Difference: HTMLTagsInPDF (13 vs. 14)

Revision 142008-04-17 - SteveFrizzell

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HTML Elements in PDF Output

Line: 262 to 262
  1. Field with Raw Text widget attempts to print formated html text.  Raw Text widgets should not print formated html text.
  2. Consecutive BR tags are not all being honored.
  3. Specification of absolute font size does not change size of text. <FONT SIZE=6> should render the text using the report's default font size with a scale factor of 80%.
  1. Text which overflows the boundaries of the field is not clipped.  For example, the top of superscripts on the first line of the field print above the top of the field boundary.
  1. Text which overflows the boundaries of the field is not being clipped.  For example, the top of superscripts on the first line of the field print above the top of the field boundary.
  2. A block level element (H1-H6, CENTER, P, PRE) which immediately follows the HTML element should not print a leading line break.
  1. A CENTER element should only perform a leading line break if the position of the CENTER element is not at the left margin of the field.  In other words, if a CENTER element is preceded by a BR tag or a closing tag of any other block level element (such as </P>) which forces a line break, the CENTER element should not perform an leading line break since the previous block was explicitly terminated resulting in a line break.
  1. A P element which immediately follows the HTML element should not have two preceding line breaks (I think one line break is common).


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