Known Issues

Table Widget Editor

  • should only accept table source inputs (allowed me to enter a file name) * Fixed *, there was no editting on the fields at all. Made AP & Process name required fields.
  • hide font options, as they don't do anything (or use them as a default for the text on the widget) * Fixed * Now they do something
  • data source does not display in input sometimes, hard to reproduce. Try start in .DKL/PLO DRAG 'N DROP, Opt Int, then Opt 94 to .DKL/PLO SHELL SELECTED FILE,then A/C .DKL/PLO DETAILS SELECTED FILE, then IE, double click widget. Or Run the input from design: .DKL/PLO DRAG ’N DROP, Drag some files, Close the input, then: - Start in .DKL/PLO DRAG 'N DROP, Opt Int, then Opt 94 to .DKL/PLO SHELL SELECTED FILE,then goto A/C .DKL/PLO DETAILS SELECTED FILE, then Image Editor, double click widget. - I can't replicate this (pete)
  • Invocation Type s/b required field. ** Fixed **
  • Scan on App Id in Widget Editor for Tables gives 'Return encountered outside of subroutine' error. * Fixed **
  • Incorrect process name displayed at Image level if you edit the Table Source process from here. * Fixed *
  • Check online help

Table Source Editor

  • hitting enter in key entry mode does not bring up list. Read First is set, I can't see what the problem is. Child Constraints maybe? * Fixed ***
  • App Id 0LA should display as --- * Fixed ***
  • Can't Browse and then Navigate to hits or drill down to error location if there are compiler errors - * Fixed *. Also added Options 96, 97, 98, 99 and 'Rules' to Item level.
  • link from DD does not work * Fixed ***
  • link from DD is not highlighted if table sources exist * Fixed ***
  • when adding fields from other files, warning message refers to 'Post User Selection' EP. * Fixed ***
  • Check online help
  • Accepts Invalid field names, accepts invalid occurrence numbers, Does not automatically check app --- if field not found in current app, Scan for field names does not work. * Fixed * There were edits in there, but they were conditioned on --- ERRORS = 0, so once one error occurred, no further editing was done. Created new sub ITEM (EDIT FLD) (TABLESOURCE), based on ITEM (EDIT FLD), which validates field names, occurrences, field types (GROUP fields not allowed), Domains, and checks 0LA if not found in current ap. Replaced all editing with this new routine.
  • Changes made may or may be not logged in SCCS, needs to be tested. Probably shouldn't fix this unless the Design Transfer problem is also fixed. Will likely have a ripple effect in SCCS re: closing tasks, etc. * Fixed * Was logging at the PROCESS level, but not the ITEM level. Tested locks, intent locks, color coding, task closing & design xfer.
  • Can't change mask if field is not in the current application - * Fixed *
  • Can't run this process via Opt 99. In theory, you should be able to run this process by itself to test your ILF code in SOP, EOP, Post PCF Read, etc. The 0AD INVOC PROC process has no way to invoke a TABLESRC process type, since there is no ILF verb for TABLESRC (as there is for INPUT, OUTPUT, QUERY, etc). Or, to put it another way, we need a TABLESRC ILF command. This will affect the x-ref processes, so they will need to be made aware of this new verb. * Can you do an Opt-97 to build the EM? You can't run a FILE process directly. I'm not sure running a Table Source process standalone has any value. But I could be wrong (pete) * Yes, you can use Opt 97, I added all those helper options to the input. You can always run the input that uses the Table Source to step thru the code, so maybe this could be deferred for later. I was just thinking of consistency, Opt 99 always let's me run a process, even queries (Jean).

Table Widget Runtime

  • double click option difficult to trigger * fixed * Now using desktop double-click value.
  • if a Size is set, data is truncated to that size, even if the user expands the column. ** fixed **
  • Filling dead space - right now the last column is expanded –if necessary- to create a row that fills the total with of the table, but that sometimes gives trouble in resizing the last column. ** Fixed **
  • Wide Columns appear to be truncated. Try to display a 512 character field. ** Fixed **
  • If there are compile errors in the Table Source, they are not displayed. Instead the default display for the Table Widget is shown.
  • It seems that rewriting an ITEM (HTM VIEWER) to a table doesn’t work anymore. This is the code in OI:
  • If a field has a size override >80 characters, the table will not display. Fields larger than 80 will display properly if there is no size override.

Drag & Drop Editor

  • There should be a flag on the --- WIDGET spec to indicate if the field can accept a Drop action. This should be available for the following Widget types: button, label, table widget, html viewer, and Window Background. Currently only works for Widgets attached to an item. Problem: Some of those widget types do not fire an option, ie, labels, etc. * Fixed * There is now --- WIDGET DROP TARGET that marks a widget as able to receive a drop action. It also looks at --- WIDGET FI CHOOSE MODE to see what kind of Drop should be supported. --- WIDGET FI CHOOSE MODE has values of ANY, FILE, FOLDER, TREE where ANY is a single file or folder name. Many more widget types now support being a drop target.

Drag & Drop Runtime

  • There are times when it would be nice for the ADC Window to gain focus when an object is dropped on it. * Fixed * Client window now gains focus on a drop.
  • When dragging files over an Appx screen show where you can drop your files (change border or something of the widgets that can accept a drop action). More of a 'nice to have', since the mouse pointer changes when the mouse passes over a drop target.
  • Provide a runtime API to copy the --- DROP* files to memory versions of those files (MDROP* ?) to make it easier for a designer to save the contents of --- DROP.
  • If you set @SDND=file to only accept files, and the user drops a folder, the option still fires but the --- DROP* files are empty. The option probably should not fire at all in this case, and the mouse pointer should not change (?).
  • Files dropped remain in the temporary folder forever. They should probably be cleared when the --- DROP* files are initialized. Alternatively, provide a method for the designer to specify a location for dropped files, and the designer will manually clear the directory at login.
  • Create unique filenames for the temp file. Now the subject seems to be the name of the tempfile. This gives problems in dropping more items with the same subject. * Fixed ***
  • Possible bug? When files are dragged from Thunderbird & dropped, the temp file seems to be erased almost immediately (there is no opportunity for the Appx process to get it). * Fixed ***

New Event Points Editor (Tab In/Out/Value Changed)

  • Turning on/off any of the three turns them all off/on. The same field name is in all three positions. ** Fixed **
  • They only show up on the Alpha field GA, should be for any tabbable/modifiable field.
  • check online help

New Event Points Runtime (Tab In/Out/Value Changed)

  • If you have 2 fields beside each other, one with Tab Out and one with Tab In, only one event fires when you tab from one to the other. The Tab Out event on the first field does not fire, only the Tab In event on the next field fires. Probably needs to fire 2 events, the Tab Out (with --- CURSOR AT FIELD pointing to the field the user is leaving), then again for the Tab In. * Fixed * Now fire the Opt Intercept EPs for Tab Out, then Tab In, setting all the CURSOR AT... PDFs appropriately.
  • Two fields on an image. Both with tab in/out set to yes, when you switch from the desktop client to another program, then switch back to the client. Then tab to the next field, no option is fired. Update: Now the Tab Out event is fired, but then the cursor is put back in the field I just tabbed out of. If I tab out again, then the Tab Out/Tab In events are fired. * Fixed ***
  • Link tab in/tab out/value changed to a data lookup. This way it is easy to give already existing screens a more direct interaction with the user without redesigning the whole screen. A designer should tell though that the data lookup should be performed per field. If any of the tab in/out/value changed flags are set and there's a DLU, perform the DLU at the same time as the event is fired? * Fixed ***
  • The default value of valueChangedTimer can be set to 300 instead of 1000. Maybe we need some more testing to be done on that to find out what a nice default can be. * Fixed ***
  • When a Tab Out event fires, the --- CURSOR AT FIELD refers to the field the cursor is at now. It should refer to the field that triggered the Tab Out, not the next field it tabbed into. Or to put it another way, the Tab Out event should fire before the cursor moves to the next field. ** Fixed **
  • If value changed is set but the user tabs out of the field before valueChangedTimer has expired, the value changed event does not fire. If the user has changed the field, the value changed event should fire when they tab out. If Tab Out is also set, it should fire next. ** Fixed **
  • Setting the flags via ILF on non RAW TEXT widgets does not cause the events to fire. Probably should fire for all modifiable/tabable widgets.
  • It also seems like performing a shift-tab (going back to the previous field on the screen) does not work when your cursor is in a textfield with multiple rows.

Create Subroutine via ILF

  • 0AD STMT (IO) (OPEN) receives --- AI and PASSes it to 0AD SE ALLOC, but SE ALLOC does not receive it, so no value is returned from SE ALLOC, and therefore no value is returned to STMT (IO) (OPEN)'s caller. * Fixed * - removed RECEIVE --- AI and PASS --- AI, removed PASS from .UTIL SUBR CREATE. The routines just rely on 0AD SEGEN SE POINTER directly.
  • 0AD STMT (IO) (CLOSE) receives --- AI and PASSes it to 0AD SE FREE, but SE FREE does not receive it, so no value is returned from SE FREE. * Fixed * - removed RECEIVE --- AI and PASS --- AI, removed PASS from .UTIL SUBR CLOSE. The routines just rely on 0AD SEGEN SE POINTER directly.
  • The .UTIL SUBR routines do not follow standards - * Fixed * updated routines to API standards, added additional edits, etc.
  • You can call .UTIL SUBR CREATE more than once without calling .UTIL SUBR CLOSE in between. This will probably cause problems. * Fixed *
  • You can call the .UTIL SUBR WRITE and .UTIL SUBR CLOSE without calling .UTIL SUBR CREATE first. *Fixed*
  • .UTIL SUBR DELETE does not remove audit history - * Fixed * added call to 0AD PROCESS (REF INT) (DEL) to duplicate processing done when Sub deleted in 0AD.

Better Error/Warning Control Runtime

  • In client preferences, the messageComboRows shows a default of 0, but it seems if there are >8 messages, a scrollbar is added. Default should show as 8? ** Fixed **
  • Transitory messages (like process name during Em compile, restructuring, etc) no longer appear in the status bar.
  • If >1 ERROR message, color coding is lost (does not appear in Red). Check Warnings/Messages for the same problem.
  • The Control-M display no longer color codes the messages (It used to in an earlier version, I think).

Better HTML Widget

  • VLC option does not work - * Fixed once I properly installed VLC *
  • line breaks not honored in javascript viewer * Fixed * seems to work for me now.
  • Need proper Widget attributes vs @SHTML= * Fixed * Now have CODE VIEWER, HTML EDITOR, FLASH PLAYER, MEDIA PLAYER, WEB BROWSER widget types on Text fields. Also, CODE VIEWER looks at --- WIDGET CONTENT TYPE to see what syntax highlighting to do. WEB BROWSER looks at --- WIDGET SHOW DECORATE to see if it should show it's Web Browser controls or not.
  • Does this replace the old HTML Viewer? - No, the old HTML viewer is still available.

Add Mode No Longer Clears Screen

  • Cursor is moved to bottom of display instead of inserting a record at current location - Need to look into this more. Some screens adding at the bottom seems like the expected thing. Others not so much.
  • Some scrolling inputs in 0AD (Fields, End User Selections, Designer Selections, others?) attempt to position the cursor just after the file name. They expect the screen to be cleared, so now they position the cursor on the wrong row.


  • Can't xref table source process types * Fixed * You can x-ref to see where they are used, browse them to see what objects they use, and all x-refs know how to look at Table Source processes and show the hits.
  • Can't print tech doc for table source types - * Fixed * Formatting is similar to INPUT, but no frame/image detail, just list of Items.
  • Can't Design Transfer Table Source processes - * Fixed *
  • Need .WIDGET routine to REFRESH Table Widget via WIDGET VISIBLE INIT, maybe?. * Fixed * Now have field --- WIDGET RELOAD DATASRC as a widget field that if set to Y in Option Intercept will cause the Table widget to reload it's content even though it may not go to Pre-Display. There is also a new subroutine called .WIDGET RELOAD DATASRC that if passed a Widget Name will set the field with much less ILF code needed. You can also pass it two widget names and it will BEG AT and END AT on the two names and set all the widgets it finds.
  • Drag & Drop libraries are not installed during client install
  • Mac (and probably Linux) clients do not run


  • License agreement still refers to 5.1.
  • Client does not run, fails with missing libaries


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

-- JeanNeron - 2012-06-14

This topic: Main > 520KnownIssues
Topic revision: r38 - 2012-07-12 - JeanNeron
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