Difference: DatabaseInterfaceUpgrades (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122008-06-12 - JoeOrtagus

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Database Interface Upgrades

Compatibility with newer versions of popular databases is among the many features of APPX 4.3.
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  • Oracle 11g
The Oracle connectivity is provided by the Oracle Instant Client.

APPX to Oracle quick installation steps:


APPX to Oracle quick installation steps, with the assumption that you have a working install of Oracle 10g R2:

  • Install Oracle Instant Client Basic.
  • Make the Oracle Instant Client library files visible to the system with the ldconfig tool or it's equivalent.
  • Set, in either the APPX Login Manager's daemon environment or the appx.env file, the APPX environment variable APPX_OCI_LIB equal to the file name of the liblcntsh.so contained in the Oracle Instant Client library files (For example APPX_OCI_LIB=libclntsh.so.10.1).
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APPX to Oracle detailed installation example:

Here are the steps I used to make connection with APPX 4.3.0 and Oracle 10gR2 with both installed on the same Red Hat Enterprise 5.1, 32 bit server.
Here are the steps I used to make connection with APPX 4.3.0 and Oracle 10gR2 with both installed on the same Red Hat Enterprise 5.1, 32 bit server. I assume that you already have a working installation of Oracle 10g R2.

Create directory for Oracle Instant Client bundle to download to.

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Configure /etc/odbc.ini

The odbc.ini file contains a list of Data Sources and any properties for each. There are two types of odbc.ini files; 1) System and 2) User. The System odbc.ini file usually exists as /etc/odbc.ini or /usr/local/etc/odbc.ini while the user usually exist as ~/.odbc.ini.
 We need to build the odbc.ini file. The odbc.ini file content is driver specific (MySQL, PostgreSQL, FreeTDS, MiniSQL etc...). My file looks like this:
[root@tubes tools]# 

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Configure /etc/odbcinst.ini

This ini file simply lists all installed drivers. It is usually located in either /etc/odbcinst.ini, or /usr/local/etc/odbcinst.ini. The syntax is simple; a name followed by a property which tells us the drivers file name. For example;

[MySQL 5]
Comment = New MySQL Driver
Driver =  /usr/lib/libmysql.so.11
Setup = /usr/lib/libmysqlS.so.11
FileUsage = 1

The Driver file name ( ie /usr/lib/libsybase.so.11 ) should be unique. The friendly name ( ie MySQL 5 ) must also be unique.

The Setup property points to a shared lib containing functions to be called by ODBC Config. ODBC Config will call this share to get driver specific property names during data source configuration. If ODBC Config can not find/use this file it will assume some defaults such as; Data Source Name, Host, and default Database.

One should always modify this file either using the ODBCINST share library or by using the command line equivalent odbcinst.

We need to build the odbcinst.ini file. The odbc.ini file content is driver specific (MySQL, PostgreSQL, FreeTDS, MiniSQL etc...). My file looks like this:

[root@tubes tools]# cat /etc/odbcinst.ini
Description		= ODBC for PostgreSQL
Driver		= /usr/lib/libodbcpsql.so
Setup		= /usr/lib/libodbcpsqlS.so
FileUsage		= 1

[MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver]
DRIVER		= /usr/lib/libmyodbc3.so
UsageCount		= 1

Description	= mysql odbc connection for appx
Driver		= /usr/lib/libmyodbc3.so
UsageCount	= 1
[root@tubes tools]# 
We are only interested in the [mysql] stanza. The Description field is informational only. The Driver field is the name of the driver file that was provided by the mysql.com mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.25-0 RPM. The Description is informational only. The Pwd field contains the password for the MySQL user. Port is the port that MySQL is configured to listen on. The default is 3306. If it is something else, it would be listed in /etc/my.cnf. Server is the servername containing the MySQL instance we are connecting to. UID is the DSN's user account to connect to MySQL.

Verify DSNs are working.

We will use the isql command to make a connection to our DSN named mysql.
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