Difference: CDXYAddBarLayer (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32011-10-13 - JeanNeron

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META TOPICPARENT name="CDChartDirectorDesignerAPI"


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This subroutine adds a Bar layer to the "current" chart spec. You must have intialized the chart as an XY Chart via .CHART INITIALIZE for this to have any effect. This subroutine is typically used to add multiple data sets to a single bar layer. A Bar layer is simply a group of data points you want to plot. An XY chart can have one or more Bar layers. For example, if we wanted to plot sales by month for the current year, that would be one layer. If we wanted to show last years sales as well, that would be a second layer, and so on. Normally, multiple layers are shown separately on XY charts, however, if we want to show everything in one layer, we can use this subroutine to create the layer, then add data using fill me in.
This subroutine adds a Bar layer to the "current" chart spec and automatically links the "current" dataset to it if there is one. You must have intialized the chart as an XY Chart via .CHART INITIALIZE for this to have any effect. This subroutine is typically used to add multiple data sets to a single bar layer. A Bar layer is simply a group of data points you want to plot. An XY chart can have one or more Bar layers. For example, if we wanted to plot sales by month for the current year, that would be one layer. If we wanted to show last years sales as well, that would be a second layer, and so on. Normally, multiple layers are shown separately on XY charts, however, if we want to show everything in one layer, we can use this subroutine to create the layer, then add data using fill me in.
  This routine receives two optional values, a <data_combine_method> and a <bar_color_style>.
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 If blank or not passed, then each data set will be plotted in it's own layer.

<bar_color_style> must be either blank or 'multiple'. Blank means that every bar in the layer will be the same color. 'Multiple' means that you will set the color of each bar via fill me in.

If you have created your data set before calling this subroutine, then your "current' dataset will be linked to the layer automatically.


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