APPX Financials Manuals

Manuals for all of the new APPX Financials are under development, and will be made available here as each one is completed. If the manual you are seeking is not yet available, you may want to refer to the manuals for the old non-graphical applications for reference and an understanding of some basic principles and procedures.

On-line Manuals for New APPX Financials

Accounts Payable Initial Setup
General Ledger Initial Setup

Old "T-apps" Manuals

The manuals linked below are for the character-mode APPX Financial Applications (the "T-apps"), and not for the new graphical APPX Financials. These manuals contain obsolete screen shots, and are provided only as a reference for users of the old applications or for others who wish to gain an understanding of the basic workings of the apps. We apologize for any inaccurate or missing information, and we hope and expect to have manuals available shortly for all of the new applications.


APPX Software, Inc. does not assert or guarantee that the information contained in these manuals is accurate or relevant to the applications that a given customer may be running. APPX applications are designed to be customized, and any customization will naturally alter the look, operation, and work flow of an application. Furthermore, these manuals are several years old, and have not been reviewed for many years. They are not intended to be a reliable reference source for the new graphical APPX Financials.


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-- ChrisBrower - 2011-06-06

This topic: Main > Support > OnlineManuals > APPXFinancialsManuals
Topic revision: r2 - 2011-06-06 - ChrisBrower
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