Difference: PUSHPOPILFStatements (20 vs. 21)

Revision 212012-02-16 - AlKalter

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PUSH & POP ILF Statements

Line: 95 to 95
 Here are a couple of ideas for additional related statements:
  • POP ALL - Empty the stack for the specified field or record
  • POP FIFO - POP the specified field or record from the bottom of the stack - FIFO (first in, first out) manner, rather than LIFO
-- SteveFrizzell - 01 Oct 2008
-- SteveFrizzell - 01 Oct 2008
Note that while PUSH/POP are similar to STORE/RESTORE, there are some significant differences. The obvious one is that multiple sequential values can be PUSHed and POPped, while STORE allows only one. There is also a difference in how Group Header fields are handled. With STORE/RESTORE, you can STORE a group header and then RESTORE individual values from within it. But because PUSH/POP recognizes different field names, that approach will not work the same way.

Example: Assume ORDER2 KEY is the key to the ORDER2 file, and is made up of ORDER2 ORDER NO and ORDER2 LINE NO. If you STORE ORDER2 KEY, then doing a RESTORE ORDER2 LINE NO will retrieve that portion of the key that was stored. But if you PUSH ORDER2 KEY and try to POP ORDER2 LINE NO, you'll see that the individual value was not retrieved.

-- AlKalter - 2012-02-16

  -- AlKalter - 04 Apr 2008
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