---+ APPX 5.3.0 Feature Index _This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.3.0. Follow the links below to learn more. Additional information on patch releases can be found [[APPX53xBugFixes][here]]._ %TOC% ---++ Overview * APPX Client * [[Main.530ClientWindowSizing][Client Window Sizing]] - <a target="_blank" href="http://redmine.appx.com:11000/issues/459"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Redmine Issue 459</span></a> * <span style="text-decoration: underline;">[[Main.530HTMLEditor][HTML Editor Improvements]]<span style="color: #000000;"> - </span><a target="_blank" href="http://redmine.appx.com:11000/issues/460">Redmine Issue 460</a></span> * APPX Design * <span style="text-decoration: underline;">[[Main.530DataExchange][Data Exchange Application]] - <a target="_blank" href="http://redmine.appx.com:11000/issues/90">Redmine Issue 90</a></span> * [[Main.530ReadPrev][New ILF Command READPREV]] - <a target="_blank" href="http://redmine.appx.com:11000/issues/351">Redmine Issue 351</a> * [[Main.530TableFillAttribute]['Fill' Attribute for Table Widgets]] - <a target="_blank" href="http://redmine.appx.com:11000/issues/467">Redmine Issue 467</a> * [[Main.530MoreTEMPFields][More --- TEMP XX fields available]] - <a target="_blank" href="http://redmine.appx.com:11000/issues/486">Redmine Issue 486</a> * [[Main.530GroupWidgetFields][New Group around Widget Color Fields]] - <a target="_blank" href="http://redmine.appx.com:11000/issues/308">Redmine Issue 308</a> * APPX Runtime * <span style="text-decoration: underline;">[[Main.530SelectAccessPath][Select Access Path]] - <a target="_blank" href="http://redmine.appx.com:11000/issues/474">Redmine Issue 474</a></span> * <span style="text-decoration: underline;">[[Main.530MaxFileSize][New Maximum File Sizes]] - <a target="_blank" href="http://redmine.appx.com:11000/issues/122">Redmine Issue 122</a></span> * [[Main.530UserCancel][Now able to Interrupt running processes]] - <a target="_blank" href="http://redmine.appx.com:11000/issues/269">Redmine Issue 269</a> * APPX System Administration * [[Main.530CSVImportExport][New Import/Export Format]] - <a target="_blank" href="http://redmine.appx.com:11000/issues/391">Redmine Issue 391</a> * [[Main.530PAM][Appx Login Manager PAM capable]] - <a target="_blank" href="http://redmine.appx.com:11000/issues/479">Redmine Issue 479</a> * [[Main.530ConnectionManager][New Connection Manager]] - <a target="_blank" href="http://redmine.appx.com:11000/issues/461">Redmine Issue 461</a> * [[Main.530ImportUtilEnhancment][Enhancements to Import/Export]] - <a target="_blank" href="http://redmine.appx.com:11000/issues/492">Redmine Issue 492</a> * Additional APIs in 5.3. * [[Main.0DXSubrXmlImport][.XML Import]] * Bug Fixes * Table Related * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2635][Table Source Mask Ignored for Numeric Field]] #2635 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2636][Table Widget Column Heading Alignment does not match alignment of data]] #2636 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2637][Table Widget date field displays mask instead of blank]] #2637 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2731][Table Fails with non-US numeric decimal character]] #2731 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2837][Another table column alignment issue - numerical fields]] #2837 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2841][Negative numbers prevent table display]] #2841 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2860][Tables sort dates incorrectly as alpha fields]] #2860 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2898][Table widget does not sort text with HTML tags properly]] #2898 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=643][LOCAL,RECEIVE have logical value Fail component]] #643 * Changed prompt from FAIL to REQ? and removed it from the LOCAL statement. REQ? is a Y/N and if set to Y and there is no PASS found it will issue a CANCEL screen and cancel the process. The cancel screen will show the process that was running, the Subroutine process name containing the RECEIVE command (including GOSUB or COPY'ed code) and the receiving field or file name. * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=1682][CANCEL in FLEP may not cancel process]] #1682 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=1821][Can't set background color in scrolling region]] #1821 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=1905][APPX.STK File Missing Process Type]] #1905 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2823][OPTION value REDISPLAY does not work on a button]] 2823 * The user must run UPDATE KEYMAP from the Sys Admin File Management menu to correct a problem in the keymap file. * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2891][Drag & Drop has trouble with email subjects >256 characters]] #2891 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2897][RECEIVE and LOCAL of type RECORD or FILE fails]] #2897 * Cleaned up token list so only FIELD and RECORD are allowed. Implemented a RECEIVE of type RECORD, which does a bit by bit set into the target field or record (same as SET on a group field). For a LOCAL of type RECORD it restores a default record into the fields. The FILE option has been removed. * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2418][ADC displays users password]] #2418 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2729][Background session fails to run]] #2729 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2816][Resource file gets corrupted]] #2816 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2827][TAB OUT on last field will not advance]] #2827 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2836][Transfer of Children creates unwanted orphans]] #2836 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2839][Background processing launches extra sessions for TRAP statements]] #2839 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2840][Audit History Browser]] #2840 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2842][Files Currently Selected Fields]] #2842 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2845][Cross reference for literals not working]] #2845 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2846][.CONVERT TEXT TO HTML doesn’t seem to be converting newline characters correctly.]] #2846 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2848][Client goes into a loop]] #2848 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2880][Cannot edit user password if block cursor turned off]] #2880 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com:81/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2890][FMS Type 1 With Full Path produces error upon entering FA]] #2890 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2801][Incorrect Error Message displayed.]] #2801 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2885][BEG AT with EX does not read correct record]] #2885 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2903]['New Session' pulldown menu not always available]] #2903 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2904][Table Source Input adds FRAME record with blank process type/name]] #2904 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2873][Back tab does not work when positioned in a text field]] #2873 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2888][Need Client option to set background color of focused field]] #2888 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2556][Change All References ignores process type]] #2556 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2909][Change All References misses Table Data Source specification]] #2909 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2894][Appx Crashes after maintaining FMS groups]] #2894 * [[http://bugtracker.appx.com/view_bug.jsp?bugid=2907][HTML Editor does not work with IE 11]] #2907. * Note: This requires setting the parameter 'ie11fix' in the [Startup] section to true in the client preferences. Due to the way this setting is initialized, after changing it and logging on, you must log off and on again for the change to take affect. Alternatively, you can specifiy '-ie11fix=true' on the command line, and the fix will take affect immediately. ---++ Known Issues * The reconnect feature is not yet available for the Windows platform * The Data Exchange Application and CSV Import/Export are not yet available for the Solaris or HP Platforms ---++ Bonus Features A new 'Table View' option has been added to the Data Dictionary Toolbox. This is under the 'Process Generation' pull down menu, and it will create an Input/Table Resource process pair that allows you to view the data in the given file. As with the other utilities, you can choose which columns to display and their order. ---+ <span style="color: #630000; font-size: 19px; line-height: 1em;">Comments:</span> _Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments._ --- <br />%COMMENT% -- Main.JeanNeron - 2013-09-25
This topic: Main
Topic revision: r16 - 2020-05-12 - JeanNeron
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