More TEMP Fields Available

There are additional --- TEMP fields available for the designer to use.


There are additional --- TEMP fields available for the designer to use.

Left/Right/Center justification with and without zero fill variations have been added to all existing --- TEMP fields. The suffix designates the type of justification:

L - Left Justified
R- Right Justified
L0 - Left Justified, zero fill
R0 - Right Justified, zero fill
C - Centered.

For example:

TEMP 128 - no justification, no fill (same as always)
--- TEMP 128L - left justification, no fill
--- TEMP 128L0 - left justification, zero fill
--- TEMP 128R - right justification, no fill
--- TEMP 128R0 - right justification, zero fill
--- TEMP 128C - centre justification, no fill

Several --- TEMP fields of varying sizes have been added: 3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,16,20,22,24,40,50,64,128,1K with all justification variations.


These can be used in the same places the existing --- TEMP fields are used, ie, SET TEMP, CANCEL/ERROR/WARNING, etc.

Note that when using SET TEMP with the justified/filled versions that the engine does not apply any justification or fill. The character(s) will be inserted into the location you specified, regardless of the justification/fill of the target field. For example, using SET TEMP to put an 'X' in the 7th position in TEMP 30C (centre justification) will not centre the "X", it will remain in the 7th position. Only a SET statement applies fill/justification.


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

-- JeanNeron - 2013-10-18

This topic: Main > WebHome > APPX530Features > 530MoreTEMPFields
Topic revision: r5 - 2013-12-31 - JeanNeron
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