APPX 5 Special Installation Instructions for upgrading within the APPX 5.x series

This page provides special instructions when upgrading an existing APPX 5.0 installation to a newer APPX 5.x release.


Special Upgrade Instructions when upgrading from APPX 5.0.0, 5.0.1, or 5.0.2 to APPX 5.0.3 or later

All customers who are running APPX Release 5.0.0 or 5.0.1 are urged to upgrade to the newest release for their particular platforms. Those first two releases in Version 5.0 should not be run in production environments, at the risk of potential data loss. The procedure to upgrade from APPX 5.0.0 or 5.0.1 requires the following additional steps:

  1. Before upgrading, you must run a special utility in each application on your system. Use Option-99 from within Application Design to run the following job:
    Application: 0AD (that starts with a numeric zero, not the letter O)
    Version: 00 (zero-zero)
    Database ID: (leave blank)
    Process Type: JOB

  2. Customers upgrading to APPX 5.0.3 or later from 5.0.0, 5.0.1. or 5.0.2, need to scratch the following files:

    You can scratch them from the command line, or by using the Scratch Files option (for only those two files, SCTRACK and SCNOTE) in System Administration File Management.

  3. After installing 5.0.3 or later, use System Administration File Management to re-create the following files:
    You can simply run Create Files for all of the System Administration files - APPX will only create those that are missing.

  4. Run 'Sync Design Elements' for each of your applications.

Special Upgrade Instructions when upgrading to APPX 5.2.0

  1. After upgrading to APPX 5.2.0 from any prior release of APPX, you will need to scratch the following folder:

  2. After performing step 1 above, you will need to run Create Files for all of the System Administration files. This will create a new Struct folder and will create a new structure file for each of the System Administration files. This step will also create several new files in System Administration which are needed for Role Based Security feature which is new to APPX 5.2.0.
  3. Remove Struct/ from all of your applications, followed by a create files for all your design files.

Special Upgrade Instructions when upgrading to APPX 5.3.1

  1. There were significant changes to the Data Exchange utility in 5.3.1. If you were using it in version 5.3.0, you must do the following:
    • Restructure or Initialize the 0DX datafiles for each Database using it. The mapping has changed significantly, review the documentation for 5.3.1 to see if it's worth the trouble of changing your existing mappings or if it's easier to start over.
    • Regenerate your Import subroutines. The new subroutine takes advantage of the new fields in XVALUE. The old subroutines will not be compatible.


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-- JoeOrtagus - 2010-07-14

This topic: Main > WebHome > Appx531Installation > APPX500to502Upgrade
Topic revision: r2 - 2014-03-11 - JeanNeron
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