APPX Desktop Client Encryption

Effective with Release 5.0.0, the APPX Desktop Client includes an option to enable SSL encryption for "Remote" APPX Desktop Client sessions.


Release 5.0.0 or higher of the APPX Desktop Client allows SSL encryption to optionally be enabled for "Remote" APPX Desktop Client sessions when connecting to APPX Server 5.0.0 or higher.  The APPX Desktop Client SSL encryption feature encrypts all data transmitted between the APPX Desktop Client and the APPX server including login ID, password, all session data, all reports printed by the client, and all files transferred between the client and the server.  The APPX Desktop Client can only establish an encrypted SSL connection with an APPX Server that has an APPX Login Manager that supports and that has been properly configured to accept SSL connection requests from the various types of APPX clients.  The APPX Login Manager on the APPX Server may be configured to require that the APPX Desktop Client must use SSL encryption.  Furthermore, the APPX Login Manager may require that the APPX Desktop Client identify itself by providing an acceptable SSL certificate [Note: This feature is not yet implemented by the APPX Desktop Client].

APPX Desktop Client Handshake

When the APPX Desktop Client connects with an APPX Login Manager to establish a client session with an APPX Server, the first step is to complete a "handshake".  The handshake tells the APPX Desktop Client whether or not the APPX Login Manager can accept an encrypted login request from the APPX Desktop Client.

Versions 5.0 and higher of the APPX Desktop Client support two different types of handshakes:

  • Pre-5.0 Handshake - Used to establish a "clear text" client session with versions of APPX Server prior to 5.0.0.
  • 5.0 Handshake - Used to establish an encrypted SSL client session with version 5.0.0 or higher of APPX Server.

Versions of the APPX Desktop Client prior to 5 support only the Pre-5.0 Handshake Protocol.

The following chart shows the types of connections that are technically possible for the various combinations of versions of the APPX Desktop Client and APPX Server.  Please note that while it is technically possible for an APPX Desktop Client version prior to 5.0 to connect to an APPX Server version of 5.0 or higher, this combination is not recommended or supported since upward compatibility of old APPX Desktop Client versions with newer APPX Server versions is not assured.  The APPX Desktop Client version should always be the same or higher than the APPX Server version with which a session is to be established.

Client/APPX Versions APPX-Prior to 5.0  APPX-5.0 & HigherSorted ascending
Client - Prior to 5.0 Clear Text Only Clear Text Only
Client - 5.0 & Higher Clear Text Only Clear Text or SSL

APPX Desktop Client SSL Preferences

The APPX Desktop Client provides five preferences (parameters) relating to SSL connection requests.  Depending on the value specified for SSLMode, the other SSL preferences may not always be relevant.


  1. Required - When this option is specified, the APPX Desktop Client will attempt to establish an SSL connection with the APPX Login Manager on the APPX server.  If the APPX Login Manager is an older version that does not support SSL connections or if the APPX Login Manager is configured to not allow SSL connections, the client will display an error dialog informing the user that an SSL connection with the requested APPX server is not available.  In this case, the user has the option of cancelling the connection request or allowing the connection to proceed without enabling SSL encryption.
  2. Optional - This option is similar to the Required option.  However, in the event that an SSL connection cannot be established, the client will automatically connect without enabling SSL and without notifying the user.
  3. Disabled - No SSL connections allowed, therefore no datastream encryption. If you are connecting to a 4.2.a or earlier build of APPX, then you might experience a brief (<=3 second) handshake upon connection.
  4. Pre43 - Do not perform any SSL notification to the target server. This can speed up connections to older builds of APPX Connection managers, such as appxdsvc.exe, winappxd, and appxd that did not have SSL capabilities.


This preference determines whether or not the APPX Desktop Client is allowed to connect to an APPX Server that does not have an SSL certificate signed by a trusted authority such as Verisign or Thawte.

  1. True - The connection is allowed
  2. False - The connection is not allowed


This preference determines whether or not the APPX Desktop Client

  1. True
  2. False


This preference determines whether or not the APPX Desktop Client is allowed to connect to an APPX Server that has a self-signed SSL certificate.

  1. True - The connection is allowed
  2. False - The connection is not allowed


This preference specifies the length of time in seconds that the client is to wait after attempting to establish an SSL connection with the APPX Login Manager.  If the specified amount of time passes without establishing an SSL connection, then the connect request will fail.  This handshake timeout only applies when the client is attempting to

  1. An integer 0 through 10, with the default being 3.

APPX Connection Manager SSL parameters.

RequireSSL - Not Implemented. Do not Use.

  1. true
  2. false


  1. True - Connecting clients must have client side SSL certificates.
  2. False - This is the default option. Connecting clients do not need to have client side SSL certificates.

ServerCertificateFile - This is the server's SSL public certificate

  1. The pathname of server's X509 certificate (leave blank for anonymous connections). An example is ServerCertificateFile =/usr/local/appx/tools/

ServerPrivateKeyFile - This is the server's SSL private server key

  1. Pathname of server's private key file (unlocks the ServerCertificateFile). An example is ServerPrivateKeyFile =/usr/local/appx/tools/


  1. Passphrase that unlocks ServerPrivateKeyFile


  1. Enabled #SSL connection type (optional, required, disabled)
  2. Disabled
  3. Optional

TrustedCAFile = #determines which client certificates to trust

How to create a server's SSL private server key and server's SSL public certificate from the Unix/Linux command line with the openssl tool.

Create new private/public-keys without passphrase for server

*openssl genrsa -out 1024*

Create server's SSL public certificate

*openssl req -new         -days 365         -key         -x509         -out*

Suggested Behavior:

  1. A field or two need to be added to the AppxDesktopClient SSL configuration parameters that would work with the AppxLoginMgr 's field named RequireSSLClientCertificates.


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-- AlKalter - 04 Apr 2008

This topic: Main > WebHome > APPX500Features > APPXClientEncryption
Topic revision: r13 - 2008-09-18 - SteveFrizzell
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