New Import/Export Format

In order to support Unicode data, the Import and Export Utilities for Data and Design Files now support UTF-8 encoding in csv format.


In order to support Unicode data, the Import and Export Utilities for Data and Design Files now support UTF-8 encoding in csv format.

The new options generate standard comma separated lines using UTF-8 encoding. Note: Appx assumes the data was originally encoded using ISO-8859-15 (AKA Windows 1252, the default for the Desktop Client). It will transcode from ISO-8859-15 to UTF-8. If your data is in some other encoding, set APPX_RAW_ENCODING to the name of the encoding you are using. You can use the following code to determine the valid encoding names:

      BEG LOOP WI = 001 TO 001  STEP 000
      PASS     --- TEMP 80                    FIELD            SHARE? Y
      PASS     --- AI                         FIELD            SHARE? N
      CALL         .UC_ENUMERATE_CNV          RESIDENT? N  END? N  FAIL 0
T     DISPLAY  --- TEMP 80                    
T     COMPUTE  --- AI                         +      1

On the Design File Management menu the options are 'Import Selected Design Files (CSV)' and 'Export Selected Design Files (CSV)'. On the Database Management menu, the options are 'Import Files (CSV)' and 'Export Files (CSV)'.


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-- JeanNeron - 2013-10-07

This topic: Main > WebHome > APPX530Features > 530CSVImportExport
Topic revision: r2 - 2013-12-31 - JeanNeron
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