeft2 refers to refers to the left of the bottom side, while BottomLeft refers to the bottom of the left side. The reverse applies for a horizontal axis.
BottomRight2 An alternative bottom-right position used in for axis title positioning only. For a vertical axis, BottomRight2 refers to refers to the right of the bottom side, while BottomRight refers to the bottom of the right side. The reverse applies for a horizontal axis.
TopLeft2 An alternative top-left position used in for axis title positioning only. For a vertical axis, TopLeft2 refers to refers to the left of the top side, while TopLeft refers to the top of the left side. The reverse applies for a horizontal axis.
TopRight2 An alternative top-right position used in for axis title positioning only. For a vertical axis, TopRight2 refers to refers to the right of the top side, while TopRight refers to the top of the right side. The reverse applies for a horizontal axis.
BottomCenter The center point on the bottom line.
Bottom The center point on the bottom line. Same as BottomCenter.
Center The center point on the middle horizontal line.
TopCenter The center point on the top line.
Top The center point on the top line. Same as TopCenter.
BottomLeft The leftmost point on the bottom line.
Left The leftmost point on the middle horizontal line.
TopLeft The leftmost point on the top line.
BottomRight The rightmost point on the bottom line.
Right The rightmost point on the middle horizontal line.
TopRight The rightmost point on the top line.


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-- JeanNeron - 2011-11-18

This topic: Main > WebHome > APPX510Features > CDChartDirectorDesignerAPI > CDChartDirectorTextRoutines > CDTextSetTextAlignment > AlignmentSpecficiation
Topic revision: r1 - 2011-11-18 - JeanNeron
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