---+ APPX 5.0.0 Feature Index _This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.0.0. Follow the links below to learn more._ * [[APPXClientEncryption][APPX Desktop Client Encryption (SSL)]] * [[APPXIODataEncryption][APPXIO Data Encryption]] * [[APPXSessionMonitor][APPX Monitor]] * [[APPXDatabaseInterfaces][Database Interfaces]] * [[APPX500ToOracle][Oracle]] * DB2 * [[APPXODBCInstallationInstructions][ODBC]] * Designer-Related Enhancements * [[APPXDesignChangeHistory][Application Design Change History]] * [[APPXGuiILFDebugger][GUI ILF Debugger]] * [[APPXImageEditorLayoutTools][New Image Editor Layout Tools]] * [[APPXGuiOutputRawText][Output Process Design - New RAW TEXT output widget]] * [[APPXClientILFEditorScrolling][APPX Client - Up/Down Cursor Keys Scroll ILF Code]] * [[HTMLTagsInPDF][HTML Tags in PDF Output]] * [[LibraryUpdates][Library Updates]] * ILF Statements * [[PUSHPOPILFStatements][PUSH & POP]] * [[SELECTILFStatement][SELECT]] * Login Manager * [[APPXLoginManagerForUnixLinux][APPX Login Manager for Unix/Linux]] * [[APPXLoginManagerForWindows][APPX Login Manager for Windows]] * [[APPXSourceCodeControlSystem][Source Code Control System]] * APPX Client * [[ClientDupSessHotKey][Client - Duplicate Session Hot Key]] * [[ClientMultiHeadDisplay][Client - Support for Multiple Displays]] * [[ClientPresentationMode][Client - Presentation Mode]] * [[APPXApplicationDesignToolbarButtons][Client - Application Design Toolbar Buttons]] * [[APPXAuditLog][APPX Audit Log]] * New Installation Setup * Add Users * Configure Services * Install Registration From Clipboard ---++ Comments: _Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments._ --- %COMMENT% -- AlKalter - 04 Apr 2008
This topic: Main
Topic revision: r30 - 2016-01-20 - JeanNeron
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