Difference: WidgetLine (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42012-04-05 - AlKalter

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Line Widget

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  * Line Color - The color of the line in standard Appx RGB values. This is stored in the same WIDGET fields as Border Foreground color (WIDGET COLOR DB FG). The default color is black.
* Endcaps - This determines how line ends are drawn. They can be NONE, ROUND, or SQUARE. NONE and SQUARE look very similar. They are actually both square. The difference is that NONE squares the end off at the edge of the grid cell. SQUARE extends the endcap past the end of the line. This makes a different when you butt up to lines at a 90 degree angle. SQUARE creates a nice square corner. NONE creates a messy corner. ROUND creates a nice corner no matter what angle two lines meet. The default endcap is ROUND.
* Endcaps - This determines how line ends are drawn. They can be NONE, ROUND, or SQUARE. NONE and SQUARE look very similar. They are actually both square. The difference is that NONE squares the end off at the edge of the grid cell. SQUARE extends the endcap past the end of the line. This makes a difference when you butt up to lines at a 90 degree angle. SQUARE creates a nice square corner. NONE creates a messy corner. ROUND creates a nice corner no matter what angle two lines meet. The default endcap is ROUND.
  @ Macro Specification:

* Unit Base - @SLUB=[ W | H | # ] The unit base setting takes one of three values. A value of W sets the unit base to the current Width of a grid cell. A value of H sets the unit base to the current Height of a grid cell. A numeric value sets the unit base to that exact number of pixels. The advantage of using W or H is that if you scale your screen or page, the line weight and stroke pattern will scale proportionally. if you use a numeric pixel value, it will not change.

* Stroke Pattern - @SSP=#,#,... The stroke pattern, if not set, assumes a solid line. If set, you must give a list of numeric pairs as a comma separated list. The pair tells the line widget how many units to draw the line then how many units to draw the gap. The pattern will repeat for the length of the line. You can specifiy an unlimited number of Draw,Gap pairs to get an array of line patterns. The units are specified as a percentage of the page unit. Note: If you define and endcap other than NONE, the endcap will be drawn into the gap area and will make the drawn segments look longer and the gap segments look shorter.
* Stroke Pattern - @SSP=#,#,... The stroke pattern, if not set, assumes a solid line. If set, you must give a list of numeric pairs as a comma separated list. The pair tells the line widget how many units to draw the line then how many units to draw the gap. The pattern will repeat for the length of the line. You can specifiy an unlimited number of Draw,Gap pairs to get an array of line patterns. The units are specified as a percentage of the page unit. Note: If you define an endcap other than NONE, the endcap will be drawn into the gap area and will make the drawn segments look longer and the gap segments look shorter.
  * Stroke Pattern Offset - @SSPO=# The stroke pattern offset tells the line widget to start drawing the stroke pattern partially into the pattern instead of at the beginning of the pattern. This can help you even out the appearance of how the pattern starts and ends to look more symetrical.


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