TWiki Administrator User The TWikiAdminUser has been added to TWiki 4.2.0 to make it possible to login without needing to create a TWiki User, or to temporarily login...
TWiki Contributor Not an actual user of this site, but a person devoting some of his/her time to contribute to the Open Source TWiki project. TWikiContributor lists...
The TWikiGuest User A guest of this TWiki web, not unlike yourself. You can leave your trace behind you, just add your name in .TWikiRegistration and create your...
Local customisations of site wide preferences Site level preferences are located in 1 , however this 2 prefs topic has override priority and should be used for...
The TWikiRegistrationAgent User This is a TWiki User used by TWiki when it registers new users. This user has special access to write to , and does not need an...
List of TWiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by...
The APPX Client APPX/Linux Client Here`s how to set up an APPX/Linux Client (character based, and as opposed to a Windows or Java Client) to run against a Windows...
Instructions for Using the CopyAPPX Utility The CopyAPPX Utility transfers design and datafiles from a VS to an APPX platform. Here are instructions for using CopyAPPX...
The Use of Cached Files APPX 4.1 introduces the ability to create and access a cached instance of a file in memory. The CREATE, OPEN, SCRATCH, and IF EXIST statements...
Troubleshooting WinAppxD was replaced by the APPX Login Manager in Release 5.0.0. See this page for installing configuring the Login Manager. 6.1) WinAppxD service...