Difference: UnicodeIlfLiterals (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52011-04-06 - JeanNeron

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META TOPICPARENT name="UnicodeTestPlan"

Unicode ILF Literals

Line: 21 to 21
  • If the field type of the other operand is Unicode or National the literal will compile to a UTF-32 literal.
  • If the field type of the other operand is Raw the literal will be compiled to a RAW literal.

Test Plan:


Encoding Types: (untested)


Encoding Types:

  Test Requirements:
Are unicode literals interpreted as characters when the left operand is a RAW alpha?

Are unicode literals treated correctly when the left operand is UNICODE and NATIONAL?

  1. Are unicode literals interpreted as characters when the left operand is a RAW alpha?
  2. Are unicode literals treated correctly when the left operand is UNICODE and NATIONAL?


  1. Entering invalid literals causes process not to run (first attempt) or Appx to crash (second attempt). Invalid literal examples: \U with less than 8 hex digits, or \u with non hex digits.
 \ No newline at end of file
  1. Entering invalid literals causes process not to run (first attempt) or Appx to crash (second attempt). Invalid literal examples: \U with less than 8 hex digits, or \u with non hex digits. * FIXED * April 5 engine. Invalid literals create compile time errors.
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