Difference: UnicodeTranscodingFn (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42014-01-16 - JeanNeron

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META TOPICPARENT name="UnicodeTranscodingFn"

ILF Callable Unicode Engine Functions

Line: 186 to 186
    • (which was encoded in UTF-16LE form)
Note that your target field should be a UTF-32 field with the same number of characters as your source field.
Note that your target field should be a UTF-32 field with the same number of characters as your source field. You can use a RAW alpha, but it must be 4 times the number of characters in the source field, plus 1, in bytes. For example, to convert TEMP 8k (8192 characters), your target RAW alpha field must be (4*8192)+1 = 32769 bytes or larger.


Returns the name of an encoding which can be specified calling UC_TO_UCODE or UT_FROM_UCODE. To obtain the name of each encoding supported by the ICU library, initialize a uint32 (---AI for example) to 0, call UC_ENUMERATE_CNV, save the name returned in the target argument, increment, the uint32 and repeat until the CALL statement sets the next T/F flag to F.

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