---+ APPX 5.0 Bug Fixes _Following is a list of bugs that were fixed in Appx release 5.0._ %TOC% ---++ Overview The list is sub-divided into categories. The bug title, bug number (in parenthesis), and a brief explanation are listed within each category. ---++ Bugs By Category ---+++ Application Design * <p>ILF Help for action component lies (#645)</p> * ILF Help for Fail Action Type and Hold Action Type allow you to believe a blank is acceptable. * Update 'appx.env' file (#1033) * The comments in the 'appx.env' file needs to be updated to reflect the new default directory for print files. * changed-date on ILF-statement is set too often (#1125) * PASS statement copies too much/too little data when passing a FILE (#1659) * When you PASS a FILE (to a CALL, RUN, or RECEIVE statement), the PASS statement typically copies too much or too little data to the receiving field. It may also copy too much/little data when restoring the field value on return. This can cause memory corruption and may explain some/all of the exc... * Record Selection doesn't work right for token fields (#1867) * If you choose a token field for a 'where' clause and if you specify a specific token value, the query will encounter a runtime error. The problem is that the token string is being save in the SELECT record instead of the token ID (number). * New ILF commands & design utilities (#1928) * Make sure all the utilties, cross ref tools, etc, are aware of the new ILF commands (PUSH, POP, BROWSE, etc). For example, PUSH/POP are not recognized by the x-ref utils, and will silently ignore those commands and not cross ref the files/fields involved. * RESTORE ... ORIGINAL FIELD fails to verify (#1934) * The field name used in the ILF statement RESTORE <field name> ORIGINAL FIELD is listed as an undefined reference in the Verify All References tool. It is also listed as a FILE (not field) reference in the Reference Browser, and it is *not* listed when running a field Cross Reference. The field n... * Autogui Cosmetic GUI Issue in 0AD (#1960) * Some screens in 0AD now have autogui buttons peaking out from under designed widget buttons. The Opt-99 Run A Process popup from Application Design has this problem. Process DD from Application Design has this problem. * Can't Scan on Token Fields in Where clause (#1973) * If you scan on a token field in a 'Where' clause, when you press enter, you get a 'Blank Not Allowed' error, even tho' no fields are blank. * Missing vertical line in DD Mtce (#1979) * If you run at 30 x 132 with a font size of 18, then in DD mtce for Domains, Files and Work Fields, the vertical line just before the 'Options' column is missing. * Compare Processes (from toolbox) (#1984) * Cannot compare processes within the same application/version when Compare Utility is invoked from the Toolbox (pulldown menu). Message 'Error - Can't Compare the Application to Itself' is displayed. Broke in 4.2.a. Was working in 4.2.9. * Scan defaults to wrong process type (#1986) * When scanning for a Default Process in File Structures, the Process Type is defaulted to FILE rather than INPUT. * DL button in Work Fields doesn't work (#1987) * The small DL button in Work Fields does not seem to do anything; the Data Lookup button in the footer works. * Scan defaults to wrong process type (#1989) * When scanning for the Query Name in Use Query, the Process Type defaults to JOB rather than QUERY. * Field Size changes all by itself (#1990) * When changing Job Steps, the size of the Process Type field decreases by one character after the first step in the job. (Very strange!) * Run Test Database run wrong App (#2006) * The 'Run Test Database' in GUI mode always runs the startup app for the database, not the application you are developing in. * 'Unhide' Option 10 (Delete All Statements) in ILF (#2012) * Option 10 in ILF is documented in the Application Design Manual but isn't shown in ILF as an option. * Help text triggers auto gui (#2019) * Various items in the 0-apps use a construct of 'X) some text', which triggers the auto gui to turn it into a button. * Scan Display Triggers Auto GUI (#2020) * Sometimes, when scanning for an Application ID, the description of the 0DN and 0DO applications contains leftover text that the auto gui turns into buttons. * Auto-GUI buttons in Image Editor (#2022) * Auto-GUI buttons remain on some screens in the Image Editor. The screens affected include: Image Editor Options (F1 from the Image Editor), Image Toobox (Option 0 from the Image Editor) and Item Toolbox (Option 1 from the Edit Item screen). * Last Sort Level is lost (#2023) * If a Query Sort Order record sequence number of the last active sort level is changed then the Last Sort Level flag is lost. It reappears if you then add a new Sort Order record with the original sequence number. * Cross Reference for Files doesn't allow 0SA if version not 00 (#2027) * The cross reference utility for files will not allow you to specify 0SA USER when you are designing in a version other than 00. * Design Xfer Audit defaut S/B 'Y' (#2029) * It makes more sense to retain audit info when doing a design transfer, so the default s/b 'Y', not 'N'. * Entry level not accessible for optional children that aren't INPUT (#2032) * The 'Entry Level' field for Optional Children is no longer accessible for children that aren't INPUTs. * Change all field references misses RESTORE (#2038) * Change all field references does not change a field on a RESTORE statement when the option is 'ORIGINAL FIELD'. * Cross Reference 'All All' (#2043) * Minor bug. Cross Refernce of a field. If I click on F9, and then click on option 1 'Load All', while XREFWK02 AP is blank, I get an Error - Invalid Application * Xref Treats Constants as Fields (#2044) * Browse References / Cross Reference / Verify All References / Change All References consider a constant in a BEG AT/END AT as a field. * Xref shows FLEPs as *Not Referenced* (#2045) * File References (FLEPs) are always shown as 'Not Referenced' * Documentation Missing from Database Management App (0DB) (#2046) * Various inputs were missing Item and Field level help. * Item Too Large error in Xref Report (#2061) * On systems with long date masks, the Cross Reference report would not compile due to 'Item Too Large' errors. * Compile Error does not respect Application Lock (#2062) * A user can still drill down to a locked application if a compile error occurs. * Gen Process - Output Standard - Can't change headings (#2064) * The Generate Process - Output Standard does not let you modify the headings. The option is there, but when the default headings are presented to the user, they aren't modifiable. * 'Req Table Value?' spec missing (#2065) * If you define a domain for an alpha field that has a list of table values, then the actual fields that you define that are based on that domain do not have access to the 'Req Table Value?' spec. It should be on the AA popup but it isn't. * Jumping to a missing compare item thrashes APPX (#2070) * When comparing applications, buttons are provided to jump to the compare item in each application. If an item exists in only one application, such as an optional child, the button to jump to the other application is still present and active. Clicking on this button causes APPX to thrash, using up al... * Field help from Image Editor (#2074) * When you press F11 on the Image Editor and tab to the Auto total field, the only help text there is 'Positive Numeric Field 9'. It would be helpful if it had more help, something like: 0 = None 1= Sum 2 - Hash etc. * CDF Utility does not use new STREAM Functions (#2075) * The utility to create an export file uses the old style RT calls, and doesn't do any error checking. * Change all Refs doesn't update audit info (#2085) * Change all references of a field does not update audit info of affected processes. * Delete from X-ref Display (#2086) * It would be helpful to be able to delete entries from the x-ref display. * Nulls suppress PDF output (#2103) * If a field contains a null character, and you print it on a PDF report, all data following the null on that line will not print * --- Fields not found by X-ref on BEG LOOP/END LOOP (#2116) * The cross reference & browse utilities do not notice the use of --- fields on BEG LOOP/END LOOP statements * SCAN Hangs / Seg Faults (#2118) * If you are in one application, use Opt 99 to run a process & try to scan for the process name, APpx will either hang, seg fault, or return no results. * Scrolling Display duplicates records (#2120) * Under certain circumstances in App Design, records can be duplicated on a scrolling screen. * Vertical Progress Bar doesn't work (#2121) * It always displays horizontally * Headings overlap in PDF Output (#2122) * Under certain circumstances, auto generated headings can overlap when using PDF output * --- CDF PATH & FILE NAME is too short (#2124) * The --- CDF PATH & FILE NAME pdf is too short, sometimes the field gets truncated when using the toolbox routines to generate export routines * CALC statement not processed by Chg Refs (#2132) * The CALC statement is ignored by the Change All Ref utilities. Change Refs will not change the fields (if a PDF field is changed). * Query rejects valid comparisons (#2136) * Under certain circumstances, the Query editor will reject valid comparisons in the End User or Designer selections. * Print Hard Copy can be changed (#2139) * If the Disposition Definition indicates the Print Hard Copy flag cannot be changed, the user can still change it while viewing the report (PDF and Text). * Design Xfer All behaves badly (#2140) * It does Named Resource, then Domains, does not transfer any Files, transfers all the fields as if they were work fields and does not do Processes at all. Transferring these individually works as expected. The Transfer All just runs the same processes. We have reviewed the ILF code, and we can't see... * Xref does not find all refs to TEMP xx (#2142) * Xref does not find references to TEMP xx in MESSAGE, WARNING, ERROR, CANCEL and REFRESH statements. * Appx goes into key entry mode incorrectly (#2143) * For some reason, Appx goes into Key Entry mode instead of just displaying records * Xref does not decode occurrances properly (#2144) * The Cross Ref utilities do not decode the occurrance completely, and so miss references to --- fields. It also misses the use of --- fields in the CALC statement. * Change all refs does not handle occurrance or appearance fields. (#2145) * The change all refs utility does not handle occurrance or appearance fields properly when those fields contain --- fields. * Change all refs does not handle TEMP fields in ERROR, WARNING, MESSAGE, CANCEL or REFRESH statements (#2146) * Change all refs will not change a TEMP field in an ERROR, WARNING, MESSAGE, CANCEL or REFRESH statement * Query changes Token values incorrectly (#2147) * Token values get changed to their index values when they shouldn't. * Default font incorrect for widgets in PDF output (#2154) * The default font for a widget should be inherited from the form. Instead, the font is defaulting to MS_SERIF. * PDF reports not interpreting newlines correctly (#2168) * The PDF processor is not handling adjacent newline characters correctly. The second newline character (actually, every other adjacent newline character) is treated as a space. * Text Area widget not allowed on multi-row alpha field (#2170) * Output process design needs to allow a widget type of Text Area to be selected for a multi-row alpha field. Currently, only Raw Text, Label, and Picture are allowed. * Widget margins need to be modifiable on output widgets (#2171) * When specifiying gui attributes for a Raw Text or Text Area widget on an output image, the margin fields (top, bottom, left, right) need to be modifiable. The engine honors the top margin value if you set it in the WIDGET record via ILF. I haven't tested the other three margins. * Embedded hmtl absolute font size not being honored (#2176) * If you use an html tag to specify an absolute font size within a field on an output process, the font size is not changed * GUI ILF Debugger - Edit values in Input process. (#2185) * Can't edit values (F12) while trapping in an input process event point. You can edit values in a child process of the input. * GUI ILF DEBUGGER - Trap on/off icon. (#2186) * The toolbar icon or F3 doesn't toggle the TRAP statment. If a trap is set at run time, that trap can be toggled. * GUI ILF DEBUGGER - COPY jump. (#2187) * Use of COPY causes subsequent ILF to be skipped during run time. * GUI ILF DEBUGGER - Process Stack shadow image. (#2189) * When the process stack icon is pressed the background image (ILF Debugger) changes to show the standard mode buttons on the toolbar. The background image also shares focus with the process stack window and if a mode button (add, delete, change, inquire) is selected will effect the process stack di... * Alpha fields truncated on PDF output (#2204) * When an alpha field is printed as pdf with a widget type of Raw Text or Label the text is printed as a single line and truncates at the length of the widget. * Text area truncates inconsistantly (#2207) * Text area widgets with no font or scale settings are truncating text at different places leaving blank spaces at the end of the text area. * No messages displayed from new ILF debugger (#2210) * The new ILF debugger does not display any error, warning,etc message. * Restructuring encrypted file loses all data (#2260) * If you restructure an encrypted file, you will not be able to access the file afterwards, you get an 'Encryption Key Failure' error * No D.D. compile after Design Xfer (#2273) * If you do a design transfer of a field or file, and set the flag to compile the data dictionary, it doesn't do the compile. * Can't Change Export Parameters (#2279) * Under certain circumstances the export parameters of a report cannot be changed. You can change them in design mode and save the report. When you recall the report, you'll see the updated settings, however, when you run the report, it will use the old settings. * Error condition occurs consistantly when accessing File Attributes. (#2294) * APPX errors when selecting File Attributes in the File Specifications area of Database Management. An APPX System Error has Occurred. Please Contact Your APPX Support Representative with the following information: MODULE: FP... * Help Text Truncated (#2300) * When entering help text with the ADC, you can add lines beyond what is displayed and scroll bar appears automatically. However, when the help text is displayed it is truncated (no scroll bat) * Crash during a run of XREF ALL in TFP Design. (#2301) * Testing a customer's application (MMA) here revealed a bug that is only triggered due to the large size of this application. We've identified a bug. I've listed below the tests that failed and tests that worked. 1) Domains Single selection WORKS All selection WORKS 2) Files Single selection FAIL... * Multiple occurrences ignored in process generation (#2304) * When automatically generating an input or output process, APPX ignores multiple occurrences, placing only one occurrence on the image. * Language Xlate doesn't work for 0-apps if original lanuage not ENG (#2305) * If an application is developed in a language other than English, and is translated to English, then help screens, sort order screens and record selection screens are not translated at runtime. * Review Renumber process (#2306) * Review the Renumber utility, and if it looks good, add to the GUI menu and activate the option on the character menu. * Query Selection Expression Editor saves invalid changes (#2308) * Query Expression editor will save an invalid selection expression. * Design Xfer API does not allow Resources to be xferred (#2309) * The Design Transfer API has no provision for automatically transferring resources. * Can't use App Design if Language specified on User file (#2317) * If a Language Id is specifed on the User file, and the user tries to run Application Design, the process compiler will fail with Item Overlap errors. ---+++ Appx GUI Client * APPX Desktop Client does not lauch PDF print file in Preview.app or Adobe Reader (#1823) * Desktop Client does not reliably launch PDF print file in the Preview.app (or Adobe Reader) application when you are printing to screen. The Preview.app (or Adobe Reader) application does lauch, but there is no document data visible. * Vertical Progress bar doesn't work (#1891) * When you specify a Control type of Progress Bar on a numeric field's GUI Attributes in an input, the Progress Bar displays as horizontal even if you indicate that the orientation should be vertical. * Screen Display wrong in Sys Admin File Management (#1980) * The Java Client draws a window in the completely wrong place. * Viewing Reports limited to 132 characters (#1983) * If you are using >132 cols in the ADC, and you try to view a report with >132 cols, the report is cut off after 132 cols * Java Autoselect adding fields to DD (#2079) * The java client is overly aggressive in auto-selecting field data when the screen is displayed with the appx cursor offset to the right within the field. This is the case when adding fields to the data dictionary, adding items to images, constraints to a child, etc. In all these cases the file nam... * Duplicate Session Hot Key - Parameter Error (#2190) * If -title or -windowTitle is used in the properties to start the first session, invoking the second session with the Alt-F1 key will result in an error pop-up, Wrong Parameter Usage. * Multi-Head Adapter - Setting parameter to 2 doesn't default correctly. (#2192) * When the numberDisplay is set to the value 2, either at the command prompt or in advanced properties, Appx does not launch. The legit values are 0 or 1. When 3, 4, 5, or blank are set, Appx is lauched on the primary (0) display. * Client Preferences shows password (#2193) * The 'Client Preferences' display is now showing the user's actual password, both in the [Startup] section and in the [LatLogin] section. This is a new behavior in 4.3, and obviously represents a security problem. ---+++ Database Management * Rebuild Keys Fails (#429) * Unable to rebuild keys on design and data files unless logged on as user 'appx'. After talking to Pete it looks like this is a problem with permissions on Linux when running a program using the 'S' security bit. * Encrypted files fail verification (#2261) * An encrypted file always fails verification, even if the file has just been initialized and is empty. ---+++ FMS Interfaces * Appx won't read record content in locked Oracle record (#1596) * When Appx encounters a locked record in an Oracle database, it may not read the record content (leaving the wrong data in the record buffer). This only occurs when the engine re-reads a locked record by its record-ID * DB/2 Missing from Database Management FMS ID Help Text (#1610) * DB/2 is has an FMS number of 8. This is not documented in the built in Help System. * Record Locking doesn't work in SQL Server 2005 (#2166) * SQL Server 2005 does not seem to honor the SQL_CONCUR_LOCK concurrency attribute. As a consequence, two Appx sessions can gain a record lock on the same row. * Unable to connect to SQL Server 2005 (#2255) * Trying to connect to a SQL 2005 database using APPX Beta 5.009a * Unable to encrypt files (#2298) * In 5.a.11, I can't encrypt files. If I try to put an encryption key on an FMS group, it is not retained. If I try to put it on an individual file, same problem. ---+++ Installation * Actual password is displayed with Environment variables list when Appxdsvc is started with -AM=Appx (#1842) * When you start appxdsvc service with -AM=Appx, log in to Appx and view Environment variables, the actual password is showing in the $SYSUIDP row. * Documentation for appxd (#1938) * Documentation for appxd -u is wrong and needs to be fixed * Installation does not create initial Language record (#2025) * When installing Appx for the first time, a LANGUAGE record for ENG is not created. * Install screens not GUI (#2071) * The Appx Install screens (where the first user is prompted for and the registration is not imported) are very plain, not GUI at all. * Can't run uappxd with -install unless you are logged in as root (#2078) * Can't run uappxd with -install option unless you are actually logged in as root user. I am logged in as user 'steve', uappxd is owned by root, and the SUID bit turned on. When I run: ./uappxd -install -port=8060 I get the following message: Error - You must have superuser privileges to install a... * uappxd has no uninstall option (#2081) * There is no way to use uappd to uninstall a previously installed service. * uappxd doesn't remove a running service (#2090) * The -remove option of uappxd does not remove a running service. If the service to be removed is running, the following message is displayed: Stopping service If the service to be removed is not running the following messages are displayed: Stopping service Deleting init script Deleting configura... * uappxd ignores invalid password (#2105) * The uappxd connection manager ignores invalid passwords during O/S authentication and allows a user to connect to APPX even though the password is incorrect. * uappxd -stop throws error (#2115) * The 10/29/2007 build of uappxd throws the following error when the -stop command is executed: ./uappxd -stop appxd-8430 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): select() failed Interrupted system call * Installer should prompt for APPX authentication passwords (#2290) * When going through the initial setup I set the authentication type to be appx. APPX should prompt for the appx password in this case. It did not and as a result, I was locked out from TCPIP connectivity (I could of course click on APPX or run APPX via the local tab, but...) I suggest the install... * SQL/00 not added during installation (#2324) * The SQL/00 application is not added to the 0SA APPL file during installation. When the user tries to run SQL from the DMO app, nothing happens. ---+++ Reportwriter * Item Overlap Errors in APPX/SQL (#2049) * Item Overlaps can occur when trying to run a report just created * Field selection is confusing (#2050) * SQL shows the fields in alphabetical order, which makes it hard to find related fields (ie, Name, Address, City, State, Zip will be scattered all over, when they are right beside each other in the DD). ---+++ Run-Time Behaviors * PASS stmt fails if passing a negative literal (#15) * A runtime error occurs if you PASS a negative literal (such as -1 or 1-) to a subroutine. * ILF Help for logical value component lies (#644) * ILF Help directs you to enter a logical value (1 or 0) and then rejects you if you do. * SEND FILE TO CLIENT hangs if destination not passed (#1083) * Send file to client, forgetting the targer name pops an empty non-modifiable/useabe box and hangs the session!! * SEND FILE TO CLIENT (#1191) * Reported by Bob Gervais. If you do not supply a destination file name for the Send File To Client, a filechooser is supposed to open up allowing you to select the destination. A blank popup appears, and the client hangs. * CNV PORT fails with fields longer than 256 bytes (#1525) * A CNV PORT statement fails if the destination (alpha) field is longer than 256 bytes. If the source field is a numeric field, the CNV PORT causes a seg. fault. If the source field is a date field, the CNV PORT fails (but correctly returns a 'F'). * Multiple Occurrences in ILF Debugger Don't Work (#1572) * If you try to view or change an occurrence number other than 1, you can't. You can enter the occurrence number you want, but the editor always shows you occurrence 1. * PASS/RECEIVE Numeric variable problem (#1836) * When you PASS numeric variable such WORK NUMERIC 8.2, with value of 1234, with SHARE set to Y, call a SUBR and RECEIVE it into a numeric variable WORK NUMERIC 10.0, change the value of 10.0 to be something like 3456 and go back to the parent, the value of the original WORK NUMERIC 8.2 is changed to ... * Overlow during PASS/RECEIVE silently ends process (#1903) * If you PASS a numeric field, and the RECEIVEing field isn't large enough to contain it, then the process just ends without any warnings or errors. * RT_WRITE_STREAM does not detect out of space condition (#2053) * The RT_WRITE_STREAM call does not detect it runs out of disk space. * New Token Values not Recognized in ADC (#2054) * New Token Values are not recognized by the ADC. * STREAM functions do not test for open file first (#2072) * The STREAM functions READ, WRITE, CLOSE do not test if the file was opened first. This causes unexpected behaviour in Appx. * fieldName/fieldValue pairs (#2107) * Now that I have imported an xml file into SQLServer and investigated what it takes to use xpath and xquery to directly query the xml data or to 'shred' the xml data into relational tables, I think we may need to make a few adjustments to the structure of the xml file. 1) fieldName and fieldValue el... * Audit Log capitalization inconsistent (#2109) * The 'eventrecordID' node should be 'eventRecordID' to be consistent with 'appxProcessID'. * Audit Log Restructure event not complete (#2110) * The event data being logged for a Restructure event is not complete. In the example below, a single field was deleted from the file. The elements and nodes listed below were included at the <event> level and should probably have been enclosed within an <eventData> node. They are also invali... * Audit log needs to 'escape' certain characters (#2111) * xml does not allow certain characters to occur within an element's value unless they are escaped. The ampersand in the following example is not allowed: <field> <fieldName>OPPORTUN DESCRIPTION</fieldName> <fieldValue>Upgrade & add-on</fieldValue> </field> * Audit log file gets unexpectedly replaced (#2113) * When the audit log daemon is started, it always creates a log with seq 0, e.g. appxlog0.xml. If a log already exists with that name, it replaces the existing log. The daemon needs to create the new log with the next available seq no. * Fields not set when Add Mode automatically selected (#2125) * I have an optional child input process that uses child constraints and an auto sequence number. If I am in the parent process in Change Mode and there are no child record then APPX automatically selects Add Mode when I run the child process. I have some code in the Set Runtime Defaults event point t... * Increase max file size to 4GB on Windows (#2203) * The maximum !AppxIO file size on Windows is 2GB - increase that to 4GB. * Beeping date fields (#2231) * The latest client produces a 'beep' when the last character is typed into date fields. This does not happen in alpha fields. * Copyright Notices out of date on menus (#2265) * The copyright notices are out of date on the various 0-app menus. ---+++ Run-Time Environment * Hold lost on WIDGET when debugging (#1495) * It seems that if you use F10 to set a watchpoint after --- WIDGET has been read with hold, when you resume the process, the REWRITE to WIDGET will fail with a 'Record Not Held' error. * ILF Debugger fails when there are many subroutines (#1567) * If you have a complex process with many subroutines, the debugger will work in eratic ways, sometimes displaying ILF statements from other parts of the process, not relevant to the ILF statements currently being processed. This makes it very difficult to debug a complex process, of which we have ... * Missing trap_blk for this instruction in PASS /RECEIVE scenario (#1629) * can be misleading. Put a watch on a field and PASS it to a process which then modifies its corresponding RECEIVE. The message is what you will see if you trap a field that gets modified within a PASS / RECEIVE scenario where the modification is taking place on the receiving field to which the fiel... * Tab Order in 'Invoke A Process' (#1664) * When I hit Option 99 to invoke a process (in application design), the tab order is very confusing. When the cursor is in the Process Name field, I have to hit the tab key eight times(!!!) before the cursor moves to the Application/Version field. The client doesn't draw any discernible focus ind... * Add a system monitor (#1777) * Add a system monitor that shows the state of all Appx tasks currently running on your computer. * Saving EM's on RS/6000 is excruciatingly slooowww.... (#1900) * Saving EM's on a RS/6000 is painfully slow. The create runs fast enough, but there is a several second pause while it writes the EM to disk. * HTML log is misleading (#2096) * If you enable the html log (APPX_ILF_LOG), it doesn't put the Pre-Display section heading when logging the Pre-Display EP of an output. The code just follows the previous EP (Select Image in my case). * Audit log field name does not include occurrence (#2106) * When logging a fieldName node, we need to also include a fieldOcc attribute or a fieldOcc node. * Audit Log File Create - field with occurrences wrong (#2112) * A !FileCreate event does not log a field with occurrences correctly. The DELETE ME field in the example below has two occurrences but is listed as two fields with the same name, each with one occurrence. <event> <eventID> <type>FileCreate</type> <timeStamp>2007102610541095</timeSt... * Appx session closes if connection to the listener for Audit log was lost (#2220) * After kill -s or kill -1 command is issued in attempt to close audit log file, if you run a process - any process, against the file where FMS group for the listener is assigned to, Appx closes session all together and the log file gets wiped out * The .env file for appxLoginMgr service needs APPX_KEYMAP defined. (#2252) * When one creates an appxLoginMgr service with syntax: ./appxLoginMgr -install -SockPort=8060 The appxd-8060.env file does not have APPX_KEYMAP=WINDOWS. Without this defined then clients hang upon connection with 'Attaching GUI interface to server session' * appx.env missing from Windows installations. (#2257) * APPX should place a fully documented appx.env file in the %APPXPATH% * Limited to one extra session via Alt-F1 (#2299) * If you try to open more than 2 sessions via Alt-F1, you get an error 'Appx client: Login Failed: Probably incorrect or expired password' * Appx/Net broken (#2318) * VAR reports that Appx/Net on the AIX beta does not work. Unable to connect AIX<-> Windows, or AIX <-> AIX. Appx/Net on Windows does work, even to a 4.2.a server. ---+++ System Administration * DISP (SAVE) or something like that (#2011) * There is a bug when you save dispositions. Appx does a RESTORE, within a SUBR, not restoring the record it intendsl to. Fields not on the image are lost. * Security menu references an Option key (#2021) * When the user attempts to run 'Security Profile Cross-Reference list' and they haven't run 'Archive Security Codes' first, they are told to run 'Option 9'. However, when using the ADC, there is no 'Option 9'. * Security Profile Maintenance is VERY slow between the screens (#2042) * Security Profile Maintenance is VERY slow when paging up and down (due to calculations of Flag Set and User Count fields) * Documentation Missing from System Admin App (0SA) (#2047) * Various inputs were missing Item and Field level help. * Documentation Missing from Application Design (0AD) (#2048) * Various processes & fields are undocumented in 0AD. * Verify Data button should be removed from SA menu (#2052) * 'Verify Data' button needs to be removed from 'Verify Files' menu of the SA and Design File management * Startup Application ID can be blanked in database records (#2060) * APPX does not allow a blank startup application and version in ADD mode. However if you come back in change mode it will allow you to blank out these fields and save them. This is not what should happen. * No Listing Option for Disposition Definitions (#2063) * There's no Listing Option for Disposition Definitions in System Administration * No way to list Hook Records (#2069) * Need a way to print the Hook Records * Import Registration from Clipboard (#2073) * It would be useful if the registation import could read the registration directly from the clipboard, instead of having to upload a text file to the server. * Disposition Listing missing from pull down menus (#2097) * The disposition definition listing is missing from the main Appx menu pull down choices. * License Entry in 0AD (#2163) * When using the --- SHOW LICENSE INFO routines, It's too easy for the designer to accidentally accept the license terms (thus shipping an application with the terms already accepted). The method for clearing the terms is not obvious, nor does the system indicate if the terms are accepted. * Engine version not displayed (#2172) * The Release Information screen no longer displays the current engine version, as it always has previously. * Log Profile Parameters (#2195) * System Administration - Configuration - Log Profiles. There is a button at the bottom of the screen that is carried over to the details screen. it looks like it's just a left over and needs to be removed * Log Profiles Input is missbehaving (#2201) * --- MOD SCROLL BEHAV subroutine needs to be added to the input process. Also, when in CHANGE MODE, it highlights the Name, but then you press ENTER to go to the next screen - and it takes you tot he next record instead. * Data Encryption - FMS Group Attributes Encryption status not saved (#2216) * Trying to activate data encryption and failing because it seems the Encryption Attribute will not save. * C-asserts in Language Translation (#2221) * A C-assert 'can't write widget record - error - already on file' occurs in Language Translation * Misleading Error message from Apply Patch (#2244) * If you try to 'Apply Patch' or a normal Design Transfer but the source files don't exist, instead of APPX saying it couldn't find the application files, you get an error saying 'Application Lock does not allow Transfer Out operations'. This is completely misleading. ---+ Bugs Fixed in Patch Release 5.0.1 * APPX/Net, which was broken in 5.0.0, has been fixed for all platforms. (#2318) ---+ Bugs Fixed in Patch Release 5.0.2 * The appxODBC interface, which was broken in 5.0.0, has been fixed for all platforms. (#2347) * The Oracle interface did not work on HP PA Risc platform; it has been fixed. (#2348) * The uappxd connection manager did not honor startup process options when they are specified on the java client command line; this has been corrected. (#1485) * An error message was appearing when Help was selected for the Random Key Generation button in Database Management and FMS Controls; this has been fixed, and the Help text now appears properly. (#2381) * The Workstation address was missing from the View License Usage image in System Registration; this has been fixed. (#2386) * Audit History was not recording properly if multiple changes were made to multiple processes without exiting the process editor; this has been corrected. (#2389) * Repainting of scrolling screens has been fixed, to overcome a problem where not all records were being repainted. Also, display of parent screens after returning from a child process has been fixed to always repaint the parent records. (#2396, #2397) * The pull-down list for defining field types for work fields was not displaying; this has been fixed. (#2398) * An experimental algorithm for sorting child processes was inadvertently activated in earlier version 5 releases. It is turned off in 5.0.2; for releases 5.0.0 and 5.0.1, the environment variable APPX_OLD_CHILD should be set equal to the value 1 to prevent potentially serious unintended effects. * Additionally, the following bugs were fixed in APPX 5.0.2: * 1664 - Tab Order in 'Invoke A Process' * 2042 - Security Profile Maintenance is VERY slow between the screens * 2332 - Translate all or nothing * 2386 - Workstaion Information Missing * 2382 - Help screen text does not match field * 2398 - Field type pull-down missing for work fields * 2396 - Repaint of scrolling screens incomplete * 2397 - Repaint on return from child process * 2384 - Stepping thru field triggers DD compile * 2366 - Cursor position wrong in query selection design * 2389 - Audit History not always logging * 2343 - Words not added to Dictionary * 2365 - Appx Crashes with Floating Point Exception * The following changes were made to Source Code Control: * 2354 - SCCS option added to char mode toolbox * 2375 - Project/Job/Task retained when changing applications (you don't have to keep selected a P/J/T when changing between apps) * 2388 - Integrate X-ref with SCCS - also can jump to object from 'Manage Objects' screen. (you can add the results of an x-ref to your current P/J/T, then use 'Manage Objects' to work your way down the list). * 2405 - Hyperlink changed to inq mode when drilling down from x-ref. This was needed to enforce the SCCS rules when drilling down from x-ref. * 2367 - Mass Change programs not tracked in SCCS - For the 'Change All Refs' programs, the system attempts the change and if successful logs it in the Object Log. If unsuccessful (due to another Task locking the object), it is also logged in the Object Log with a status of IDENTIFIED and a note is attached identifying the task that has locked the object. If any changes were unsuccessful, a report of the the unchanged objects is printed. * For the other mass change programs (ie, turn traps on/off, mod logs on/off, etc), the process is the same except a report is not printed. The designer can review the Object log to see if any processes were not changed. * For Domains, when a Domain is accessed in change mode, the system does a cross reference to see what fields use the Domain, then checks to see if any are locked by another task or if any are in an application that does not allow changes. If so, a display is shown and the user is prevented from changing the domain. If a change is actually made to the Domain, this check is repeated and if there is a problem the change is rejected. If the change is allowed, then all affected files/fields are added to the Object log in addition to the Domain itself. Note that a change to a field in a file will be recorded as a change to the file in the Object log. ---+ Bugs Fixed in Patch Release 5.0.3 * 1496 - ILF Editor loses position and statements * 1502 - C-Assert during SCAN - Missing II Function * 1681 - Cross Reference acrosss All Apps returns TOO MANY OPEN FILES * 1860 - SCAN does not always return auto-display values * 1970 - Font on Mac Client * 2174 - Synonyms as Keys * 2241 - CNV TEXT mangles positions >256 * 2315 - Unable to delete records with a date/time key component in SQL Server * 2316 - Can't use date/time firlds in keys in SQL Server * 2320 - Renaming FMS Group name * 2326 - Query FORMAT Field Usage * 2329 - Query Tech Doc missing info * 2356 - Objects associated with Completed Tasks are not released * 2369 - Source Code Control System flags objects as COMPLETED incorrectly * 2380 - Bad wording on Pass Phrase change screen * 2381 - Error generated by Help * 2387 - Documentation Indicator lost * 2401 - Using a multi-occurrence field in a key fails spectacularly * 2406 - SQL won't upload to a Mac client * 2409 - Language Translation broken * 2410 - User Documentation not retained * 2413 - Changing Optional Child number loses GUI Attributes * 2416 - Field-based buttons don't fire options * 2417 - Deleting Tasks orphans SCTRACK * 2419 - Manage Projects should not show closed projects * 2421 - Fields lose default values * 2422 - F11 in Image Editor allows change mode with no P/J/T selected * 2423 - Cancel ignored by Domain Editor * 2428 - Scrolling input not behaving as in 4.2.a * 2429 - Beta 5.0.3 b2 doesn't trigger EM recompilation * 2430 - C-assert: op_inquire() - unexpected case switch * 2432 - 5.0.3 b2 SCAN does not work at all * 2435 - Change All References breaks DLU * 2436 - Multiline alpha field on scroller ignores mouse click * 2437 - One object can be locked by >1 Project/Job/Task * 2438 - Design Transfer & Process Descriptions, etc. * 2439 - AA from item popup in Image Editor not returning to item * 2443 - Switch User API does not work with client new session feature * 2445 - Highlight locked objects in Application Design * 2446 - SQL Server/ODBC Bug with End Before * 2451 - Blank SCTRACK records being created * 2452 - TRAP showing in 0apps * 2453 - SCTRACK Restructure Required on new install * 2473 - Missing closing event tag in audit logs * 2477 - Pre-Invocation not firing in Add mode after Post-Update ---+ <span style="line-height: 23px; ">Bugs Fixed in Patch Release 5.0.4</span> <span style="line-height: 23px; "> </span> * 475 - Limit System Administrators from automatic design rights * 476 - Provide runtime access to HOOK records * 1052 - ILF editor accepts wrong field names too easily * 2305 - Language Translation doesn't work for 0-apps if original language is not ENG * 2320 - Renaming FMS Group name * 2332 - Translate all or nothing * 2407 - Change all References does not have access to source code contol * 2449 - APPX command line arguments * 2459 - Desktop client hangs on exit * 2462 - Input Auto Read Next not being saved * 2463 - Unwanted reformatting of field names in CDF export * 2467 - Appx Authenication does not allow designating a user * 2475 - Spelling error in Compare Processes * 2476 - Binoculars cover part of field in Security * 2478 - Wrong hot key fires in Cross Reference * 2481 - Incorrect copyright display on Sys Admin main menu * 2485 - Design Transfer for Source Code Control not cloning Job or Task * 2486 - APPX Client on Linux loses focus * 2489 - Can't add App/Version to >1 Suite * 2492 - Design Transfer entry copies invalid item name * 2494 - Design Transfer of file omits FLEPs * 2495 - Input process generation results in DLU errors * 2501 - New Debugger doesn't show process info * 2502 - Design Transfer & Process Descriptions, etc * 2507 - Change Date wrong on Files * 2515 - Edit Item screen loses focus in image editory * 2520 - Incorrect subhead title on update process documentation * 2526 - FLEP Help Text overrides all subsequent help text * 2533 - appxLoginMgr reveals server details via HTTP connections * 2535 - Select Access Path messes up security * 2540 - appxLoginMgr hangs on bad handshake * 2549 - Deferred File Opens break FLEPS and Open Exclusive * 2511 - Report Writer on Unix(AIX/HP/SUN) fails to run. * 2559 - Panning on AIX causes Java Client to close. ---+ Comments: _Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments._ <br />%COMMENT% <div style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 7869px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;" id="_mcePaste"> <table style="width: 64px;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <col width="64" style="width: 48pt;"></col> <tbody> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td width="64" style="height: 15pt; width: 48pt;" height="20">1496 - ILF Editor loses position and statements</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">1502 - C-Assert during SCAN - Missing II Function</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">1681 - Cross Reference acrosss All Apps returns TOO MANY OPEN FILES</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">1860 - SCAN does not alway return auto-display values</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">1970 - Font on Mac Client</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2174 - Synonyms as Keys</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2241 - CNV TEXT mangles positions >256</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2315 - Unable to delete records with a date/time key component in SQL Server</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2316 - Can't use date/time firlds in keys in SQL Server</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2320 - Renaming FMS Group name</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2326 - Query FORMAT Field Usage</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2329 - Query Tech Doc missing info</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2356 - Objects associated with Completed Tasks are not released</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2369 - Source Code Control System flags objects as COMPLETED incorrectly</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2380 - Bad wording on Pass Phrase change screen</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2381 - Error generated by Help</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2387 - Documentation Indicator lost</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2401 - Using a multi-occurrence field in a key fails spectacularly</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2406 - SQL won't upload to a Mac client</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2409 - Language Translation broken</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2410 - User Documentation not retained</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2413 - Changing Optional Child number loses GUI Attributes</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2416 - Field-based buttons don't fire options</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2417 - Deleting Tasks orphans SCTRACK</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2419 - Manage Projects should not show closed projects</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2419 - Manage Projects should not show closed projects</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2421 - Fields lose default values</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2422 - F11 in Image Editor allows change mode with no P/J/T selected</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2423 - Cancel ignored by Domain Editor</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2428 - Scrolling input not behaving as in 4.2.a</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2429 - Beta 5.0.3 b2 doesn't trigger EM recompilation</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2430 - C-assert: op_inquire() - unexpected case switch</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2432 - 5.0.3 b2 SCAN does not work at all</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2435 - Change All References breaks DLU</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2436 - Multiline alpha field on scroller ignores mouse click</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2437 - One object can be locked by >1 Project/Job/Task</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2438 - Design Transfer & Process Descriptions, etc.</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2439 - AA from item popup in Image Editor not returning to item</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2443 - Switch User API does not work with client new session feature</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2445 - Highlight locked objects in Application Design</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2446 - SQL Server/ODBC Bug with End Before</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2451 - Blank SCTRACK records being created</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2452 - TRAP showing in 0apps</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2453 - SCTRACK Restructure Required on new install</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2473 - Missing closing event tag in audit logs</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">2477 - Pre-Invocation not firing in Add mode after Post-Update</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div>
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Topic revision: r20 - 2016-01-20 - JeanNeron
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