New Widget Types For TEXT Fields

Several new Widget types are included in this Release.


Five new Widget types are included in this Release for TEXT fields. These are in addition to the existing HTML VIEWER and RTF VIEWER widget types.

Add a text field to your image as usual, then in GUI Attributes, select one the following Widget Types:

  • WEB BROWSER - This control is a full-featured web browser.
  • CODE VIEWER - This control can be used to display various types of source code (javascript, PHP, etc.) with syntax highlighting.
  • HTML EDITOR - This control allows HTML text to be edited and saved in a TEXT field using a WYSIWYG editor (CKEDITOR).
  • FLASH PLAYER - This control can be used to play a Flash file.
  • MEDIA PLAYER - This control can be used to play a media file.


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

-- JeanNeron - 2012-06-21

This topic: Main > APPX520Features > 520NewTextWidgets
Topic revision: r7 - 2012-11-08 - SteveFrizzell
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