Difference: UnicodeTestPlan (18 vs. 19)

Revision 192011-03-29 - JeanNeron

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Unicode Test Plan

Line: 51 to 51

Misc Bugs

  1. New debugger does not work, crashes with error when trying to read --- WIDGET.
  1. Process Generation toolbox. I used the toolbox to generate a scrolling input on the file TST BEGUNI, which contains 2 unicode fields, a 10 character key and a 30 character description. The heading size over the description field is incorrect. It should have 30 ='s underneath it, but it only has enough for the word 'Description'.
  2. Invalid (blank) occurrence number in Image Editor after hitting F11 then attempting to edit Item. * FIXED * in engine compiled 3/21
  1. Process Generation toolbox. I used the toolbox to generate a scrolling input on the file TST BEGUNI, which contains 2 unicode fields, a 10 character key and a 30 character description. The heading size over the description field is incorrect. It should have 30 ='s underneath it, but it only has enough for the word 'Description'. * FIXED* March 28 engine
  2. Invalid (blank) occurrence number in Image Editor after hitting F11 then attempting to edit Item. ** FIXED ** March 21 engine
  1. Restructure of Raw field to Unicode field crashes on exit from Restructure. Fails on other Data Management tools, Create Files ,etc. Probably not a problem with Restructure/Create per se, likely a problem displaying the scrolling list.
  2. Engine should be transcoding when fields are moved, and throwing a runtime error (like numeric overflow) if the encoding of the receiving field does not contain the necessary characters.
  3. The 'Global EPs for Images' is not highlighted when I add code to the global start of frame. None of the EP's in the Global section turn on highlighting when code is entered.
  1. Cross Reference display is messed up. Do an x-ref on APPEND NORMAL in App TST, then click 'References' to see what I mean.
  Language Translation Support:
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