Difference: LaunchingAPPXDesktopClientFromWebPageViaJavaWebstart (12 vs. 13)

Revision 132009-03-06 - JoeOrtagus

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META TOPICPARENT name="APPXAdministrator"

APPX Desktop Client Launched via Java Web Start

This document will explain how to start the APPX Desktop Client via Java Web Start Technology.
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APPX Desktop Client Web Start Bundle Components


The appx32.gif file is the file used as an application runtime icon. It is referenced by the appx.jnlp file that we review later in this document.
The appx32.gif file is the file used as an application runtime icon. It is referenced by the appx.jnlp file that we review later in this document.


The APPX Desktop Client in Java jar format.



The appx-nativelib.jar file contains platform specific files for the proper execution of the appx.jar file.


The appx.html file exists only to provide someone with a link to click the appx.jnlp file. It is not technically needed because if someone entered the path to the jnlp file the application would launch just the same as if the jnlp file had been clicked from a link in the html file.
The appx.html file exists only to provide someone with a link to click the appx.jnlp file. It is not technically needed because if someone entered the path to the jnlp file the application would launch just the same as if the jnlp file had been clicked from a link in the html file.


This is an XML file that defines the environment that the APPX Desktop Client will run it. The file is made up of elements, element values, element stanzas and comments. The file is documented with comments. Let's review a few of the key elements of the appx.jnlp file.
  • The Codebase is the location of the appx.jar file.
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