---+ .STREAM WRITE _This subroutine is called to write data to a file stream._ <br />%TOC% ---++ Usage: <pre> PASS <write_buffer> FIELD SHARE? N PASS <stream_name> FIELD SHARE? N PASS <binary_write_length> FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB --- .STREAM WRITE * check for errors IF --- .STREAM WRITE NE </pre> ---++ Description: This subroutine is called to write data to a file stream previously opened for WRITE or APPEND access via [[0LASubrStreamOpen][.STREAM OPEN]]. The first two parameters are required, and the subroutine will CANCEL if they are are not all received. <write_buffer> contains the data to be written (Required). This subroutine can write lines up to a maximum of 32000 characters. The <line_termination> character you specified when you opened the file will automatically be appended to your data. <stream_name> is the name of the previously opened stream (Required). <binary_write_length> is an optional parameter and is only applicable if the file was opened in binary mode (5.4.4 & up). If the file is opened in binary mode and this parameter is not passed, it will default to the length of <write buffer>. The <write_buffer> field will be padded with spaces if necessary. If the length of <write_buffer> is greater than 32000, only the first 32000 bytes will be written. If <binary_write_length> is larger than the size of <write_buffer> then the actual length of <write_buffer> will be used. ---++ Comments: _Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments._ <br />%COMMENT% -- Main.JeanNeron - 2012-01-24
This topic: Main
Topic revision: r5 - 2016-03-02 - JeanNeron
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