Difference: CDChartDirectorDesignerAPI (75 vs. 76)

Revision 762011-10-04 - JeanNeron

Line: 1 to 1

Chart Director API for APPX

Line: 20 to 20
  • Setting the vertical gap via .LEGEND SET GAP:V doesn't work unless you also set the horizontal gap via .LEGEND SET GAP:H. If the horizontal gap is not set, the php script doesn't include the setKeySpacing method, which controls both horizontal & vertical.
  • .PIE SET LBL LAYOUT accepts 'INSIDE' as an argument to put the labels inside the sectors, but it doesn't work.
  • .PIE SET LBL BOUNDS (and the routines to set upper/lower individually) appear to work and the generated PHP code looks right, but it seems to have no effect on the generated chart.
  • The .PIE SET SECT EDGE W subroutine sets the value in the memory files, but the rendered chart doesn't look any different. Looks like when setSectorStyle code is generated, the edge width is missing. Also, if you don't also set .PIE SET SECT SHADING, the setSectorStyle code is not generated at all, even if a width was specified.


Release 5.1.0 of the APPX Utility includes a new designer API which can be used to create charts within an APPX application. This API provides APPX Designers with a robust set of subroutines which can be called to design charts, define datasets, and render charts using datasets. These charts can then be dynamically embedded in APPX menus, input screens, and PDF reports.

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