Difference: HTMLTagsInPDF (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92008-04-14 - SteveFrizzell

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HTML Elements in PDF Output

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  HTML tags are not case sensitive.  They may be entered as upper case or lower case.
If no widget is specified or if a RAW TEXT widget type is specified, the contents of the field will be printed without formating.
If no widget is specified or if a RAW TEXT widget type is specified, the contents of the field will be printed without formating. A RAW TEXT widget type can be used to print the unformated field value including any html tags.
  The label value of a LABEL widget may contain HTML tags as a way of formating the label value when printed.
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 When an ALPHA field that contains end-of-paragraph characters ("¶") or underline characters ("_") is printed, these characters are not interpreted as text formating characters and are instead printed like any other characters regardless of whether the field contains HTML elements.

Supported Elements:

Top Level Elements:

  • HTML - HTML document

HTML - HTML document


The HTML element contains the entire html document.  A field whose contents is to be formated by embedded html tags must begin with an HTML element starting in position 1. The end tag of an HTML element is optional.


Generic Block Level Elements:

  • CENTER - Centered block
  • H1 - Level-one heading
  • H2 - Level-two heading
  • H3 - Level-three heading
  • H4 - Level-four heading
  • H5 - Level-five heading
  • H6 - Level-six heading
  • P - Paragraph
  • PRE - Preformated text

CENTER - Centered block


Text within a CENTER block is formated and then centered horizontally within the width of the output widget.

H1 - Level-one heading


The H1 element defines a level-one heading.  The level-one heading is the highest level heading and has the largest and boldest font size of the six possible heading levels.  A document generally has a single level-one heading representing the most important heading level.

H2 - Level-two heading


The H2 element defines a level-two heading.  A level-two heading is less important than a level-one heading and more important than a level-three heading.  The font size of a level-two heading is smaller than a level-one heading and larger than a level-three heading.

H3 - Level-three heading


The H3 element defines a level-three heading.  A level-three heading is less important than a level-two heading and more important than a level-four heading.  The font size of a level-three heading is smaller than a level-two heading and larger than a level-four heading.

H4 - Level-four heading


The H4 element defines a level-four heading.  A level-four heading is less important than a level-three heading and more important than a level-five heading.  The font size of a level-four heading is smaller than a level-three heading and larger than a level-five heading.

H5 - Level-five heading


The H5 element defines a level-five heading.  A level-five heading is less important than a level-four heading and more important than a level-six heading.  The font size of a level-five heading is smaller than a level-four heading and larger than a level-six heading.

H6 - Level-six heading


The H6 element defines a level-six heading.  A level-six heading is less important than a level-five heading. A level-six heading is the least important of the six headings.

P - Paragraph


The P element defines a paragraph.  The closing tag for a P element is optional.  A P element cannot include other block-level elements such as CENTER, PRE, or H1 thru H6.

PRE - Preformated text


The PRE element is used to print preformated text.  Preformated text is printed with a fixed space font.  White space is not compressed out and long lines are not wrapped.


Special Inline Elements:

  • A - Anchor
  • BR - Line break
  • FONT - Font change
  • SUB - Subscript
  • SUP - Superscript

A - Anchor

<A HREF=uri>...</A>

The A element is an anchor for a hypertext link that is to be embedded in the pdf document.  The HREF attribute specified a hypertext link to a web page, an image, or other types of files.

Example: <A HREF="http://www.appx.com">the APPX web site</A>

BR - Line break


The BR element forces a break in the current line.  Printing of text continues on the next line.

FONT - Font change

SUB - Subscript


The SUB element print the text within the block as a subscript.

SUP - Superscript


The SUP element print the text within the block as a superscript.


Phrase Elements:

  • EM - Emphasis
  • STRONG - Strong emphasis

EM - Emphasis

STRONG - Strong emphasis


Font Style Elements:

  • B - Bold text
  • BIG - Big text
  • I - Italic text
  • SMALL - Small text
  • TT - Teletype text
  • U - Underlined text

B - Bold text

BIG - Big text

I - Italic text

SMALL - Small text

TT - Teletype text

U - Underlined text


Font Size

APPX output processes support 28 font sizes relative to the default font size of the report.
  BIG - The enclosed text should be printed one size larger than the current font size.  <BIG>...</BIG> is the same as <FONT SIZE="+1">...</FONT>.  BIG tags can be nested in which case the inner text is one size larger than the outer text.
SMALL - The enclosed text should be printed one size smaller than the current font size. <SMALL>...</SMALL> is the same as <FONT SIZE="-1">...</FONT>.  SMALL tags can be nested in which case the intter text is one size smaller than the outer text.
SMALL - The enclosed text should be printed one size smaller than the current font size. <SMALL>...</SMALL> is the same as <FONT SIZE="-1">...</FONT>.  SMALL tags can be nested in which case the inner text is one size smaller than the outer text.
  Relative font sizes are supported <font size="+n">  or <font size="-n"> 

Absolute font sizes are supported <font size=n> where n=1 to 28. 

font color=#nnnnnn where #nnnnnn is a RGB hex value.
APPX supports 28 font sizes which are scaled relative to the default font size for the report.
font color=name is not supported.
The default font size for a report is specified (as a point size) in the FORM record in System Administration or is calculated based on the various specifications in the FORM record.  The default font size equates to <font size=10> or a font scale of 100%. The following table shows that APPX supports 28 font sizes that are all scaled relative to the default font size of the report.
font size=1 thru 28

Size Scale
HTML Font Size APPX Font Scale
 1  25%
 2  33%
 3  50% 
Line: 81 to 156
 8  90%
 9  95%
 10  100%

25%, 33%, 50%, 66%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 100%

 11  105%
 12  110%
 13  115%
 14  120%
 15  125%
 16  130%
 17  140%
 18  150%
 19  175%
 20  200%
 21  300%
 22  400%
 23  500%
 24  600%
 25  700%
 26  800%
 27  900%
 28  1000%

Font Color

APPX support 28 font sizes which are scaled relative to the default font size for the report.
font color=#nnnnnn where #nnnnnn is a RGB hex value.
The default font size for a report is specified in the FORM record in System Administration or is calculated based on the various specifications in the FORM record.  The default font size equates to <font size=10> or a scale of 100%.
font color=name is not supported.


  1. Field with no widget defined attempts to print formated html text.  Fields with no widget should not print formated html text.
  2. Field with Raw Text widget attempts to print formated html text.  Raw Text widgets should not print formated html text.
  1. SMALL does not work.  There is no noticeable difference in the size of the enclosed text.


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