Difference: SandboxTestPage (1 vs. 26)

Revision 262012-01-06 - ChrisBrower

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 This web site is intended to be for the benefit of all members of the APPX community. All members of the APPX community are encouraged to contribute to the content of this site. If you see an error, please correct it. If you can't find what you need on this site, please take the time to return and contribute to the content of the site when you do find what you need. Hopefully, the APPX community can collaborate to produce a comprehensive resource covering all aspects of the APPX product.

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Main Web Utilities


Resources Available


Main Web Utilities


New Features in APPX 5.1



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Revision 252011-12-25 - ChrisBrower

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Welcome to the APPX_WIKI web
Welcome to the APPX Software, Inc. TWiki site. This web site is dedicated to all things APPX.

This web site is intended to be for the benefit of all members of the APPX community. All members of the APPX community are encouraged to contribute to the content of this site. If you see an error, please correct it. If you can't find what you need on this site, please take the time to return and contribute to the content of the site when you do find what you need. Hopefully, the APPX community can collaborate to produce a comprehensive resource covering all aspects of the APPX product.

Resources Available


Main Web Utilities

Revision 202011-12-17 - ChrisBrower

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Revision 192011-12-04 - ChrisBrower

Line: 1 to 1

Welcome to the APPX_WIKI web
Welcome to the APPX Software, Inc. TWiki site. This web site is dedicated to all things APPX.

This web site is intended to be for the benefit of all members of the APPX community. All members of the APPX community are encouraged to contribute to the content of this site. If you see an error, please correct it. If you can't find what you need on this site, please take the time to return and contribute to the content of the site when you do find what you need. Hopefully, the APPX community can collaborate to produce a comprehensive resource covering all aspects of the APPX product.

Resources Available

Main Web Utilities

Revision 182011-11-19 - ChrisBrower

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Resources Available


Sandbox Web Utilities


Main Web Utilities

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Resources Available

Thing 2

Thing 3

Thing 4

Thing 5

Thing 6

Thing 7

Main Web Utilities

Thing 1

Thing 2

Thing 3

Thing 4


Revision 162011-11-18 - ChrisBrower

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Welcome to the APPX-WIKI web

Welcome to the APPX Software, Inc. TWiki site. This web site is dedicated to all things APPX.
Welcome to the APPX_WIKI web
Welcome to the APPX Software, Inc. TWiki site. This web site is dedicated to all things APPX.

This web site is intended to be for the benefit of all members of the APPX community. All members of the APPX community are encouraged to contribute to the content of this site. If you see an error, please correct it. If you can't find what you need on this site, please take the time to return and contribute to the content of the site when you do find what you need. Hopefully, the APPX community can collaborate to produce a comprehensive resource covering all aspects of the APPX product.

This web site is intended to be for the benefit of all members of the APPX community. All members of the APPX community are encouraged to contribute to the content of this site. If you see an error, please correct it. If you can't find what you need on this site, please take the time to return and contribute to the content of the site when you do find what you need. Hopefully, the APPX community can collaborate to produce a comprehensive resource covering all aspects of the APPX product.
Resources Available:

Resources Available:

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Horizontal Navigation Bar w/Rollover Effect

Revision 142011-11-14 - ChrisBrower

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APPX 4.2.9, PostgreSQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 5/Scientific Linux 5/Oracle Linux 5/CentOS 5


This document will demonstrate how to configure APPX 4.2.9 and PostgreSQL on a 64 bit or 32 bit Red Hat 5 based Linux server using 32 bit unixODBC drivers.

64 Bit

Installing PostgreSQL

To install PostgreSQL, use the package manager to install postgresql and postgresql-server.

postgresql.x86_64 : PostgreSQL client programs and libraries.
postgresql-server.x86_64 : The programs needed to create and run a PostgreSQL
                         : server.

Installing UnixODBC

To install unixODBC, install unixODBC.i386 using the package manager. The 32 bit version is needed, so be sure to specify that when installing it.

unixODBC.i386 : A complete ODBC driver manager for Linux.

Installing the ODBC Connector

The ODBC connector might not be included in the package manager by default. If it is, it would be named something like postgresql-odbc.i386. If not, it can be downloaded and installed from the internet. I went to Scientific Linux's website and found the package in the downloads section. You can download it here, but you may want to look on your distribution's website if you're not using Scientific Linux 5.6.

Once the rpm is downloaded, install it with yum to take care of any dependencies automatically. The command is:

yum localinstall path-to-file

Configuring odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini

The odbcinst.ini file must be configured to point to the 32 bit PostgreSQL ODBC Connector driver. In my testing the default configuration was correct.

The odbc.ini file, however, was blank by default. Here is how mine is set up. You'll need to fill in your servername, username, password, and port, along with any other information that may need to be changed to match your system.

[root@slinux ~]# cat /etc/odbc.ini
Description        = postgresql
Driver             = postgresql
Trace              = Yes
TraceFile          = sql.log
Database           = test
Servername         = 
Username           = 
Password           = 
Port               = 
Protocol           = 6.4
ReadOnly           = No
RowVersioning      = No
ShowSystemTables   = No
ShowOidColumn      = No
FakeOidIndex       = No
ConnSettings       =
[root@slinux ~]#

Configuring appx.env

The appx.env file has a line beginning with APPX_ODBC_LIB, which points to the MySQL UnixODBC Connector driver. It can be remarked out. APPX should not have any trouble locating the driver without it.



64 Bit

ISQL can be used to test the connection between PostgreSQL and unixODBC using the 32-bit ODBC Connector driver. ISQL isn't necessary for APPX to connect to PostgreSQL, but it can be a useful tool for testing the driver APPX will be using. You will need to have the 32-bit ISQL file for it to be a valid test, otherwise it will be testing the 64-bit driver, which is not used in APPX. To find out the bitness of ISQL, run the file command on it. This is how it should look(ELF 32-bit):

[root@slinux bin]# file isql
isql.32: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, stripped
[root@slinux bin]#

If it says ELF 64-bit, the 32 bit version needs to be installed.

Horizontal Navigation Bar w/Rollover Effect


Welcome to the APPX-WIKI web

Welcome to the APPX Software, Inc. TWiki site. This web site is dedicated to all things APPX.

This web site is intended to be for the benefit of all members of the APPX community. All members of the APPX community are encouraged to contribute to the content of this site. If you see an error, please correct it. If you can't find what you need on this site, please take the time to return and contribute to the content of the site when you do find what you need. Hopefully, the APPX community can collaborate to produce a comprehensive resource covering all aspects of the APPX product.

Resources Available:

Sandbox Web Utilities

Horizontal Navigation Bar w/Rollover Effect

Revision 132011-07-21 - ChrisBrower

Line: 1 to 1

APPX 4.2.9, PostgreSQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 5/Scientific Linux 5/Oracle Linux 5/!CentOS 5


APPX 4.2.9, PostgreSQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 5/Scientific Linux 5/Oracle Linux 5/CentOS 5



Line: 57 to 57
  The appx.env file has a line beginning with APPX_ODBC_LIB, which points to the MySQL UnixODBC Connector driver. It can be remarked out. APPX should not have any trouble locating the driver without it.


64 Bit

ISQL can be used to test the connection between PostgreSQL and unixODBC using the 32-bit ODBC Connector driver. ISQL isn't necessary for APPX to connect to PostgreSQL, but it can be a useful tool for testing the driver APPX will be using. You will need to have the 32-bit ISQL file for it to be a valid test, otherwise it will be testing the 64-bit driver, which is not used in APPX. To find out the bitness of ISQL, run the file command on it. This is how it should look(ELF 32-bit):

[root@slinux bin]# file isql
isql.32: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, stripped
[root@slinux bin]#

If it says ELF 64-bit, the 32 bit version needs to be installed.

Revision 122011-07-20 - ChrisBrower

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APPX 4.2.9, PostgreSQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 5/Scientific Linux 5/Oracle Linux 5/!CentOS 5

Line: 55 to 55

Configuring appx.env

The appx.env file has a line beginning with APPX_ODBC_LIB, which points to the MySQL UnixODBC Connector driver. It can be remarked out. APPX should not have any trouble locating the driver without it.
The appx.env file has a line beginning with APPX_ODBC_LIB, which points to the MySQL UnixODBC Connector driver. It can be remarked out. APPX should not have any trouble locating the driver without it.

Revision 112011-07-20 - ChrisBrower

Line: 1 to 1

APPX 4.2.9, MySQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 6/Scientific Linux 6/Oracle Linux 6/CentOS 6


APPX 4.2.9, PostgreSQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 5/Scientific Linux 5/Oracle Linux 5/!CentOS 5



This document will demonstrate how to configure APPX 4.2.9 and MySQL on a 64 bit or 32 bit Red Hat based Linux server using 32 bit unixODBC drivers.

32-Bit Red Hat/Scientific Linux/Oracle Linux 6

This document will demonstrate how to configure APPX 4.2.9 and PostgreSQL on a 64 bit or 32 bit Red Hat 5 based Linux server using 32 bit unixODBC drivers.

64 Bit

Installing PostgreSQL

Configuring APPX 4.2.9 and MySQL on 32 bit Red Hat using unixODBC drivers should be the simplest option because bitness shouldn't be an issue. Here is what I did to make it work:

Installing MySQL

To install PostgreSQL, use the package manager to install postgresql and postgresql-server.
postgresql.x86_64 : PostgreSQL client programs and libraries.
postgresql-server.x86_64 : The programs needed to create and run a PostgreSQL
                         : server.
MySQL can be installed with yum by installing the following packages:
mysql.i686 : MySQL client programs and shared libraries
mysql-server.i686 : The MySQL server and related files

Installing UnixODBC


Installing unixODBC and the MySQL ODBC Connector

To install unixODBC, install unixODBC.i386 using the package manager. The 32 bit version is needed, so be sure to specify that when installing it.
unixODBC.i386 : A complete ODBC driver manager for Linux.
UnixODBC can also be installed using yum by installing the following packages:
unixODBC.i686 : A complete ODBC driver manager for Linux
mysql-connector-odbc.i686 : ODBC driver for MySQL

Installing the ODBC Connector


Configuring odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini

The odbcinst.ini file, found in /etc, must be configured to point to the 32-bit MySQL ODBC Connector driver. I didn't need to make any changes to this file, but if you are unable to connect, make sure the path to the 32-bit driver is correct. For APPX, the path to the 64 bit driver is not important.

[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/odbcinst.ini
# Example driver definitions

# Driver from the mysql-connector-odbc package
# Setup from the unixODBC package
Description    = ODBC for MySQL
Driver         = /usr/lib/libmyodbc5.so
Setup          = /usr/lib/libodbcmyS.so
Driver64       = /usr/lib64/libmyodbc5.so
Setup64        = /usr/lib64/libodbcmyS.so
FileUsage      = 1
[root@localhost ~]#

The odbc.ini file is another one that may need to be configured. It is also found in /etc. Make sure all the information there is correct. The database should match the database you are trying to connect to. Here's an example of what this file should look like, but check to make sure it is correct for your system.

[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/odbc.ini
Description     = mysql
Driver          = mysql
Server          = localhost
Database        = test
Port            =
Socket          =
Option          =
Stmt            =
[root@localhost ~]#

Configuring appx.env

The appx.env file needs to be configured to point APPX to the 32-bit MySQL ODBC Connector drivers. I didn't have to make any changes to this file when I installed the connector using the package manager. The line beginning with APPX_ODBC_LIB should contain the path to the 32-bit connector driver. It should look something like this:


64-Bit Red Hat/Scientific Linux/Oracle Linux 6

APPX can connect to 64-bit MySQL using 32-bit ODBC connector drivers and some 32-bit libraries that can be installed through the package manager.

Installing MySQL

MySQL can be installed with yum by installing the following packages:

mysql.x86_64 : MySQL client programs and shared libraries
mysql-server.x86_64 : The MySQL server and related files
The ODBC connector might not be included in the package manager by default. If it is, it would be named something like postgresql-odbc.i386. If not, it can be downloaded and installed from the internet. I went to Scientific Linux's website and found the package in the downloads section. You can download it here, but you may want to look on your distribution's website if you're not using Scientific Linux 5.6.

Installing unixODBC

UnixODBC can also be installed using yum by installing the following packages:

unixODBC.i686 : A complete ODBC driver manager for Linux
mysql-connector-odbc.i686 : ODBC driver for MySQL

Installing the ODBC Connectors

The 32-bit connectors might not be included in the repository. If they are not there, they can be installed with: (You may want to modify this link to match your distro. I was running Scientific Linux 6, so I went to Scientific Linux's site and found the package there.)

yum install http://ftp1.scientificlinux.org/linux/scientific/6.0/i386/os/Packages/mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.5r1144-7.el6.i686.rpm
Once the rpm is downloaded, install it with yum to take care of any dependencies automatically. The command is:
yum localinstall path-to-file

Configuring odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini

The odbcinst.ini file, found in /etc, must be configured to point to the 32-bit MySQL ODBC Connector driver. I didn't need to make any changes to this file, but if you are unable to connect, make sure the path to the 32-bit driver is correct.
[root@localhost etc]# cat odbcinst.ini
# Example driver definitions

# Driver from the mysql-connector-odbc package
# Setup from the unixODBC package
Description     = ODBC for MySQL
Driver          = /usr/lib/libmyodbc5.so
Setup           = /usr/lib/libodbcmyS.so
#Driver64       = /usr/lib64/libmyodbc5.so
#Setup64        = /usr/lib64/libodbcmyS.so
FileUsage       = 1
[root@localhost etc]#

The odbc.ini file is another one that may need to be configured. It is also found in /etc. Make sure all the information there is correct. The database should match the database you are trying to connect to. Here's an example of what this file should look like, but check to make sure it is correct for your system.

[root@localhost etc]# cat odbc.ini
Description     = mysql
Driver          = mysql
Server          = localhost
The odbcinst.ini file must be configured to point to the 32 bit PostgreSQL ODBC Connector driver. In my testing the default configuration was correct.

The odbc.ini file, however, was blank by default. Here is how mine is set up. You'll need to fill in your servername, username, password, and port, along with any other information that may need to be changed to match your system.

[root@slinux ~]# cat /etc/odbc.ini
Description        = postgresql
Driver             = postgresql
Trace              = Yes
TraceFile          = sql.log
 Database = test
Servername = Username = Password =
 Port =
Socket = Option = Stmt = [root@localhost etc]#
Protocol = 6.4 ReadOnly = No RowVersioning = No ShowSystemTables = No ShowOidColumn = No FakeOidIndex = No ConnSettings = [root@slinux ~]#

Configuring appx.env

The appx.env file needs to be configured to point APPX to the 32-bit MySQL ODBC Connector drivers. I didn't have to make any changes to this file when I installed the 32-bit connector using the package manager. The line beginning with APPX_ODBC_LIB should contain the path to the 32-bit connector driver. Here is an example, but the path may be different for your system.

Additional 32-bit Libraries

Because APPX is 32-bit, it will need some libraries that aren't found in 64-bit Red Hat by default. They can all be installed through the package manager. APPX will need the glibc, zlib, and libgcc libraries.

yum install glibc-2.12-1.7.el6_0.5.i686 zlib-1.2.3-25.el6.i686 libgcc.i686



ISQL can be used to test the connection between MySQL and unixODBC using the MySQL ODBC Connector driver. ISQL isn't necessary for APPX to connect to MySQL, but it can be a useful tool for testing the driver APPX will be using. Bitness shouldn't be an issue with 32 bit Red Hat. A successful test should look like this:

[root@localhost ~]# isql mysql
| Connected!                            |
|                                       |
| sql-statement                         |
| help [tablename]                      |
| quit                                  |
|                                       |


ISQL can be used to test the connection between MySQL and unixODBC using the 32-bit MySQL ODBC Connector driver. ISQL isn't necessary for APPX to connect to MySQL, but it can be a useful tool for testing the driver APPX will be using. You will need to have the 32-bit ISQL file for it to be a valid test, otherwise it will be testing the 64-bit driver, which is not used in APPX. To find out the bitness of ISQL, run the file command on it. This is how it should look(ELF 32-bit):

[root@localhost ~]# file /usr/bin/isql
/usr/bin/isql: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, stripped

If it looks like this(ELF 64-bit), you will need to get the 32-bit version:

[root@localhost ~]# file /usr/bin/isql
/usr/bin/isql: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, stripped

A positive test using ISQL should result in something like this:

[root@localhost ~]# isql mysql
| Connected!                            |
|                                       |
| sql-statement                         |
| help [tablename]                      |
| quit                                  |
|                                       |


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

The appx.env file has a line beginning with APPX_ODBC_LIB, which points to the MySQL UnixODBC Connector driver. It can be remarked out. APPX should not have any trouble locating the driver without it.

Revision 102011-07-11 - ChrisBrower

Line: 1 to 1

APPX 4.2.9, MySQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 6/Scientific Linux 6/Oracle Linux 6


APPX 4.2.9, MySQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 6/Scientific Linux 6/Oracle Linux 6/CentOS 6



This document will demonstrate how to configure APPX 4.2.9 and MySQL 64 bit on a 64 bit Red Hat based Linux server using 32 bit unixODBC drivers.
This document will demonstrate how to configure APPX 4.2.9 and MySQL on a 64 bit or 32 bit Red Hat based Linux server using 32 bit unixODBC drivers.

32-Bit Red Hat/Scientific Linux/Oracle Linux 6

Configuring APPX 4.2.9 and MySQL on 32 bit Red Hat using unixODBC drivers should be the simplest option because bitness shouldn't be an issue. Here is what I did to make it work:

Installing MySQL

MySQL can be installed with yum by installing the following packages:

mysql.i686 : MySQL client programs and shared libraries
mysql-server.i686 : The MySQL server and related files

Installing unixODBC and the MySQL ODBC Connector

UnixODBC can also be installed using yum by installing the following packages:

unixODBC.i686 : A complete ODBC driver manager for Linux
mysql-connector-odbc.i686 : ODBC driver for MySQL

Configuring odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini

The odbcinst.ini file, found in /etc, must be configured to point to the 32-bit MySQL ODBC Connector driver. I didn't need to make any changes to this file, but if you are unable to connect, make sure the path to the 32-bit driver is correct. For APPX, the path to the 64 bit driver is not important.

[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/odbcinst.ini
# Example driver definitions

# Driver from the mysql-connector-odbc package
# Setup from the unixODBC package
Description    = ODBC for MySQL
Driver         = /usr/lib/libmyodbc5.so
Setup          = /usr/lib/libodbcmyS.so
Driver64       = /usr/lib64/libmyodbc5.so
Setup64        = /usr/lib64/libodbcmyS.so
FileUsage      = 1
[root@localhost ~]#

The odbc.ini file is another one that may need to be configured. It is also found in /etc. Make sure all the information there is correct. The database should match the database you are trying to connect to. Here's an example of what this file should look like, but check to make sure it is correct for your system.

[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/odbc.ini
Description     = mysql
Driver          = mysql
Server          = localhost
Database        = test
Port            =
Socket          =
Option          =
Stmt            =
[root@localhost ~]#

Configuring appx.env

The appx.env file needs to be configured to point APPX to the 32-bit MySQL ODBC Connector drivers. I didn't have to make any changes to this file when I installed the connector using the package manager. The line beginning with APPX_ODBC_LIB should contain the path to the 32-bit connector driver. It should look something like this:


64-Bit Red Hat/Scientific Linux/Oracle Linux 6

APPX can connect to 64-bit MySQL using 32-bit ODBC connector drivers and some 32-bit libraries that can be installed through the package manager.


Installing MySQL


Installing MySQL

  MySQL can be installed with yum by installing the following packages:
mysql.i686 : MySQL client programs and shared libraries
mysql-server.i686 : The MySQL server and related files
mysql.x86_64 : MySQL client programs and shared libraries
mysql-server.x86_64 : The MySQL server and related files

Installing unixODBC

Line: 23 to 72

Installing the ODBC Connectors

The 32-bit connectors might not be included in the repository. If they are, you would find them under a name like

If they are not there, they can be installed with: (You may want to modify this link to match your distro. I was running Scientific Linux 6, so I went to Scientific Linux's site and found the package there.)

The 32-bit connectors might not be included in the repository. If they are not there, they can be installed with: (You may want to modify this link to match your distro. I was running Scientific Linux 6, so I went to Scientific Linux's site and found the package there.)
yum install http://ftp1.scientificlinux.org/linux/scientific/6.0/i386/os/Packages/mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.5r1144-7.el6.i686.rpm

Configuring odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini

Line: 73 to 119



ISQL can be used to test the connection between MySQL and unixODBC using the MySQL ODBC Connector driver. ISQL isn't necessary for APPX to connect to MySQL, but it can be a useful tool for testing the driver APPX will be using. Bitness shouldn't be an issue with 32 bit Red Hat. A successful test should look like this:
[root@localhost ~]# isql mysql
| Connected!                            |
|                                       |
| sql-statement                         |
| help [tablename]                      |
| quit                                  |
|                                       |


ISQL can be used to test the connection between MySQL and unixODBC using the 32-bit MySQL ODBC Connector driver. ISQL isn't necessary for APPX to connect to MySQL, but it can be a useful tool for testing the driver APPX will be using. You will need to have the 32-bit ISQL file for it to be a valid test, otherwise it will be testing the 64-bit driver, which is not used in APPX. To find out the bitness of ISQL, run the file command on it. This is how it should look(ELF 32-bit):

Revision 92011-07-08 - ChrisBrower

Line: 1 to 1

APPX 4.2.9, MySQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 6/Scientific Linux 6/Oracle Linux 6

Line: 9 to 9

64-Bit Red Hat/Scientific Linux/Oracle Linux 6

APPX can connect to 64-bit MySQL using 32-bit ODBC connector drivers and some 32-bit libraries that can be installed through the package manager.


Installing MySQL

MySQL can be installed with yum by installing the following packages:

mysql.i686 : MySQL client programs and shared libraries
mysql-server.i686 : The MySQL server and related files

Installing unixODBC

UnixODBC can also be installed using yum by installing the following packages:

unixODBC.i686 : A complete ODBC driver manager for Linux
mysql-connector-odbc.i686 : ODBC driver for MySQL

Installing the ODBC Connectors

The 32-bit connectors might not be included in the repository. If they are, you would find them under a name like

Line: 71 to 83
[root@localhost ~]# file /usr/bin/isql
/usr/bin/isql: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, stripped
A positive test using ISQL should result in something like this:
[root@localhost ~]# isql mysql
| Connected!                            |
|                                       |
| sql-statement                         |
| help [tablename]                      |
| quit                                  |
|                                       |


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

Revision 82011-07-08 - ChrisBrower

Line: 1 to 1

APPX 4.2.9, MySQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 6/Scientific Linux 6/Oracle Linux 6


This document will demonstrate how to configure APPX 4.2.9 and MySQL 64 bit on a 64 bit Red Hat based Linux server using 32 bit unixODBC drivers.
This document will demonstrate how to configure APPX 4.2.9 and MySQL 64 bit on a 64 bit Red Hat based Linux server using 32 bit unixODBC drivers.

32-Bit Red Hat/Scientific Linux/Oracle Linux 6




64-Bit Red Hat/Scientific Linux/Oracle Linux 6

APPX, MySQL, and UnixODBC will all work under 64-bit Red Hat 6, but because Red Hat is 64-bit and APPX is 32-bit, it will require both the 32-bit and 64-bit MySQL ODBC Connectors, and some additional 32-bit libraries, which can be installed through the package manager.
APPX can connect to 64-bit MySQL using 32-bit ODBC connector drivers and some 32-bit libraries that can be installed through the package manager.

Installing the ODBC Connectors

The 32-bit connectors might not be included in the repository. If they are, you would find them under a name like

Line: 20 to 19

Configuring odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini

The odbcinst.ini file, found in /etc, must be configured to point to the 32-bit MySQL ODBC Connector driver. I didn't need to make any changes to this file, but if you are unable to connect, make sure the path to the driver is correct.
The odbcinst.ini file, found in /etc, must be configured to point to the 32-bit MySQL ODBC Connector driver. I didn't need to make any changes to this file, but if you are unable to connect, make sure the path to the 32-bit driver is correct.
[root@localhost etc]# cat odbcinst.ini
# Example driver definitions
Line: 59 to 58
 Because APPX is 32-bit, it will need some libraries that aren't found in 64-bit Red Hat by default. They can all be installed through the package manager. APPX will need the glibc, zlib, and libgcc libraries.
yum install glibc-2.12-1.7.el6_0.5.i686 zlib-1.2.3-25.el6.i686 libgcc.i686




ISQL can be used to test the connection between MySQL and unixODBC using the 32-bit MySQL ODBC Connector driver. ISQL isn't necessary for APPX to connect to MySQL, but it can be a useful tool for testing the driver APPX will be using. You will need to have the 32-bit ISQL file for it to be a valid test, otherwise it will be testing the 64-bit driver, which is not used in APPX. To find out the bitness of ISQL, run the file command on it. This is how it should look(ELF 32-bit):

[root@localhost ~]# file /usr/bin/isql
/usr/bin/isql: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, stripped

If it looks like this(ELF 64-bit), you will need to get the 32-bit version:

[root@localhost ~]# file /usr/bin/isql
/usr/bin/isql: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, stripped


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Revision 72011-07-07 - JoeOrtagus

Line: 1 to 1

APPX 4.2.9, MySQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 6/Scientific Linux 6/Oracle Linux 6



This document will demonstrate how to configure APPX 4.2.9 and MySQL 64 bit on a 64 bit Red Hat based Linux server using 32 bit unixODBC drivers.


32-Bit Red Hat/Scientific Linux/Oracle Linux 6


64-Bit Red Hat/Scientific Linux/Oracle Linux 6

Line: 9 to 12
 APPX, MySQL, and UnixODBC will all work under 64-bit Red Hat 6, but because Red Hat is 64-bit and APPX is 32-bit, it will require both the 32-bit and 64-bit MySQL ODBC Connectors, and some additional 32-bit libraries, which can be installed through the package manager.

Installing the ODBC Connectors

The 64-bit ODBC connectors can be installed from the package manager with the command:
yum install mysql-connector-odbc.x86_64

The 32-bit connectors might not be included in the repository. If they are, you would find them under

The 32-bit connectors might not be included in the repository. If they are, you would find them under a name like

If they are not there, they can be installed with: (You may want to modify this link to match your distro. I was running Scientific Linux 6, so I went to Scientific Linux's site and found the package there.)

Line: 21 to 20

Configuring odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini

The odbcinst.ini file, found in /etc, must be configured to point to the 64-bit MySQL ODBC Connector driver. I didn't need to make any changes to this file, but if you are unable to connect, make sure the path to the driver is correct.
The odbcinst.ini file, found in /etc, must be configured to point to the 32-bit MySQL ODBC Connector driver. I didn't need to make any changes to this file, but if you are unable to connect, make sure the path to the driver is correct.
[root@localhost etc]# cat odbcinst.ini
# Example driver definitions
# Driver from the postgresql-odbc package # Setup from the unixODBC package [PostgreSQL] Description = ODBC for PostgreSQL Driver = /usr/lib/psqlodbc.so Setup = /usr/lib/libodbcpsqlS.so Driver64 = /usr/lib64/psqlodbc.so Setup64 = /usr/lib64/libodbcpsqlS.so FileUsage = 1
  # Driver from the mysql-connector-odbc package # Setup from the unixODBC package
Line: 42 to 31
 Description = ODBC for MySQL Driver = /usr/lib/libmyodbc5.so Setup = /usr/lib/libodbcmyS.so
Driver64 = /usr/lib64/libmyodbc5.so Setup64 = /usr/lib64/libodbcmyS.so
#Driver64 = /usr/lib64/libmyodbc5.so #Setup64 = /usr/lib64/libodbcmyS.so
 FileUsage = 1 [root@localhost etc]#

Revision 62011-07-07 - ChrisBrower

Line: 1 to 1

APPX 4.2.9, MySQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 6


APPX 4.2.9, MySQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 6/Scientific Linux 6/Oracle Linux 6

32-Bit Red Hat/Scientific Linux/Oracle Linux 6


64-Bit Red Hat/Scientific Linux/Oracle Linux 6

APPX, MySQL, and UnixODBC will all work under 64-bit Red Hat 6, but because Red Hat is 64-bit and APPX is 32-bit, it will require both the 32-bit and 64-bit MySQL ODBC Connectors, and some additional 32-bit libraries, which can be installed through the package manager.

Installing the ODBC Connectors

The 64-bit ODBC connectors can be installed from the package manager with the command:

yum install mysql-connector-odbc.x86_64

The 32-bit connectors might not be included in the repository. If they are, you would find them under


If they are not there, they can be installed with: (You may want to modify this link to match your distro. I was running Scientific Linux 6, so I went to Scientific Linux's site and found the package there.)

yum install http://ftp1.scientificlinux.org/linux/scientific/6.0/i386/os/Packages/mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.5r1144-7.el6.i686.rpm

Configuring odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini

The odbcinst.ini file, found in /etc, must be configured to point to the 64-bit MySQL ODBC Connector driver. I didn't need to make any changes to this file, but if you are unable to connect, make sure the path to the driver is correct.

[root@localhost etc]# cat odbcinst.ini
# Example driver definitions

# Driver from the postgresql-odbc package
# Setup from the unixODBC package
Description    = ODBC for PostgreSQL
Driver         = /usr/lib/psqlodbc.so
Setup          = /usr/lib/libodbcpsqlS.so
Driver64       = /usr/lib64/psqlodbc.so
Setup64        = /usr/lib64/libodbcpsqlS.so
FileUsage      = 1

# Driver from the mysql-connector-odbc package
# Setup from the unixODBC package
Description    = ODBC for MySQL
Driver         = /usr/lib/libmyodbc5.so
Setup          = /usr/lib/libodbcmyS.so
Driver64       = /usr/lib64/libmyodbc5.so
Setup64        = /usr/lib64/libodbcmyS.so
FileUsage      = 1
[root@localhost etc]#

The odbc.ini file is another one that may need to be configured. It is also found in /etc. Make sure all the information there is correct. The database should match the database you are trying to connect to. Here's an example of what this file should look like, but check to make sure it is correct for your system.

[root@localhost etc]# cat odbc.ini
Description     = mysql
Driver          = mysql
Server          = localhost
Database        = test
Port            =
Socket          =
Option          =
Stmt            =
[root@localhost etc]#

Configuring appx.env

The appx.env file needs to be configured to point APPX to the 32-bit MySQL ODBC Connector drivers. I didn't have to make any changes to this file when I installed the 32-bit connector using the package manager. The line beginning with APPX_ODBC_LIB should contain the path to the 32-bit connector driver. Here is an example, but the path may be different for your system.


Additional 32-bit Libraries

Because APPX is 32-bit, it will need some libraries that aren't found in 64-bit Red Hat by default. They can all be installed through the package manager. APPX will need the glibc, zlib, and libgcc libraries.

yum install glibc-2.12-1.7.el6_0.5.i686 zlib-1.2.3-25.el6.i686 libgcc.i686


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Revision 52011-07-06 - ChrisBrower

Line: 1 to 1

APPX 4.2.9, MySQL, and UnixODBC on 64-bit Debian 5

APPX, MySQL, and UnixODBC will all work under 64-bit Debian, but because Debian is 64-bit and APPX is 32-bit, it will require two sets of drivers and some additional 32-bit libraries.

Installing the ODBC Connectors

The 64-bit ODBC connectors can be downloaded here. Untar the bundle and copy the drivers from the lib directory within it to /usr/lib/odbc/.

The 32-bit ODBC connectors can be downloaded here. Untar that bundle as well and copy the drivers from the lib directory within it to /emul/ia32-linux/lib/.

Configuring odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini

The odbcinst.ini file, found in /etc, must be configured to point to the 64-bit MySQL ODBC Connector driver, which was placed in /usr/lib/odbc. Here's an example of what it should look like, but check your system to make sure the path to the driver is correct.

debian-64:/usr/local/appx.429# cat /etc/odbcinst.ini
 #[MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver]
 Driver            = /usr/lib/odbc/libmyodbc5.so
 UsageCount        = 1

The odbc.ini file is another one that may need to be configured. It is also found in /etc. Make sure all the information there is correct. The databse should match the database you are trying to connect to. Here's an example of what this file should look like, but check to make sure it is correct for your system.

debian-64:/usr/local/appx.429# cat /etc/odbc.ini
 Description     = mysql
 Driver          = mysql
 Server          = localhost
 Database        = test
 Port            =
 Socket          =
 Option          =
 Stmt            =

Configuring appx.env

The appx.env file needs to be configured to point APPX to the 32-bit MySQL ODBC Connector drivers. To do this, open up the file, located in the data directory of APPX, and edit the APPX_ODBC_LIB line to point to the 32-bit driver that was placed in /emul/ia32-linux/lib. It should look something like this:

debian-64:/usr/local/appx.429# head         /usr/local/appx.429/data/appx.env
 #  APPX Configuration File
 #  -----------------------
 #  This file can be used to configure your APPX environment.          Upon startup, 

Additional 32-bit Libraries

Because APPX is 32-bit, it will need some libraries that aren't found in 64-bit Debian by default. They can be copied from the /lib and /usr/lib directories of a 32-bit installation or 32-bit live cd of Debian. Copy them into the /emul/ia32-linux/lib/ directory of your 64-bit Debian install. Here's a list of all the libraries APPX will need to work properly:

  • libgcc_s.so.1
  • libltdl.a
  • libltdl.la
  • libltdl.so
  • libltdl.so.3
  • libltdl.so.3.1.6
  • libodbcinst.so.1
  • libz.so.1
  • libz.so.


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.


APPX 4.2.9, MySQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 6

Revision 42011-07-05 - ChrisBrower

Line: 1 to 1

APPX 4.2.9, MySQL, and UnixODBC on 64-bit Debian 5

APPX, MySQL, and UnixODBC will all work under 64-bit Debian, but because the OS is 64-bit and APPX is 32-bit, it will require two sets of drivers and some additional 32-bit libraries. Isql will only work with the 64-bit MySQL UnixODBC connector drivers, and APPX will only work with the 32-bit ones.
APPX, MySQL, and UnixODBC will all work under 64-bit Debian, but because Debian is 64-bit and APPX is 32-bit, it will require two sets of drivers and some additional 32-bit libraries.

Installing the ODBC Connectors

The 64-bit ODBC connectors can be downloaded here. Untar the bundle and copy the drivers from the lib directory within it to /usr/lib/odbc/.

The 32-bit ODBC connectors can be downloaded here. Untar that bundle as well and copy the contents of the lib directory within it to /emul/ia32-linux/lib/.
The 32-bit ODBC connectors can be downloaded here. Untar that bundle as well and copy the drivers from the lib directory within it to /emul/ia32-linux/lib/.

Configuring odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini

Configured like this, the system will be able to make use of UnixODBC, but you will need to point APPX specifically to the 32-bit driver.
The odbcinst.ini file, found in /etc, must be configured to point to the 64-bit MySQL ODBC Connector driver, which was placed in /usr/lib/odbc. Here's an example of what it should look like, but check your system to make sure the path to the driver is correct.
debian-64:/usr/local/appx.429# cat /etc/odbcinst.ini
 #[MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver]
 Driver            = /usr/lib/odbc/libmyodbc5.so
 UsageCount        = 1

The odbc.ini file is another one that may need to be configured. It is also found in /etc. Make sure all the information there is correct. The databse should match the database you are trying to connect to. Here's an example of what this file should look like, but check to make sure it is correct for your system.

debian-64:/usr/local/appx.429# cat /etc/odbc.ini
 Description     = mysql
 Driver          = mysql
 Server          = localhost
 Database        = test
 Port            =
 Socket          =
 Option          =
 Stmt            =

Configuring appx.env

The appx.env file needs to be configured to point APPX to the 32-bit MySQL ODBC Connector drivers. To do this, open up the file, located in the data directory of APPX, and edit the APPX_ODBC_LIB line to point to the 32-bit driver that was placed in /emul/ia32-linux/lib. It should look something like this:

debian-64:/usr/local/appx.429# head         /usr/local/appx.429/data/appx.env
 #  APPX Configuration File
 #  -----------------------
 #  This file can be used to configure your APPX environment.          Upon startup, 
debian-64:/usr/local/appx.429# cat /etc/odbcinst.ini
#[MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver]
#Driver = /usr/lib/libmyodbc5.so
Driver = /usr/lib/odbc/libmyodbc5.so
UsageCount = 1

debian-64:/usr/local/appx.429# cat /etc/odbc.ini
Description = mysql
Driver = mysql
Server = localhost
Database = test
Port =
Socket =
Option =
Stmt =

Pointing APPX to the 32-bit Driver

Open appx.env and configure it so that APPX is pointed to the driver located in /emul/ia32-linux/lib

debian-64:/usr/local/appx.429# head /usr/local/appx.429/data/appx.env
# APPX Configuration File
# -----------------------
# This file can be used to configure your APPX environment. Upon startup,


Additional 32-bit Libraries

Now, APPX will need some additional libraries that aren't found in 64-bit Debian 5 by default. They can be copied from the /lib and /usr/lib directories from a 32-bit installation of Debian 5. Here is a list of the libraries you will need. Copy them into your /emul/ia32-linux/lib/ directory.
Because APPX is 32-bit, it will need some libraries that aren't found in 64-bit Debian by default. They can be copied from the /lib and /usr/lib directories of a 32-bit installation or 32-bit live cd of Debian. Copy them into the /emul/ia32-linux/lib/ directory of your 64-bit Debian install. Here's a list of all the libraries APPX will need to work properly:
  • libgcc_s.so.1
  • libltdl.a
  • libltdl.la
Line: 32 to 61
  • libodbcinst.so.1
  • libz.so.1
  • libz.so.
After everything is configured, it should all be working.


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

Revision 32011-07-01 - ChrisBrower

Line: 1 to 1

APPX 4.2.9, MySQL, and UnixODBC on 64-bit Debian 5

APPX, MySQL, and UnixODBC will all work under 64-bit Debian, but because the OS is 64-bit and APPX is 32-bit, it will require two sets of drivers and some additional 32-bit libraries. Isql will only work with the 64-bit MySQL UnixODBC connector drivers, and APPX will only work with the 32-bit ones.

Installing the ODBC Connectors

The 64-bit ODBC connectors can be downloaded here. Untar the bundle and copy the drivers from the lib directory within it to /usr/lib/odbc/.

The 32-bit ODBC connectors can be downloaded here. Untar that bundle as well and copy the contents of the lib directory within it to /emul/ia32-linux/lib/.

Configuring odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini

Configured like this, the system will be able to make use of UnixODBC, but you will need to point APPX specifically to the 32-bit driver.

debian-64:/usr/local/appx.429# cat /etc/odbcinst.ini
#[MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver]
#Driver = /usr/lib/libmyodbc5.so
Driver = /usr/lib/odbc/libmyodbc5.so
UsageCount = 1

debian-64:/usr/local/appx.429# cat /etc/odbc.ini
Description = mysql
Driver = mysql
Server = localhost
Database = test
Port =
Socket =
Option =
Stmt =

Pointing APPX to the 32-bit Driver

Open appx.env and configure it so that APPX is pointed to the driver located in /emul/ia32-linux/lib

debian-64:/usr/local/appx.429# head /usr/local/appx.429/data/appx.env
# APPX Configuration File
# -----------------------
# This file can be used to configure your APPX environment. Upon startup,

Additional 32-bit Libraries

Now, APPX will need some additional libraries that aren't found in 64-bit Debian 5 by default. They can be copied from the /lib and /usr/lib directories from a 32-bit installation of Debian 5. Here is a list of the libraries you will need. Copy them into your /emul/ia32-linux/lib/ directory.

  • libgcc_s.so.1
  • libltdl.a
  • libltdl.la
  • libltdl.so
  • libltdl.so.3
  • libltdl.so.3.1.6
  • libodbcinst.so.1
  • libz.so.1
  • libz.so.

After everything is configured, it should all be working.


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Revision 22011-06-22 - ChrisBrower

Line: 1 to 1

APPX Financials Manuals

Manuals for all of the new APPX Financials are under development, and will be made available here as each one is completed. If the manual you are seeking is not yet available, you may want to refer to the manuals for the old non-graphical applications for reference and an understanding of some basic principles and procedures.

On-line Manuals for New APPX Financials

Accounts Payable Initial Setup
General Ledger Initial Setup

Old "T-apps" Manuals

The manuals linked below are for the character-mode APPX Financial Applications (the "T-apps"), and not for the new graphical APPX Financials. These manuals contain obsolete screen shots, and are provided only as a reference for users of the old applications or for others who wish to gain an understanding of the basic workings of the apps. We apologize for any inaccurate or missing information, and we hope and expect to have manuals available shortly for all of the new applications.


APPX Software, Inc. does not assert or guarantee that the information contained in these manuals is accurate or relevant to the applications that a given customer may be running. APPX applications are designed to be customized, and any customization will naturally alter the look, operation, and work flow of an application. Furthermore, these manuals are several years old, and have not been reviewed for many years. They are not intended to be a reliable reference source for the new graphical APPX Financials.

-- ChrisBrower - 2011-06-06

Revision 12011-06-06 - ChrisBrower

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APPX Financials Manuals

Manuals for all of the new APPX Financials are under development, and will be made available here as each one is completed. If the manual you are seeking is not yet available, you may want to refer to the manuals for the old non-graphical applications for reference and an understanding of some basic principles and procedures.

On-line Manuals for New APPX Financials

Accounts Payable Initial Setup
General Ledger Initial Setup

Old "T-apps" Manuals

The manuals linked below are for the character-mode APPX Financial Applications (the "T-apps"), and not for the new graphical APPX Financials. These manuals contain obsolete screen shots, and are provided only as a reference for users of the old applications or for others who wish to gain an understanding of the basic workings of the apps. We apologize for any inaccurate or missing information, and we hope and expect to have manuals available shortly for all of the new applications.


APPX Software, Inc. does not assert or guarantee that the information contained in these manuals is accurate or relevant to the applications that a given customer may be running. APPX applications are designed to be customized, and any customization will naturally alter the look, operation, and work flow of an application. Furthermore, these manuals are several years old, and have not been reviewed for many years. They are not intended to be a reliable reference source for the new graphical APPX Financials.

-- ChrisBrower - 2011-06-06

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