APPX Windows- APPX 5 Upgrade Instructions

Esta pagina tiene la informacion para un upgrade de un APPX 4.2.a Windows para APPX 5.


Advertencia - Estas instrucciones son especificas para un upgrade de APPX 4.2.a para APPX 5. Si usted esta hacendo un upgrade de una version mas vieja de APPX hay que hacer un upgrade para APPX 4.2.a y despues un upgrade para APPX 5.

Para hacer un upgrade de una instalacion de APPX en Windows de APPX 4.2.a para APPX 5, hay que completar los seguintes pasos:

  1. Obtener una nueva version Release 5.0 License de su distribuidor o revendedor.
  2. Completar las tareas preliminares
  3. Converter sus archivos de System Administration
  4. Instalar APPX Utility upgrade
  5. Instalar una llave de la licencia nueva de APPX 5.0.0
  6. Configurar el nuevo APPX Login Manager
  7. Tareas Finales

Preliminary Tasks

  1. Pedir a todos sus usuarios a salir del sistema (log off)
  2. Verificar la integridad de los archivos en el sistema y corrigir errores.
    • System Administration Files
    • Design Files
    • Data Files
  3. Backup su sistema

Convert Your System Administration Files

El primero paso para hacer un upgrade de una instalacion de APPX 4.2.a para una de APPX 5 es convertir los archivos de System Administration para el nuevo formato APPX 5. Los archivos de System Administration para APPX 4.2.a no son compatibles con APPX 5 y deben ser convertidos al formato de APPX 5. Siga las direcciones para converter los archivos de System Administration.

Install the Upgrade Application

Hay dos metodos diferentes para instalar y hacer un upgrade de la aplicacion en Windows. Hay un GUI installer y un Console Mode instalador en (caracter mode). Los sitios van usar el instaler GUI, el caracter mode es para los sitios usando Windows Core Server (Windows sin GUI). El mismo instalador es usado para los dos metodos. El instalador va detectar automaticamente si esta rodando bajo un comando o un GUI Desktop, aunque en algunos casos usted puede necesitar agreagar un "-c" en la linea de comando para forzar el instalador de caracter. De todas maneras, el resultado es lo mismo.

GUI Installation

Log en su sistema como un usuario administrativo.

Baje y rode el instalador de APPX 4.2.a para APPX 5 upgrade aplicacion Appx4to5upgrade_windows.exe del sitio de APPX o de APPX ftp server. Despues de unos momentos, APPX 4.2 a 5.0 Upgrade Application Setup Wizard va exhibir una pantalla Welcome. Seleccione el boton "Next" para continuar.


Lea las instrucciones de instalacion y seleccione el boton "Next" para continuar.


Especifique el Directorio del destino de la utilidad de upgrade donde va ser instalado. El direcctorio debe ser el direcctorio donde APPX 4.2.a esta instalado en su systema.


La aplicacion APPX Upgrade (5SA Version 00) va ser instalada en el directorio especificado.


Cuando el instalador wizard exhibe la pantalla final, seleccione el boton Finish para encerrar la instalacion del wizard.


Character Mode Installation

Si usted no tiene aceso al GUI, usted puede rodar el instalador en modo de caracter para adicionando "-c" en la linea de comando. Despues de unos momentos, el Setup Wizard exhibira una mensaje Welcome. Seleccione Enter para continuar la instalacion.

C:\Appx>Appx4to5upgrade_windows -c
Unpacking JRE ...
Preparing JRE ...
Starting Installer ...
This will install Appx 4.2 to 5.0 Upgrade Application on your computer.
OK [o, Enter], Cancel [c]

Despues, la instalacion y instrucciones de van ser exhibidas. Seleccione Enter cuando estea listo para continuar.

Installation Instructions

This conversion utility is an Appx application that will read your
existing 4.2 System Administration files and write new 5.0 System
Administration files into a work directory. Once Appx 5.0 is installed
you can copy the System Administration files from this work directory
into place as your live System Administration files.
Here are the steps involved in installing and using this utility

1. Install conversion application into your current appx installation path.
2. Add application 5SA version 00 in System Administration - Applications.
3. Add database 5SA connected to Application 5SA 00 in System Administration - Databases.
4. Process the Data Dictionary for application 5SA 00.
5. Create data files for Database 5SA, application 5SA.
6. Run application 5SA, database 5SA and follow the on screen instructions.

Seleccione el local de la instalacion.

Where should Appx 4.2 to 5.0 Upgrade Application be installed?

Los archivos van ser copiados a su hard disk. Cuando estea encerrado, usted esta listo para continuar con 'Configure the Upgrade Application'

Configure the Upgrade Application

Despues de instalar la aplicacion de Upgrade, usted debe instalar APPX como System Administrator y configurar la aplicacion Upgrade.

Adicione upgrade application (5SA 00) a los archivos Applications.


Cree los archivos de Design para la aplicacion 5SA. APPX va exhibir "File Already Exists" para cada archivo. Si no, la aplicacion no fue instalada en el local correcto. Hay que repetir los pasos de instalacion, especificando el local correcto


Adicione el database (5SA) para Upgrade Application en los archivos de Databases.


Rode Database Management para Upgrade Application y Database.


Rode Create Files.


Run the Upgrade Application

Despues de configurar Upgrade Application, usted debe rodar Upgrade Utility para converter sus archivos de System Administration.


Seleccione el boton "Convert" para rodar la utilidad de conversion.


La utilidad de conversion va crear un log. Especifique las disposiciones apropriadas para imprimir el conversion log.


La utilidad de conversion va informar si hay problemas durante la conversion.


Install the Upgraded System Administration Files

Antes de instalar APPX Utility, usted primero debe cambiar sus archivos viejos de System Administration con nuevos archivos de System Administration que fueron creados cuando usted rodo la utilidad de upgrade para convert your System Administration files para la nueva estructura de APPX 5.0.0. Usted puede usar un comando de copia similar al ejemplo abajo para cambiar su sistema viejo de System Administration con los archivos recientes. Estea cierto a editar su comando copia para referir al directorio donde APPX esta instalado en su sistema si APPX no esta en "C:\Appx"

COPY C:\Appx\data\5SA\5SA\Data\ C:\Appx\data\0SA\Data*

You should also remove the System Administration structure files. You can use a delete command similar to the example below to remove your System Administration structure files. Be sure to edit the command to reference the directory where APPX is installed on your system if APPX is not installed in "C:\Appx".

DEL C:\Appx\data\0SA\Struct\*

You are now ready to install Release 5 on top of your existing installation. Before installing APPX you should:

  1. Stop the APPX Connection Manager service(s).
  2. Terminate (kill) any APPX sessions that are still active (there shouldn't be any if everyone has logged off)
  3. Terminate (kill) the APPX License Server session

Then follow these steps:


Two different methods are provided to install APPX on Windows. There is a GUI installer and a Console Mode (character mode) installer. Most sites will use the GUI Installer, the character mode installer is intended for sites using Windows Core Server (Windows without a GUI). The same installer is used for both methods. The installer will automatically detect if it is being run as a command or from a GUI Desktop, although in some cases you may have to add "-c" to the command line to force the character installer. Regardless of which installation method is used, the result is the same. A typical APPX installation on a system where APPX has not been previously installed performs the following steps:

  1. Creates the destination directory and installs APPX into it.
  2. Sets the appropriate permissions
  3. Runs APPX to allow you to complete the configuration
    • Add APPX System Administrators to the APPX user file
    • Configure and start the APPX Login Manager service
    • Configure and start the APPX Audit Manager service
    • Install the license key

GUI Installation on Windows

Log in to your system as an administrative user.

Download and run the APPX GUI installer (appxsetup-windows.exe) from the APPX web site or the APPX ftp server.

After a few moments, the APPX Setup Wizard should display the Welcome screen. Click on the "Next" button to continue. If you are presented with a Security Warning dialog, click on the "Run" button to continue with the installation.


Read and accept the license agreement.


Specify the Destination Directory into which APPX is to be installed. As a matter of convention, APPX is usually installed into C:\appx but may be installed into the drive and directory of your choice, but do not choose a directory with spaces in the name.


You will be warned if the destination directory already exists. Otherwise, the APPX Setup Wizard will create it.

The APPX Setup Wizard can optionally create a Start Menu. You must specify the appropriate options. If you don't know what to specify on this screen, simply accept the recommended options by clicking on the "Next" button to proceed with the installation.


APPX will then be installed into the specified destination directory.


Finally, you may specify whether or not you want the APPX Setup Wizard to create a shortcut on your desktop and/or a quick launch icon on the taskbar. After specifying the appropriate options, click on the "Finish" button to end the APPX Setup Wizard.


Character Mode Installation

If you are running Windows Core Server, you can run the Appx installer in character mode by appending "-c" to the command line. After a few moments, the Appx Setup Wizard should display the Welcome message. Press Enter to continue the installation.

C:\Appx>setup.exe -c

Unpacking JRE ...
Preparing JRE ...
Starting Installer ...
This will install Appx on your computer.
OK [o, Enter], Cancel [c]

Next, read and accept the License agreement. Press Enter as each page is displayed.

Please read the following License Agreement. You must accept the terms of this agreement before continuing with the installation.

Software License

APPX Utility - Release 5.0.0

_ Important! _

Please read this carefully before you click on the Accept button.


"Software License Agreement (SLA)" shall mean this Software License document and the associated *License Key document collectively.


After the agreement has been displayed, enter 1 to accept the license agreement, or 2 to cancel the installation.

For inquires regarding this agreement, please contact: APPX Software, Inc., 11363 San Jose Blvd., Suite 301, Jacksonville, Florida 32223, USA

I accept the agreement

Yes [1], No [2]

Choose the directory where APPX should be installed and the other installation options.

Where should Appx be installed?


Create a desktop icon?

Yes [y, Enter], No [n]

Create a Quick Launch icon?

Yes [y, Enter], No [n]

Install a new APPX 5.0.0 License Key

Double click the C:\Appx\AppxDesktopClient.exe file to start the Appx Desktop Client. Click on the 'Local' tab, enter the location of the APPX engine (the appx.exe file) and click the connect button. You should be presented with the following System Registration screen. Notice that the Effective Date field on this registration is blank. Starting with APPX 5.0.0, all License Keys include an Effective Date. You must install an updated License Key before you will be able to run APPX 5.0.0. Note that in Release 5 and higher you can copy your registration to the clipboard, and APPX will detect it when you choose "Typical Import" from the "Import Menu" below.


After installing a new 5.0.0 License Key, your System Registration screen should include an Effective Date.


Configure the new APPX Login Manager

APPX 5 includes the new APPX Login Manager service. This service replaces the Connection Manager (AppxdSvc) which was included with APPX releases prior to APPX 5.0.0. The old Connection Manager will not work with APPX 5 and higher, and should not be used. You should remove the services installed by appxdsvc using the '-remove' keyword:

C:\Appx\tools>appxdsvc -remove -name=Appx8060

To configure and start the new APPX Login Manager service, log in as an administrative user and execute a command similar to the following:

C:\Appx>CD services
C:\Appx\services>appxLoginMgr.exe -install -name=appx8060 -displayName=appx8060 -port=8060 -engine=C:\Appx\appx.exe

You should see the following messages:

appx8060 Created
appx8060 Configured

appx8060 Started
appx8060 will start automatically each time you boot your system

After executing the above command, users should be able to use the APPX 5.0.0 Desktop Client to successfully login on port 8060. For additional information on managing APPX Login Services, please refer to the complete documentation.

Final Tasks

  1. Create the new System Administration files ("System Administration/File Management/System Admin Files" on pull down menu).
  2. Upgrade Design Files
    • Remove the Structure files for each application
    • Run Create Files for each application
    • Run 'Sync Widget Elements' for each application. This is optional, as APPX will force you to do this the first time you go into an application after installing Release 5.0
    • Run 'Load Initial Audit History' for each application. This is optional, as APPX will automatically build the history as you make changes to your application. For example, the first time you go into INPUTs, APPX will see that the audit history is missing and it will create it as it reads the input process records. Regardless of whether you run this, APPX will start keeping a detailed audit history of changes in applications from this point on. However, you should decide now whether to run this step now or not. If audit information already exists in the audit file when you run this step, it will duplicate the data.
  3. Install the new APPX Desktop Client for all users
  4. Configure new features as desired


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

-- SteveFrizzell - 2 Nov 2009

This topic: Main > WebTopicList > APPX500InstallationInstructionsEs > APPX500WindowsUpgradeInstallationEs
Topic revision: r2 - 2010-01-30 - RayPelegrino
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